You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

271 lines
8.9 KiB

//===-- lldb-private-enumerations.h -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef LLDB_lldb_private_enumerations_h_
#define LLDB_lldb_private_enumerations_h_
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatProviders.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace lldb_private {
// Thread Step Types
enum StepType {
eStepTypeTrace, ///< Single step one instruction.
eStepTypeTraceOver, ///< Single step one instruction, stepping over.
eStepTypeInto, ///< Single step into a specified context.
eStepTypeOver, ///< Single step over a specified context.
eStepTypeOut, ///< Single step out a specified context.
eStepTypeScripted ///< A step type implemented by the script interpreter.
// Address Types
enum AddressType {
eAddressTypeInvalid = 0,
eAddressTypeFile, ///< Address is an address as found in an object or symbol
/// file
eAddressTypeLoad, ///< Address is an address as in the current target inferior
/// process
eAddressTypeHost ///< Address is an address in the process that is running
/// this code
// Address Class
// A way of classifying an address used for disassembling and setting
// breakpoints. Many object files can track exactly what parts of their object
// files are code, data and other information. This is of course above and
// beyond just looking at the section types. For example, code might contain PC
// relative data and the object file might be able to tell us that an address
// in code is data.
enum class AddressClass {
// Votes - Need a tri-state, yes, no, no opinion...
enum Vote { eVoteNo = -1, eVoteNoOpinion = 0, eVoteYes = 1 };
enum ArchitectureType {
/// Settable state variable types.
// typedef enum SettableVariableType
// eSetVarTypeInt,
// eSetVarTypeBoolean,
// eSetVarTypeString,
// eSetVarTypeArray,
// eSetVarTypeDictionary,
// eSetVarTypeEnum,
// eSetVarTypeNone
//} SettableVariableType;
enum VarSetOperationType {
enum ArgumentRepetitionType {
eArgRepeatPlain, // Exactly one occurrence
eArgRepeatOptional, // At most one occurrence, but it's optional
eArgRepeatPlus, // One or more occurrences
eArgRepeatStar, // Zero or more occurrences
eArgRepeatRange, // Repetition of same argument, from 1 to n
eArgRepeatPairPlain, // A pair of arguments that must always go together
// ([arg-type arg-value]), occurs exactly once
eArgRepeatPairOptional, // A pair that occurs at most once (optional)
eArgRepeatPairPlus, // One or more occurrences of a pair
eArgRepeatPairStar, // Zero or more occurrences of a pair
eArgRepeatPairRange, // A pair that repeats from 1 to n
eArgRepeatPairRangeOptional // A pair that repeats from 1 to n, but is
// optional
enum SortOrder { eSortOrderNone, eSortOrderByAddress, eSortOrderByName };
// LazyBool is for boolean values that need to be calculated lazily. Values
// start off set to eLazyBoolCalculate, and then they can be calculated once
// and set to eLazyBoolNo or eLazyBoolYes.
