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593 lines
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593 lines
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# python3
# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Grep warnings messages and output HTML tables or warning counts in CSV.
Default is to output warnings in HTML tables grouped by warning severity.
Use option --byproject to output tables grouped by source file projects.
Use option --gencsv to output warning counts in CSV format.
Default input file is build.log, which can be changed with the --log flag.
# List of important data structures and functions in this script.
# To parse and keep warning message in the input file:
# severity: classification of message severity
# warn_patterns:
# warn_patterns[w]['category'] tool that issued the warning, not used now
# warn_patterns[w]['description'] table heading
# warn_patterns[w]['members'] matched warnings from input
# warn_patterns[w]['patterns'] regular expressions to match warnings
# warn_patterns[w]['projects'][p] number of warnings of pattern w in p
# warn_patterns[w]['severity'] severity tuple
# project_list[p][0] project name
# project_list[p][1] regular expression to match a project path
# project_patterns[p] re.compile(project_list[p][1])
# project_names[p] project_list[p][0]
# warning_messages array of each warning message, without source url
# warning_links array of each warning code search link; for 'chrome'
# warning_records array of [idx to warn_patterns,
# idx to project_names,
# idx to warning_messages,
# idx to warning_links]
# parse_input_file
import argparse
import io
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import sys
# pylint:disable=relative-beyond-top-level,no-name-in-module
# suppress false positive of no-name-in-module warnings
from . import android_project_list
from . import chrome_project_list
from . import cpp_warn_patterns as cpp_patterns
from . import html_writer
from . import java_warn_patterns as java_patterns
from . import make_warn_patterns as make_patterns
from . import other_warn_patterns as other_patterns
from . import tidy_warn_patterns as tidy_patterns
def parse_args(use_google3):
"""Define and parse the args. Return the parse_args() result."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--capacitor_path', default='',
help='Save capacitor warning file to the passed absolute'
' path')
# csvpath has a different naming than the above path because historically the
# original Android script used csvpath, so other scripts rely on it
parser.add_argument('--csvpath', default='',
help='Save CSV warning file to the passed path')
parser.add_argument('--gencsv', action='store_true',
help='Generate CSV file with number of various warnings')
parser.add_argument('--csvwithdescription', default='',
help="""Save CSV warning file to the passed path this csv
will contain all the warning descriptions""")
parser.add_argument('--byproject', action='store_true',
help='Separate warnings in HTML output by project names')
parser.add_argument('--url', default='',
help='Root URL of an Android source code tree prefixed '
'before files in warnings')
parser.add_argument('--separator', default='?l=',
help='Separator between the end of a URL and the line '
'number argument. e.g. #')
parser.add_argument('--processes', default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
help='Number of parallel processes to process warnings')
# Old Android build scripts call without --platform,
# so the default platform is set to 'android'.
parser.add_argument('--platform', default='android',
choices=['chrome', 'android'],
help='Platform of the build log')
# Old Android build scripts call with only a build.log file path.
parser.add_argument('--log', help='Path to build log file')
parser.add_argument(dest='buildlog', metavar='build.log',
default='build.log', nargs='?',
help='Path to build.log file')
flags = parser.parse_args()
if not flags.log:
flags.log = flags.buildlog
if not use_google3 and not os.path.exists(flags.log):
sys.exit('Cannot find log file: ' + flags.log)
return flags
def get_project_names(project_list):
"""Get project_names from project_list."""
return [p[0] for p in project_list]
def find_project_index(line, project_patterns):
"""Return the index to the project pattern array."""
for idx, pattern in enumerate(project_patterns):
if pattern.match(line):
return idx
return -1
def classify_one_warning(warning, link, results, project_patterns,
"""Classify one warning line."""
for idx, pattern in enumerate(warn_patterns):
for cpat in pattern['compiled_patterns']:
if cpat.match(warning):
project_idx = find_project_index(warning, project_patterns)
results.append([warning, link, idx, project_idx])
# If we end up here, there was a problem parsing the log
# probably caused by 'make -j' mixing the output from
# 2 or more concurrent compiles
def remove_prefix(src, sub):
"""Remove everything before last occurrence of substring sub in string src."""
if sub in src:
inc_sub = src.rfind(sub)
return src[inc_sub:]
return src
# TODO(emmavukelj): Don't have any generate_*_cs_link functions call
# normalize_path a second time (the first time being in parse_input_file)
def generate_cs_link(warning_line, flags, android_root=None):
"""Try to add code search HTTP URL prefix."""
if flags.platform == 'chrome':
return generate_chrome_cs_link(warning_line, flags)
if flags.platform == 'android':
return generate_android_cs_link(warning_line, flags, android_root)
return ''
def generate_android_cs_link(warning_line, flags, android_root):
"""Generate the code search link for a warning line in Android."""
