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184 lines
4.6 KiB

method A.<init>():void
.src ""
.line 2
.line 2
0| move-object v0, v2
.local v0, "this", A
1| move-object v1, v0
2| invoke-direct {v1}, java.lang.Throwable.<init>():void
5| invoke-static/range {}, Tracer.OnExit():void
8| return-void
method B.<init>():void
.src ""
.line 6
.line 6
0| move-object v0, v2
.local v0, "this", B
1| move-object v1, v0
2| invoke-direct {v1}, java.lang.Throwable.<init>():void
5| invoke-static/range {}, Tracer.OnExit():void
8| return-void
method TryCatch.<init>():void
.src ""
.line 10
.line 10
0| move-object v0, v2
.local v0, "this", TryCatch
1| move-object v1, v0
2| invoke-direct {v1}, java.lang.Object.<init>():void
5| invoke-static/range {}, Tracer.OnExit():void
8| return-void
.params "?"
.src ""
.line 27
.line 27
0| move v0, v4
.local v0, "x", int
1| move v1, v0
2| if-lez v1, Label_4
.line 28
4| move v1, v0
5| packed-switch v1, Label_5
.line 31
8| const/4 v1, #+1 (0x00000001 | 1.40130e-45)
9| move v0, v1
.line 34
.end_local v0
10| invoke-static/range {v0..v0}, Tracer.OnExit(int):int
13| move-result v0
14| return v0
.line 29
.restart_local v0
15| new-instance v1, A
17| move-object v3, v1
18| move-object v1, v3
19| move-object v2, v3
20| invoke-direct {v2}, A.<init>():void
23| throw v1
.line 30
24| new-instance v1, B
26| move-object v3, v1
27| move-object v1, v3
28| move-object v2, v3
29| invoke-direct {v2}, B.<init>():void
32| throw v1
.line 34
33| const/4 v1, #+0 (0x00000000 | 0.00000)
34| move v0, v1
35| goto/16 Label_1
37| nop
Label_5: <aligned>
.line 28
38| packed-switch-payload
1: Label_2
2: Label_3
method TryCatch.main(java.lang.String[]):void
.params "?"
.src ""
.line 15
.line 15
0| move-object v0, v6
.local v0, "args", java.lang.String[]
1| const/4 v3, #+0 (0x00000000 | 0.00000)
2| invoke-static {v3},
catch(B) : Label_3
catch(A) : Label_4
catch(...) : Label_5
5| move-result v3
.line 18
.line 22
6| sget-object v3, java.lang.System.out
8| const-string v4, "finally\n"
10| const/4 v5, #+0 (0x00000000 | 0.00000)
11| new-array v5, v5, java.lang.Object[]
13| invoke-virtual {v3,v4,v5},, java.lang.Object[])
16| move-result-object v3
.line 23
.line 24
17| invoke-static/range {}, Tracer.OnExit():void
20| return-void
.line 16
21| move-exception v3
22| move-object v1, v3
.line 17
.local v1, "ex", B
23| sget-object v3, java.lang.System.out
25| const-string v4, "catch: B\n"
27| const/4 v5, #+0 (0x00000000 | 0.00000)
28| new-array v5, v5, java.lang.Object[]
30| invoke-virtual {v3,v4,v5},, java.lang.Object[])
catch(A) : Label_4
catch(...) : Label_5
33| move-result-object v3
34| goto/16 Label_1
.line 19
.end_local v1
36| move-exception v3
37| move-object v1, v3
.line 20
.local v1, "ex", A
38| sget-object v3, java.lang.System.out
40| const-string v4, "catch: A\n"
42| const/4 v5, #+0 (0x00000000 | 0.00000)
43| new-array v5, v5, java.lang.Object[]
45| invoke-virtual {v3,v4,v5},, java.lang.Object[])
catch(...) : Label_5
48| move-result-object v3
.line 22
49| sget-object v3, java.lang.System.out
51| const-string v4, "finally\n"
53| const/4 v5, #+0 (0x00000000 | 0.00000)
54| new-array v5, v5, java.lang.Object[]
56| invoke-virtual {v3,v4,v5},, java.lang.Object[])
59| move-result-object v3
.line 23
60| goto/16 Label_2
.line 22
.end_local v1
62| move-exception v3
63| move-object v2, v3
64| sget-object v3, java.lang.System.out
66| const-string v4, "finally\n"
68| const/4 v5, #+0 (0x00000000 | 0.00000)
69| new-array v5, v5, java.lang.Object[]
71| invoke-virtual {v3,v4,v5},, java.lang.Object[])
74| move-result-object v3
75| move-object v3, v2
76| throw v3