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void test_init_stmt_for() { for (for(;;);; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_switch() { for (switch(0) {} ; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_while() { for (while(false) {} ; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_do() { for (do {} while(false);; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_if() { for (if (false) {} ; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_break() { for (break;; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_continue() { for (continue;; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_discard() { for (discard;; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_type() { for (void;; ) {} }
void test_init_stmt_deep() { for (for(for(for(;;);;);;);;) {} }