# max_splits=2 -> only 3 items
raw_path, line_number_str, _ = warning_line.split(':', 2)
normalized_path = normalize_path(raw_path, flags, android_root)
if not flags.url:
return normalized_path
link_path = flags.url + '/' + normalized_path
if line_number_str.isdigit():
link_path += flags.separator + line_number_str
return link_path
def generate_chrome_cs_link(warning_line, flags):
"""Generate the code search link for a warning line in Chrome."""
split_line = warning_line.split(':')
raw_path = split_line[0]
normalized_path = normalize_path(raw_path, flags)
link_base = ''
link_add = 'chromium'
link_path = None
# Basically just going through a few specific directory cases and specifying
# the proper behavior for that case. This list of cases was accumulated
# through trial and error manually going through the warnings.
# This code pattern of using case-specific "if"s instead of "elif"s looks
# possibly accidental and mistaken but it is intentional because some paths
# fall under several cases (e.g. third_party/lib/nghttp2_frame.c) and for
# those we want the most specific case to be applied. If there is reliable
# knowledge of exactly where these occur, this could be changed to "elif"s
# but there is no reliable set of paths falling under multiple cases at the
# moment.
if '/src/third_party' in raw_path:
link_path = remove_prefix(raw_path, '/src/third_party/')
if '/chrome_root/src_internal/' in raw_path:
link_path = remove_prefix(raw_path, '/chrome_root/src_internal/')
link_path = link_path[len('/chrome_root'):] # remove chrome_root
if '/chrome_root/src/' in raw_path:
link_path = remove_prefix(raw_path, '/chrome_root/src/')
link_path = link_path[len('/chrome_root'):] # remove chrome_root
if '/libassistant/' in raw_path:
link_add = 'eureka_internal/chromium/src'
link_base = '' # internal data
link_path = remove_prefix(normalized_path, '/libassistant/')
if raw_path.startswith('gen/'):
link_path = '/src/out/Debug/gen/' + normalized_path
if '/gen/' in raw_path:
return '%s?q=file:%s' % (link_base, remove_prefix(normalized_path, '/gen/'))
if not link_path and (raw_path.startswith('src/') or
link_path = '/%s' % raw_path
if not link_path: # can't find specific link, send a query
return '%s?q=file:%s' % (link_base, normalized_path)
line_number = int(split_line[1])
link = '%s%s%s?l=%d' % (link_base, link_add, link_path, line_number)
return link
def find_warn_py_and_android_root(path):
"""Return android source root path if is found."""
parts = path.split('/')
for idx in reversed(range(2, len(parts))):
root_path = '/'.join(parts[:idx])
# Android root directory should contain this script.
if os.path.exists(root_path + '/build/make/tools/'):
return root_path
return ''
def find_android_root(buildlog):
"""Guess android source root from common prefix of file paths."""
# Use the longest common prefix of the absolute file paths
# of the first 10000 warning messages as the android_root.
warning_lines = []
warning_pattern = re.compile('^/[^ ]*/[^ ]*: warning: .*')
count = 0
for line in buildlog:
if warning_pattern.match(line):
count += 1
if count > 9999:
# Try to find and use its location to find
# the source tree root.
if count < 100:
path = os.path.normpath(re.sub(':.*$', '', line))
android_root = find_warn_py_and_android_root(path)
if android_root:
return android_root
# Do not use common prefix of a small number of paths.
if count > 10:
# pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
root_path = os.path.commonprefix(warning_lines)
# pytype: enable=wrong-arg-types
if len(root_path) > 2 and root_path[len(root_path) - 1] == '/':
return root_path[:-1]
return ''
def remove_android_root_prefix(path, android_root):
"""Remove android_root prefix from path if it is found."""
if path.startswith(android_root):
return path[1 + len(android_root):]
return path
def normalize_path(path, flags, android_root=None):
"""Normalize file path relative to src/ or src-internal/ directory."""
path = os.path.normpath(path)
if flags.platform == 'android':
if android_root:
return remove_android_root_prefix(path, android_root)
return path
# Remove known prefix of root path and normalize the suffix.
idx = path.find('chrome_root/')
if idx >= 0:
# remove chrome_root/, we want path relative to that
return path[idx + len('chrome_root/'):]
return path
def normalize_warning_line(line, flags, android_root=None):
"""Normalize file path relative to src directory in a warning line."""
line = re.sub(u'[\u2018\u2019]', '\'', line)
# replace non-ASCII chars to spaces
line = re.sub(u'[^\x00-\x7f]', ' ', line)
line = line.strip()
first_column = line.find(':')
return normalize_path(line[:first_column], flags,
android_root) + line[first_column:]
def parse_input_file_chrome(infile, flags):
"""Parse Chrome input file, collect parameters and warning lines."""
