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#Topic MemoryStream
#Alias MemoryStream_Reference ##
#Class SkMemoryStream
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method SkMemoryStream()
#In Constructors
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method SkMemoryStream(size_t length)
#In Constructors
#Line # incomplete ##
Allocates memory for stream data. Call getMemoryBase() to access allocated
#Param length incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method SkMemoryStream(const void* data, size_t length, bool copyData = false)
#In Constructors
#Line # incomplete ##
If copyData is true, the stream makes a private copy of the data.
#Param data incomplete ##
#Param length incomplete ##
#Param copyData incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method SkMemoryStream(sk_sp<SkData> data)
#In Constructors
#Line # incomplete ##
Creates the stream to read from the specified data
#Param data incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static std::unique_ptr<SkMemoryStream> MakeCopy(const void* data, size_t length)
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
Returns a stream with a copy of the input data.
#Param data incomplete ##
#Param length incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static std::unique_ptr<SkMemoryStream> MakeDirect(const void* data, size_t length)
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
Returns a stream with a bare pointer reference to the input data.
#Param data incomplete ##
#Param length incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static std::unique_ptr<SkMemoryStream> Make(sk_sp<SkData> data)
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
Returns a stream with a shared reference to the input data.
#Param data incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method virtual void setMemory(const void* data, size_t length,
bool copyData = false)
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
Resets the stream to the specified data and length,
just like the constructor.
if copyData is true, the stream makes a private copy of the data
#Param data incomplete ##
#Param length incomplete ##
#Param copyData incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method sk_sp<SkData> asData() const
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method void setData(sk_sp<SkData> data)
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Param data incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method void skipToAlign4()
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method const void* getAtPos()
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Param buffer incomplete ##
#Param size incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method bool isAtEnd() const override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method size_t peek(void* buffer, size_t size) const override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Param buffer incomplete ##
#Param size incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method bool rewind() override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method std::unique_ptr<SkMemoryStream> duplicate() const
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method size_t getPosition() const override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method bool seek(size_t position) override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Param position incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method bool move(long offset) override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Param offset incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method std::unique_ptr<SkMemoryStream> fork() const
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method size_t getLength() const override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method const void* getMemoryBase() override
#In incomplete
#Line # incomplete ##
#Return incomplete ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso incomplete
#Method ##
#Class SkMemoryStream ##
#Topic MemoryStream ##