389 lines
9.6 KiB
389 lines
9.6 KiB
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# import("//gn/skia.gni")
declare_args() {
using_fuchsia_sdk = true
# Fuchsia SDK install dir.
fuchsia_sdk_path = "//fuchsia/sdk/$host_os"
# Clang install dir.
fuchsia_toolchain_path = "//fuchsia/toolchain/$host_os"
# Path to GN-generated GN targets derived from parsing json file at
# |fuchsia_sdk_manifest_path|. The parsing logic can be found in sdk.gni.
fuchsia_sdk_root = "//build/fuchsia"
declare_args() {
fuchsia_sdk_manifest_path = "${fuchsia_sdk_path}/meta/manifest.json"
template("_fuchsia_sysroot") {
assert(defined(invoker.meta), "The meta.json file path must be specified.")
assert(target_cpu == "x64" || target_cpu == "arm64",
"We currently only support 'x64' and 'arm64' targets for fuchsia.")
meta_json = read_file(invoker.meta, "json")
assert(meta_json.type == "sysroot")
meta_json_versions = meta_json.versions
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
defs = meta_json_versions.x64
} else {
defs = meta_json_versions.arm64
_libs = []
_lib_dirs = []
_include_dirs = []
foreach(link_lib, defs.link_libs) {
if (link_lib != "arch/${target_cpu}/sysroot/lib/Scrt1.o") {
_libs += [ rebase_path("$fuchsia_sdk_path/$link_lib") ]
defs_include_dir = defs.include_dir
_include_dirs += [ rebase_path("$fuchsia_sdk_path/$defs_include_dir") ]
config_name = "config_$target_name"
config(config_name) {
lib_dirs = _lib_dirs
libs = _libs
include_dirs = _include_dirs
group(target_name) {
public_configs = [ ":$config_name" ]
template("_fuchsia_fidl_library") {
assert(defined(invoker.meta), "The meta.json file path must be specified.")
assert(target_cpu == "x64" || target_cpu == "arm64",
"We currently only support 'x64' and 'arm64' targets for fuchsia.")
meta_json = read_file(invoker.meta, "json")
assert(meta_json.type == "fidl_library")
_deps = [ "../pkg:fidl_cpp" ]
library_name = meta_json.name
library_name_json = "$library_name.json"
foreach(dep, meta_json.deps) {
_deps += [ ":$dep" ]
config_name = "config_$target_name"
config(config_name) {
include_dirs = [ target_gen_dir ]
fidl_gen_target_name = "fidlgen_$target_name"
action(fidl_gen_target_name) {
script = "//build/fuchsia/fidl_gen_cpp"
library_name_slashes = string_replace(library_name, ".", "/")
inputs = [ invoker.meta ]
outputs = [
args = [
source_set(target_name) {
public_configs = [ ":$config_name" ]
sources = get_target_outputs(":$fidl_gen_target_name")
deps = [ ":$fidl_gen_target_name" ]
public_deps = _deps
# Produce a cc source library from invoker's json file.
# Primary output is the source_set.
template("_fuchsia_cc_source_library") {
assert(defined(invoker.meta), "The meta.json file path must be specified.")
meta_json = read_file(invoker.meta, "json")
assert(meta_json.type == "cc_source_library")
_output_name = meta_json.name
_include_dirs = []
_public_headers = []
_sources = []
_deps = []
meta_json_include_dir = meta_json.include_dir
_include_dirs += [ rebase_path("$fuchsia_sdk_path/$meta_json_include_dir") ]
foreach(header, meta_json.headers) {
rebased_header = []
rebased_header = [ rebase_path("$fuchsia_sdk_path/$header") ]
_public_headers += rebased_header
_sources += rebased_header
foreach(source, meta_json.sources) {
_sources += [ "$fuchsia_sdk_path/$source" ]
config_name = "config_$target_name"
config(config_name) {
include_dirs = _include_dirs
foreach(dep, meta_json.deps) {
_deps += [ "../pkg:$dep" ]
foreach(dep, meta_json.fidl_deps) {
_deps += [ "../fidl:$dep" ]
source_set(target_name) {
output_name = _output_name
public = _public_headers
sources = _sources
public_configs = [ ":$config_name" ]
public_deps = _deps
template("_fuchsia_cc_prebuilt_library") {
assert(defined(invoker.meta), "The meta.json file path must be specified.")
