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2732 lines
68 KiB
2732 lines
68 KiB
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"name" : "_Z12EndIterationPv"
"name" : "_Z13OpenArchiveFdiPKcPP10ZipArchiveb"
"name" : "_Z14StartIterationP10ZipArchivePPvPK9ZipStringS5_"
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"name" : "_Z15ExtractToWriterP10ZipArchiveP8ZipEntryPN11zip_archive6WriterE"
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"name" : "_ZN11zip_archive6WriterD1Ev"
"name" : "_ZN11zip_archive6WriterD2Ev"
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"parameters" :
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"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_archive.h"
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"parameters" :
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"parameters" :
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"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_archive_stream_entry.h"
"function_name" : "ZipArchiveStreamEntry::Create",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN21ZipArchiveStreamEntry6CreateEP10ZipArchiveRK8ZipEntry",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-13"
"return_type" : "type-12",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_archive_stream_entry.h"
"function_name" : "ZipArchiveStreamEntry::CreateRaw",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN21ZipArchiveStreamEntry9CreateRawEP10ZipArchiveRK8ZipEntry",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-13"
"return_type" : "type-12",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_archive_stream_entry.h"
"function_name" : "ZipString::ZipString",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipStringC1EPKc",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-96"
"referenced_type" : "type-85"
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"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_archive.h"
"function_name" : "ZipString::ZipString",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipStringC2EPKc",
"parameters" :
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"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_archive.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::StartEntry",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter10StartEntryEPKcj",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-85"
"referenced_type" : "type-6"
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"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"access" : "private",
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::StoreBytes",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter10StoreBytesEPNS_9FileEntryEPKvj",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-32"
"referenced_type" : "type-82"
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"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::WriteBytes",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter10WriteBytesEPKvj",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-82"
"referenced_type" : "type-6"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::FinishEntry",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter11FinishEntryEv",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"access" : "private",
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::HandleError",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter11HandleErrorEi",
"parameters" :
"is_this_ptr" : true,
"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-21"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::GetLastEntry",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter12GetLastEntryEPNS_9FileEntryE",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-32"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"access" : "private",
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::CompressBytes",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter13CompressBytesEPNS_9FileEntryEPKvj",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-32"
"referenced_type" : "type-82"
"referenced_type" : "type-6"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"access" : "private",
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::PrepareDeflate",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter14PrepareDeflateEv",
"parameters" :
"is_this_ptr" : true,
"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter15ErrorCodeStringEi",
"parameters" :
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"return_type" : "type-85",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::DiscardLastEntry",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter16DiscardLastEntryEv",
"parameters" :
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"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::StartAlignedEntry",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter17StartAlignedEntryEPKcjj",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-85"
"referenced_type" : "type-6"
"referenced_type" : "type-6"
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"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::StartEntryWithTime",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter18StartEntryWithTimeEPKcjl",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-85"
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"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"access" : "private",
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::FlushCompressedBytes",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter20FlushCompressedBytesEPNS_9FileEntryE",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-32"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::StartAlignedEntryWithTime",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter25StartAlignedEntryWithTimeEPKcjlj",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-85"
"referenced_type" : "type-6"
"referenced_type" : "type-31"
"referenced_type" : "type-6"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::Finish",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriter6FinishEv",
"parameters" :
"is_this_ptr" : true,
"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"return_type" : "type-21",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::ZipWriter",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriterC1EOS_",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-29"
"return_type" : "type-47",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::ZipWriter",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriterC1EP7__sFILE",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-28"
"referenced_type" : "type-18"
"return_type" : "type-47",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::ZipWriter",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriterC2EOS_",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-29"
"return_type" : "type-47",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::ZipWriter",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriterC2EP7__sFILE",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-18"
"return_type" : "type-47",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipWriter::operator=",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZN9ZipWriteraSEOS_",
"parameters" :
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"referenced_type" : "type-29"
"return_type" : "type-30",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
"function_name" : "ZipEntry::GetModificationTime",
"linker_set_key" : "_ZNK8ZipEntry19GetModificationTimeEv",
"parameters" :
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"return_type" : "type-126",
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_archive.h"
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"kind" : "deleting_dtor_pointer",
"mangled_component_name" : "_ZN11zip_archive6ReaderD0Ev"
"alignment" : 4,
"linker_set_key" : "zip_archive::Writer",
"name" : "zip_archive::Writer",
"record_kind" : "class",
"referenced_type" : "type-54",
"self_type" : "type-54",
"size" : 4,
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_archive.h",
"unique_id" : "_ZTSN11zip_archive6WriterE",
"vtable_components" :
"kind" : "offset_to_top"
"kind" : "rtti",
"mangled_component_name" : "_ZTIN11zip_archive6WriterE"
"is_pure" : true,
"mangled_component_name" : "_ZN11zip_archive6Writer6AppendEPhj"
"kind" : "complete_dtor_pointer",
"mangled_component_name" : "_ZN11zip_archive6WriterD1Ev"
"kind" : "deleting_dtor_pointer",
"mangled_component_name" : "_ZN11zip_archive6WriterD0Ev"
"rvalue_reference_types" :
"alignment" : 4,
"linker_set_key" : "ZipWriter &&",
"name" : "ZipWriter &&",
"referenced_type" : "type-17",
"self_type" : "type-29",
"size" : 4,
"source_file" : "/system/core/libziparchive/include/ziparchive/zip_writer.h"