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// Mangled symbol arrangements:
// (a) One-off internal symbol.
// pattern: {CXXBRIDGE} $ {NAME}
// examples:
// - cxxbridge1$exception
// defining characteristics:
// - 2 segments
// - starts with cxxbridge
// (b) Behavior on a builtin binding without generic parameter.
// pattern: {CXXBRIDGE} $ {TYPE} $ {NAME}
// examples:
// - cxxbridge1$string$len
// defining characteristics:
// - 3 segments
// - starts with cxxbridge
// (c) Behavior on a builtin binding with generic parameter.
// pattern: {CXXBRIDGE} $ {TYPE} $ {PARAM...} $ {NAME}
// examples:
// - cxxbridge1$box$org$rust$Struct$alloc
// - cxxbridge1$unique_ptr$std$vector$u8$drop
// defining characteristics:
// - 4+ segments
// - starts with cxxbridge
// (d) User-defined extern function.
// pattern: {NAMESPACE...} $ {CXXBRIDGE} $ {NAME}
// examples:
// - cxxbridge1$new_client
// - org$rust$cxxbridge1$new_client
// defining characteristics:
// - cxxbridge is second from end
// FIXME: conflict with (a) if they collide with one of our one-off symbol names in the global namespace
// (e) User-defined extern member function.
// pattern: {NAMESPACE...} $ {CXXBRIDGE} $ {TYPE} $ {NAME}
// examples:
// - org$cxxbridge1$Struct$get
// defining characteristics:
// - cxxbridge is third from end
// FIXME: conflict with (b) if e.g. user binds a type in global namespace that collides with our builtin type names
// (f) Operator overload.
// pattern: {NAMESPACE...} $ {CXXBRIDGE} $ {TYPE} $ operator $ {NAME}
// examples:
// - org$rust$cxxbridge1$Struct$operator$eq
// defining characteristics:
// - second segment from end is `operator` (not possible in type or namespace names)
// (g) Closure trampoline.
// pattern: {NAMESPACE...} $ {CXXBRIDGE} $ {TYPE?} $ {NAME} $ {ARGUMENT} $ {DIRECTION}
// examples:
// - org$rust$cxxbridge1$Struct$invoke$f$0
// defining characteristics:
// - last symbol is `0` (C half) or `1` (Rust half) which are not legal identifiers on their own
// Mangled preprocessor variable arrangements:
// (A) One-off internal variable.
// pattern: {CXXBRIDGE} _ {NAME}
// examples:
// defining characteristics:
// - NAME does not begin with STRUCT or ENUM
// (B) Guard around user-defined type.
// pattern: {CXXBRIDGE} _ {STRUCT or ENUM} _ {NAMESPACE...} $ {TYPE}
// examples:
// - CXXBRIDGE1_STRUCT_org$rust$Struct
// - CXXBRIDGE1_ENUM_Enabled
use crate::syntax::symbol::{self, Symbol};
use crate::syntax::{ExternFn, Pair, Types};
const CXXBRIDGE: &str = "cxxbridge1";
macro_rules! join {
($($segment:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
pub fn extern_fn(efn: &ExternFn, types: &Types) -> Symbol {
match &efn.receiver {
Some(receiver) => {
let receiver_ident = types.resolve(&receiver.ty);
None => join!(, CXXBRIDGE,,
pub fn operator(receiver: &Pair, operator: &'static str) -> Symbol {
// The C half of a function pointer trampoline.
pub fn c_trampoline(efn: &ExternFn, var: &Pair, types: &Types) -> Symbol {
join!(extern_fn(efn, types), var.rust, 0)
// The Rust half of a function pointer trampoline.
pub fn r_trampoline(efn: &ExternFn, var: &Pair, types: &Types) -> Symbol {
join!(extern_fn(efn, types), var.rust, 1)