meta_json = read_file(invoker.meta, "json")
_include_dirs = []
_deps = []
_libs = []
meta_json_include_dir = meta_json.include_dir
_include_dirs += [ "$fuchsia_sdk_path/$meta_json_include_dir" ]
foreach(dep, meta_json.deps) {
_deps += [ ":$dep" ]
meta_json_binaries = meta_json.binaries
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
meta_json_binaries_arch = meta_json_binaries.x64
} else {
meta_json_binaries_arch = meta_json_binaries.arm64
prebuilt_lib = meta_json_binaries_arch.link
_libs = [ "$fuchsia_sdk_path/$prebuilt_lib" ]
config_name = "config_$target_name"
config(config_name) {
include_dirs = _include_dirs
libs = _libs
group(target_name) {
public_configs = [ ":$config_name" ]
public_deps = _deps
# Read SDK manifest json file and produce gn build targets for all
# "enabled_parts" as specified by the template invoker.
# Fuchsia SDK manifest is primarily a "parts" array.
template("fuchsia_sdk") {
assert(defined(invoker.meta), "The meta.json file path must be specified.")
"A list containing the parts of the SDK to generate targets for.")
meta_json = read_file(invoker.meta, "json")
foreach(part, meta_json.parts) {
part_meta_json = {
part_meta = part.meta
part_meta_rebased = "$fuchsia_sdk_path/$part_meta"
part_meta_json = read_file(part_meta_rebased, "json")
subtarget_name = part_meta_json.name
foreach(enabled_part, invoker.enabled_parts) {
if (part.type == "cc_source_library") {
if (part.type == enabled_part) {
_fuchsia_cc_source_library(subtarget_name) {
meta = part_meta_rebased
} else if (part.type == "sysroot") {
if (part.type == enabled_part) {
_fuchsia_sysroot(subtarget_name) {
meta = part_meta_rebased
} else if (part.type == "fidl_library") {
if (part.type == enabled_part) {
_fuchsia_fidl_library(subtarget_name) {
meta = part_meta_rebased
} else if (part.type == "cc_prebuilt_library") {
if (part.type == enabled_part) {
_fuchsia_cc_prebuilt_library(subtarget_name) {
meta = part_meta_rebased
group(target_name) {
# Create package in 'gen' directory.
template("fuchsia_package") {
assert(defined(invoker.name), "The name of the package must be specified.")
assert(defined(invoker.version), "The package version must be specified.")
pkg_dir = target_gen_dir
pkg_name = invoker.name
pkg_version = invoker.version
pkg_manifest = invoker.pkg_manifest
pkg_id_path = "${pkg_dir}/meta/package"
gen_far_target_name = "gen_far_${target_name}"
pkg_archive = "${pkg_dir}/${pkg_name}-${pkg_version}.far"
action(gen_far_target_name) {
script = "//build/fuchsia/gen_package"
pm_binary = rebase_path("$fuchsia_sdk_path/tools/pm")
inputs = [ pm_binary ]
outputs = [
args = [
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
testonly = invoker.testonly
copy(target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
testonly = invoker.testonly
sources = [ pkg_archive ]
output_name = "${root_out_dir}/far/${pkg_name}.far"
outputs = [ output_name ]
deps = [ ":$gen_far_target_name" ]
# Places repo in output ('obj') directory.
template("fuchsia_repo") {
"The list of archives to publish must be specified.")
assert(defined(invoker.repo), "The location of the repo should be specified.")
action(target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
testonly = invoker.testonly
script = "//build/fuchsia/gen_repo"
pm_binary = rebase_path("$fuchsia_sdk_path/tools/pm")
repo_directory = invoker.repo
inputs = [ pm_binary ]
archive_flags = []
foreach(archive, invoker.archives) {
assert(get_path_info(archive, "extension") == "far",
"Archive '$archive' does not have the .far extension.")
inputs += [ archive ]
archive_flags += [
outputs = [ repo_directory ]
args = [
] + archive_flags
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = invoker.deps