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* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "DvrTests.h"
void DvrCallback::startPlaybackInputThread(string& dataInputFile, PlaybackSettings& settings,
MQDesc& playbackMQDescriptor) {
mInputDataFile = dataInputFile;
mPlaybackSettings = settings;
mPlaybackMQ = std::make_unique<FilterMQ>(playbackMQDescriptor, true /* resetPointers */);
pthread_create(&mPlaybackThread, NULL, __threadLoopPlayback, this);
pthread_setname_np(mPlaybackThread, "test_playback_input_loop");
void DvrCallback::stopPlaybackThread() {
mPlaybackThreadRunning = false;
mKeepWritingPlaybackFMQ = false;
android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mPlaybackThreadLock);
void* DvrCallback::__threadLoopPlayback(void* user) {
DvrCallback* const self = static_cast<DvrCallback*>(user);
return 0;
void DvrCallback::playbackThreadLoop() {
android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mPlaybackThreadLock);
mPlaybackThreadRunning = true;
// Create the EventFlag that is used to signal the HAL impl that data have been
// written into the Playback FMQ
EventFlag* playbackMQEventFlag;
EXPECT_TRUE(EventFlag::createEventFlag(mPlaybackMQ->getEventFlagWord(), &playbackMQEventFlag) ==
int fd = open(mInputDataFile.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE);
int readBytes;
uint32_t regionSize = 0;
uint8_t* buffer;
ALOGW("[vts] playback thread loop start %s", mInputDataFile.c_str());
if (fd < 0) {
EXPECT_TRUE(fd >= 0) << "Failed to open: " + mInputDataFile;
mPlaybackThreadRunning = false;
ALOGW("[vts] Error %s", strerror(errno));
while (mPlaybackThreadRunning) {
while (mKeepWritingPlaybackFMQ) {
int totalWrite = mPlaybackMQ->availableToWrite();
if (totalWrite * 4 < mPlaybackMQ->getQuantumCount()) {
// Wait for the HAL implementation to read more data then write.
MessageQueue<uint8_t, kSynchronizedReadWrite>::MemTransaction memTx;
if (!mPlaybackMQ->beginWrite(totalWrite, &memTx)) {
ALOGW("[vts] Fail to write into Playback fmq.");
mPlaybackThreadRunning = false;
auto first = memTx.getFirstRegion();
buffer = first.getAddress();
regionSize = first.getLength();
if (regionSize > 0) {
readBytes = read(fd, buffer, regionSize);
if (readBytes <= 0) {
if (readBytes < 0) {
ALOGW("[vts] Read from %s failed.", mInputDataFile.c_str());
} else {
ALOGW("[vts] playback input EOF.");
mPlaybackThreadRunning = false;
if (regionSize == 0 || (readBytes == regionSize && regionSize < totalWrite)) {
auto second = memTx.getSecondRegion();
buffer = second.getAddress();
regionSize = second.getLength();
int ret = read(fd, buffer, regionSize);
if (ret <= 0) {
if (ret < 0) {
ALOGW("[vts] Read from %s failed.", mInputDataFile.c_str());
} else {
ALOGW("[vts] playback input EOF.");
mPlaybackThreadRunning = false;
readBytes += ret;
if (!mPlaybackMQ->commitWrite(readBytes)) {
ALOGW("[vts] Failed to commit write playback fmq.");
mPlaybackThreadRunning = false;
mPlaybackThreadRunning = false;
ALOGW("[vts] Playback thread end.");
void DvrCallback::testRecordOutput() {
android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMsgLock);
while (mDataOutputBuffer.empty()) {
if (-ETIMEDOUT == mMsgCondition.waitRelative(mMsgLock, WAIT_TIMEOUT)) {
EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "record output matching pid does not output within timeout";
ALOGW("[vts] record pass and stop");
void DvrCallback::startRecordOutputThread(RecordSettings recordSettings,
MQDesc& recordMQDescriptor) {
mRecordMQ = std::make_unique<FilterMQ>(recordMQDescriptor, true /* resetPointers */);
struct RecordThreadArgs* threadArgs =
(struct RecordThreadArgs*)malloc(sizeof(struct RecordThreadArgs));
threadArgs->user = this;
threadArgs->recordSettings = &recordSettings;
threadArgs->keepReadingRecordFMQ = &mKeepReadingRecordFMQ;
pthread_create(&mRecordThread, NULL, __threadLoopRecord, (void*)threadArgs);
pthread_setname_np(mRecordThread, "test_record_input_loop");
void* DvrCallback::__threadLoopRecord(void* threadArgs) {
DvrCallback* const self =
static_cast<DvrCallback*>(((struct RecordThreadArgs*)threadArgs)->user);
self->recordThreadLoop(((struct RecordThreadArgs*)threadArgs)->recordSettings,
((struct RecordThreadArgs*)threadArgs)->keepReadingRecordFMQ);
return 0;
void DvrCallback::recordThreadLoop(RecordSettings* /*recordSettings*/, bool* keepReadingRecordFMQ) {
ALOGD("[vts] DvrCallback record threadLoop start.");
android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mRecordThreadLock);
mRecordThreadRunning = true;
