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#!/bin/bash -eux
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Work in scratch directory
cd "$OUTDIR"
# The input BIOS images are all signed with MP keys. We resign them with dev
# keys, which means we can precalculate the expected results. Note that the
# script does not change the root or recovery keys in the GBB.
# We also want to test that we can sign an image without any valid firmware
# preambles. That one won't be able to tell how much of the FW_MAIN region is
# the valid firmware, so it'll have to sign the entire region.
${FUTILITY} load_fmap ${ONEMORE} VBLOCK_A:/dev/urandom VBLOCK_B:/dev/zero
set -o pipefail
for infile in $INFILES; do
: $(( count++ ))
echo -n "$count " 1>&3
mkdir -p ${loemdir}
# works on BIOS image files. The args are:
# infile
# outfile
# firmware_datakey
# firmware_keyblock
# dev_firmware_datakey (these are only used if RW A & RW B differ)
# dev_firmware_keyblock
# kernel_subkey
# firmware_version
# preamble_flag
# loem_output_dir (optional: dir for copy of new vblocks)
# loemid (optional: copy new vblocks using this name)
#OLD ${infile} \
#OLD ${outfile} \
#OLD ${KEYDIR}/firmware_data_key.vbprivk \
#OLD ${KEYDIR}/firmware.keyblock \
#OLD ${KEYDIR}/dev_firmware_data_key.vbprivk \
#OLD ${KEYDIR}/dev_firmware.keyblock \
#OLD ${KEYDIR}/kernel_subkey.vbpubk \
#OLD 14 \
#OLD 8 \
#OLD ${loemdir} \
#OLD ${loemid}
${FUTILITY} sign \
-s ${KEYDIR}/firmware_data_key.vbprivk \
-b ${KEYDIR}/firmware.keyblock \
-S ${KEYDIR}/dev_firmware_data_key.vbprivk \
-B ${KEYDIR}/dev_firmware.keyblock \
-k ${KEYDIR}/kernel_subkey.vbpubk \
-v 14 \
-f 8 \
-d ${loemdir} \
-l ${loemid} \
${infile} ${outfile}
# check the firmware version and preamble flags
m=$(${FUTILITY} verify --publickey ${KEYDIR}/root_key.vbpubk ${outfile} \
| egrep 'Firmware version: +14$|Preamble flags: +8$' | wc -l)
[ "$m" = "4" ]
# check the sha1sums
${FUTILITY} verify --publickey ${KEYDIR}/root_key.vbpubk ${outfile} \
| grep sha1sum \
| sed -e 's/.*: \+//' > ${TMP}.${base}
cmp ${SCRIPTDIR}/data_${base}_expect.txt ${TMP}.${base}
# and the LOEM stuff
${FUTILITY} dump_fmap -x ${outfile} \
FW_MAIN_A:${loemdir}/fw_main_A FW_MAIN_B:${loemdir}/fw_main_B \
"Firmware A Data":${loemdir}/fw_main_A \
"Firmware B Data":${loemdir}/fw_main_B
${FUTILITY} verify --publickey ${KEYDIR}/root_key.vbpubk \
--fv ${loemdir}/fw_main_A \
${loemdir}/vblock_A.${loemid} | grep sha1sum \
| sed -e 's/.*: \+//' > ${loemdir}/
${FUTILITY} verify --publickey ${KEYDIR}/root_key.vbpubk \
--fv ${loemdir}/fw_main_B \
${loemdir}/vblock_B.${loemid} | grep sha1sum \
| sed -e 's/.*: \+//' >> ${loemdir}/
# the vblocks don't have root or recovery keys
tail -4 ${SCRIPTDIR}/data_${base}_expect.txt > ${loemdir}/sha.expect
cmp ${loemdir}/sha.expect ${loemdir}/
# Make sure that the BIOS with the good vblocks signed the right size.
${FUTILITY} verify --publickey ${KEYDIR}/root_key.vbpubk ${GOOD_OUT} \
| awk '/Firmware body size:/ {print $4}' > ${TMP}.good.body
${FUTILITY} dump_fmap -p ${GOOD_OUT} \
| awk '/FW_MAIN_/ {print $3}' > ${TMP}.good.fw_main
# This should fail because they're different
if cmp ${TMP}.good.body ${TMP}.good.fw_main; then false; fi
# Make sure that the BIOS with the bad vblocks signed the whole fw body
${FUTILITY} verify --publickey ${KEYDIR}/root_key.vbpubk ${MORE_OUT} \
| awk '/Firmware body size:/ {print $4}' > ${TMP}.onemore.body
${FUTILITY} dump_fmap -p ${MORE_OUT} \
| awk '/FW_MAIN_/ {print $3}' > ${TMP}.onemore.fw_main
# These should match
cmp ${TMP}.onemore.body ${TMP}.onemore.fw_main
cmp ${TMP}.onemore.body ${TMP}.good.fw_main
# Sign the last one again but don't specify the version or the preamble flags.
# The version should default to 1, but the preamble flags should be preserved.
: $(( count++ ))
echo -n "$count " 1>&3
${FUTILITY} sign \
-s ${KEYDIR}/firmware_data_key.vbprivk \
-b ${KEYDIR}/firmware.keyblock \
-S ${KEYDIR}/dev_firmware_data_key.vbprivk \
-B ${KEYDIR}/dev_firmware.keyblock \
-k ${KEYDIR}/kernel_subkey.vbpubk \
m=$(${FUTILITY} verify --publickey ${KEYDIR}/root_key.vbpubk ${MORE_OUT}.2 \
| egrep 'Firmware version: +1$|Preamble flags: +8$' | wc -l)
[ "$m" = "4" ]
# If the original preamble is not present, the preamble flags should be zero.
: $(( count++ ))
echo -n "$count " 1>&3
${FUTILITY} load_fmap ${MORE_OUT} VBLOCK_A:/dev/urandom VBLOCK_B:/dev/zero
${FUTILITY} sign \
-s ${KEYDIR}/firmware_data_key.vbprivk \
-b ${KEYDIR}/firmware.keyblock \
-S ${KEYDIR}/dev_firmware_data_key.vbprivk \
-B ${KEYDIR}/dev_firmware.keyblock \
-k ${KEYDIR}/kernel_subkey.vbpubk \
m=$(${FUTILITY} verify --publickey ${KEYDIR}/root_key.vbpubk ${MORE_OUT}.3 \
| egrep 'Firmware version: +1$|Preamble flags: +0$' | wc -l)
[ "$m" = "4" ]
# cleanup
rm -rf ${TMP}* ${ONEMORE}
exit 0