enum LazyBool { eLazyBoolCalculate = -1, eLazyBoolNo = 0, eLazyBoolYes = 1 };
/// Instruction types
enum InstructionType {
eInstructionTypeAny, // Support for any instructions at all (at least one)
eInstructionTypePrologueEpilogue, // All prologue and epilogue instructions
// that push and pop register values and
// modify sp/fp
eInstructionTypePCModifying, // Any instruction that modifies the program
// counter/instruction pointer
eInstructionTypeAll // All instructions of any kind
/// Format category entry types
enum FormatCategoryItem {
eFormatCategoryItemSummary = 0x0001,
eFormatCategoryItemRegexSummary = 0x0002,
eFormatCategoryItemFilter = 0x0004,
eFormatCategoryItemRegexFilter = 0x0008,
eFormatCategoryItemSynth = 0x0010,
eFormatCategoryItemRegexSynth = 0x0020,
eFormatCategoryItemValue = 0x0040,
eFormatCategoryItemRegexValue = 0x0080,
eFormatCategoryItemValidator = 0x0100,
eFormatCategoryItemRegexValidator = 0x0200
/// Expression execution policies
enum ExecutionPolicy {
eExecutionPolicyTopLevel // used for top-level code
// Ways that the FormatManager picks a particular format for a type
enum FormatterChoiceCriterion {
eFormatterChoiceCriterionDirectChoice = 0x00000000,
eFormatterChoiceCriterionStrippedPointerReference = 0x00000001,
eFormatterChoiceCriterionNavigatedTypedefs = 0x00000002,
eFormatterChoiceCriterionRegularExpressionSummary = 0x00000004,
eFormatterChoiceCriterionRegularExpressionFilter = 0x00000004,
eFormatterChoiceCriterionLanguagePlugin = 0x00000008,
eFormatterChoiceCriterionStrippedBitField = 0x00000010,
eFormatterChoiceCriterionWentToStaticValue = 0x00000020
// Synchronicity behavior of scripted commands
enum ScriptedCommandSynchronicity {
eScriptedCommandSynchronicityCurrentValue // use whatever the current
// synchronicity is
// Verbosity mode of "po" output
enum LanguageRuntimeDescriptionDisplayVerbosity {
eLanguageRuntimeDescriptionDisplayVerbosityCompact, // only print the
// description string, if
// any
eLanguageRuntimeDescriptionDisplayVerbosityFull, // print the full-blown
// output
// Loading modules from memory
enum MemoryModuleLoadLevel {
eMemoryModuleLoadLevelMinimal, // Load sections only
eMemoryModuleLoadLevelPartial, // Load function bounds but no symbols
eMemoryModuleLoadLevelComplete, // Load sections and all symbols
// Result enums for when reading multiple lines from IOHandlers
enum class LineStatus {
Success, // The line that was just edited if good and should be added to the
// lines
Status, // There is an error with the current line and it needs to be
// re-edited
// before it can be accepted
Done // Lines are complete
// Boolean result of running a Type Validator
enum class TypeValidatorResult : bool { Success = true, Failure = false };
// Enumerations that can be used to specify scopes types when looking up types.
enum class CompilerContextKind : uint16_t {
Invalid = 0,
TranslationUnit = 1,
Module = 1 << 1,
Namespace = 1 << 2,
Class = 1 << 3,
Struct = 1 << 4,
Union = 1 << 5,
Function = 1 << 6,
Variable = 1 << 7,
Enum = 1 << 8,
Typedef = 1 << 9,
Any = 1 << 15,
/// Match 0..n nested modules.
AnyModule = Any | Module,
/// Match any type.
AnyType = Any | Class | Struct | Union | Enum | Typedef
// Enumerations that can be used to specify the kind of metric we're looking at
// when collecting stats.
enum StatisticKind {
ExpressionSuccessful = 0,
ExpressionFailure = 1,
FrameVarSuccess = 2,
FrameVarFailure = 3,
StatisticMax = 4
inline std::string GetStatDescription(lldb_private::StatisticKind K) {
switch (K) {
case StatisticKind::ExpressionSuccessful:
return "Number of expr evaluation successes";
case StatisticKind::ExpressionFailure:
return "Number of expr evaluation failures";
case StatisticKind::FrameVarSuccess:
return "Number of frame var successes";
case StatisticKind::FrameVarFailure:
return "Number of frame var failures";
case StatisticKind::StatisticMax:
return "";
llvm_unreachable("Statistic not registered!");
} // namespace lldb_private
namespace llvm {
template <> struct format_provider<lldb_private::Vote> {
static void format(const lldb_private::Vote &V, llvm::raw_ostream &Stream,
StringRef Style) {
switch (V) {
case lldb_private::eVoteNo:
Stream << "no";
case lldb_private::eVoteNoOpinion:
Stream << "no opinion";
case lldb_private::eVoteYes:
Stream << "yes";
Stream << "invalid";
#endif // LLDB_lldb_private_enumerations_h_