mKeepReadingRecordFMQ = true;
// Create the EventFlag that is used to signal the HAL impl that data have been
// read from the Record FMQ
EventFlag* recordMQEventFlag;
EXPECT_TRUE(EventFlag::createEventFlag(mRecordMQ->getEventFlagWord(), &recordMQEventFlag) ==
while (mRecordThreadRunning) {
while (*keepReadingRecordFMQ) {
uint32_t efState = 0;
android::status_t status = recordMQEventFlag->wait(
static_cast<uint32_t>(DemuxQueueNotifyBits::DATA_READY), &efState, WAIT_TIMEOUT,
true /* retry on spurious wake */);
if (status != android::OK) {
ALOGD("[vts] wait for data ready on the record FMQ");
// Our current implementation filter the data and write it into the filter FMQ
// immediately after the DATA_READY from the VTS/framework
if (!readRecordFMQ()) {
ALOGW("[vts] record data failed to be filtered. Ending thread");
mRecordThreadRunning = false;
mRecordThreadRunning = false;
ALOGD("[vts] record thread ended.");
bool DvrCallback::readRecordFMQ() {
android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMsgLock);
bool result = false;
result = mRecordMQ->read(, mRecordMQ->availableToRead());
EXPECT_TRUE(result) << "can't read from Record MQ";
return result;
void DvrCallback::stopRecordThread() {
mKeepReadingRecordFMQ = false;
mRecordThreadRunning = false;
AssertionResult DvrTests::openDvrInDemux(DvrType type, uint32_t bufferSize) {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
// Create dvr callback
if (type == DvrType::PLAYBACK) {
mDvrPlaybackCallback = new DvrCallback();
mDemux->openDvr(type, bufferSize, mDvrPlaybackCallback,
[&](Result result, const sp<IDvr>& dvr) {
mDvrPlayback = dvr;
status = result;
if (status == Result::SUCCESS) {
if (type == DvrType::RECORD) {
mDvrRecordCallback = new DvrCallback();
mDemux->openDvr(type, bufferSize, mDvrRecordCallback,
[&](Result result, const sp<IDvr>& dvr) {
mDvrRecord = dvr;
status = result;
if (status == Result::SUCCESS) {
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::configDvrPlayback(DvrSettings setting) {
Result status = mDvrPlayback->configure(setting);
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::configDvrRecord(DvrSettings setting) {
Result status = mDvrRecord->configure(setting);
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::getDvrPlaybackMQDescriptor() {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
EXPECT_TRUE(mDvrPlayback) << "Test with openDvr first.";
mDvrPlayback->getQueueDesc([&](Result result, const MQDesc& dvrMQDesc) {
mDvrPlaybackMQDescriptor = dvrMQDesc;
status = result;
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::getDvrRecordMQDescriptor() {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
EXPECT_TRUE(mDvrRecord) << "Test with openDvr first.";
mDvrRecord->getQueueDesc([&](Result result, const MQDesc& dvrMQDesc) {
mDvrRecordMQDescriptor = dvrMQDesc;
status = result;
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::attachFilterToDvr(sp<IFilter> filter) {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
EXPECT_TRUE(mDvrRecord) << "Test with openDvr first.";
status = mDvrRecord->attachFilter(filter);
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::detachFilterToDvr(sp<IFilter> filter) {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
EXPECT_TRUE(mDvrRecord) << "Test with openDvr first.";
status = mDvrRecord->detachFilter(filter);
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::startDvrPlayback() {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
EXPECT_TRUE(mDvrPlayback) << "Test with openDvr first.";
status = mDvrPlayback->start();
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::stopDvrPlayback() {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
EXPECT_TRUE(mDvrPlayback) << "Test with openDvr first.";
status = mDvrPlayback->stop();
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
void DvrTests::closeDvrPlayback() {
ASSERT_TRUE(mDvrPlayback->close() == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::startDvrRecord() {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
EXPECT_TRUE(mDvrRecord) << "Test with openDvr first.";
status = mDvrRecord->start();
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
AssertionResult DvrTests::stopDvrRecord() {
Result status;
EXPECT_TRUE(mDemux) << "Test with openDemux first.";
EXPECT_TRUE(mDvrRecord) << "Test with openDvr first.";
status = mDvrRecord->stop();
return AssertionResult(status == Result::SUCCESS);
void DvrTests::closeDvrRecord() {
ASSERT_TRUE(mDvrRecord->close() == Result::SUCCESS);