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Building SKQP for Fuchsia

Using an arm64 device as an example, to build skqp for Fuchsia:

gn gen out/fuchsia-arm64 --args="is_official_build=false is_debug=false skia_update_fuchsia_sdk=true target_cpu=\"arm64\" target_os=\"fuchsia\" using_fuchsia_sdk=true skia_tools_require_resources=true skia_skqp_global_error_tolerance=8"

The effect of skia_update_fuchsia_sdk=true is that it will download both the Fuchsia SDK and a compatible clang for building SKQP as part of the gn gen ... step above.

Next step, compile skqp for Fuchsia:

autoninja -C out/fuchsia-arm64 ":skqp_repo"

The effect of this build will be to produce a Fuchsia package repository named skqp_repo in the out directory of the build. skqp_repo can then be served to a Fuchsia device using //fuchsia/sdk/tools/pm serve -repo skqp_repo (where // is the skia build root).

See install fuchsia packages for more on serving packages to Fuchsia devices.

Fuchsia CIPD Package Creation and Upload Procedure

These steps assume the creation of the arm64 CIPD package as an example. Because the package requires a path from the output directory of the build, the gn gen arguments must match the prescribed path declared in cipd_arm64.yaml in order for this CIPD package creation and upload to succeed.

Create CIPD Package

cipd create -pkg-def=cipd_arm64.yaml

Set CIPD Ref of latest

If applicable, set latest ref to new CIPD package.

cipd set-ref skia/fuchsia/skqp/arch/arm64 -ref latest -version mdhS7sryb2zxQuXT803Dv_XZ0r7B5j8jSbZmIi0JvOcC

Set the git-commit Tag

cipd set-tag skia/fuchsia/skqp/arch/arm64 -tag=git-commit:9c2b7cfe9080c6c4692234667a671db216a2e229 -version mdhS7sryb2zxQuXT803Dv_XZ0r7B5j8jSbZmIi0JvOcC