platform_version = 'unknown'
board_name = 'unknown'
architecture = 'unknown'
# only handle warning lines of format 'file_path:line_no:col_no: warning: ...'
chrome_warning_pattern = r'^[^ ]*/[^ ]*:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: .*'
warning_pattern = re.compile(chrome_warning_pattern)
# Collect all unique warning lines
# Remove the duplicated warnings save ~8% of time when parsing
# one typical build log than before
unique_warnings = dict()
for line in infile:
if warning_pattern.match(line):
normalized_line = normalize_warning_line(line, flags)
if normalized_line not in unique_warnings:
unique_warnings[normalized_line] = generate_cs_link(line, flags)
elif (platform_version == 'unknown' or board_name == 'unknown' or
architecture == 'unknown'):
result = re.match(r'.+Package:.+chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-', line)
if result is not None:
platform_version = 'R' + line.split('chrome-')[1].split('_')[0]
result = re.match(r'.+Source\sunpacked\sin\s(.+)', line)
if result is not None:
board_name ='/')[2]
result = re.match(r'.+USE:\s*([^\s]*).*', line)
if result is not None:
architecture =
header_str = '%s - %s - %s' % (platform_version, board_name, architecture)
return unique_warnings, header_str
def add_normalized_line_to_warnings(line, flags, android_root, unique_warnings):
"""Parse/normalize path, updating warning line and add to warnings dict."""
normalized_line = normalize_warning_line(line, flags, android_root)
if normalized_line not in unique_warnings:
unique_warnings[normalized_line] = generate_cs_link(line, flags,
return unique_warnings
def parse_input_file_android(infile, flags):
"""Parse Android input file, collect parameters and warning lines."""
# pylint:disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
platform_version = 'unknown'
target_product = 'unknown'
target_variant = 'unknown'
android_root = find_android_root(infile)
# rustc warning messages have two lines that should be combined:
# warning: description
# --> file_path:line_number:column_number
# Some warning messages have no file name:
# warning: macro replacement list ... [bugprone-macro-parentheses]
# Some makefile warning messages have no line number:
# some/path/ warning: description
# C/C++ compiler warning messages have line and column numbers:
# some/path/file.c:line_number:column_number: warning: description
warning_pattern = re.compile('(^[^ ]*/[^ ]*: warning: .*)|(^warning: .*)')
warning_without_file = re.compile('^warning: .*')
rustc_file_position = re.compile('^[ ]+--> [^ ]*/[^ ]*:[0-9]+:[0-9]+')
# Collect all unique warning lines
# Remove the duplicated warnings save ~8% of time when parsing
# one typical build log than before
unique_warnings = dict()
line_counter = 0
prev_warning = ''
for line in infile:
if prev_warning:
if rustc_file_position.match(line):
# must be a rustc warning, combine 2 lines into one warning
line = line.strip().replace('--> ', '') + ': ' + prev_warning
unique_warnings = add_normalized_line_to_warnings(
line, flags, android_root, unique_warnings)
prev_warning = ''
# add prev_warning, and then process the current line
prev_warning = 'unknown_source_file: ' + prev_warning
unique_warnings = add_normalized_line_to_warnings(
prev_warning, flags, android_root, unique_warnings)
prev_warning = ''
if warning_pattern.match(line):
if warning_without_file.match(line):
# save this line and combine it with the next line
prev_warning = line
unique_warnings = add_normalized_line_to_warnings(
line, flags, android_root, unique_warnings)
if line_counter < 100:
# save a little bit of time by only doing this for the first few lines
line_counter += 1
result ='(?<=^PLATFORM_VERSION=).*', line)
if result is not None:
platform_version =
result ='(?<=^TARGET_PRODUCT=).*', line)
if result is not None:
target_product =
result ='(?<=^TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=).*', line)
if result is not None:
target_variant =
result ='(?<=^TOP=).*', line)
if result is not None:
android_root =
if android_root:
new_unique_warnings = dict()
for warning_line in unique_warnings:
normalized_line = normalize_warning_line(warning_line, flags,
new_unique_warnings[normalized_line] = generate_android_cs_link(
warning_line, flags, android_root)
unique_warnings = new_unique_warnings
header_str = '%s - %s - %s' % (platform_version, target_product,
return unique_warnings, header_str
def parse_input_file(infile, flags):
"""Parse one input file for chrome or android."""
if flags.platform == 'chrome':
return parse_input_file_chrome(infile, flags)
if flags.platform == 'android':
return parse_input_file_android(infile, flags)
raise RuntimeError('parse_input_file not defined for platform %s' %
def parse_compiler_output(compiler_output):
"""Parse compiler output for relevant info."""
split_output = compiler_output.split(':', 3) # 3 = max splits
file_path = split_output[0]
line_number = int(split_output[1])
col_number = int(split_output[2].split(' ')[0])
warning_message = split_output[3]
return file_path, line_number, col_number, warning_message
def get_warn_patterns(platform):
"""Get and initialize warn_patterns."""
warn_patterns = []
if platform == 'chrome':
warn_patterns = cpp_patterns.warn_patterns
elif platform == 'android':
warn_patterns = (make_patterns.warn_patterns + cpp_patterns.warn_patterns +
java_patterns.warn_patterns + tidy_patterns.warn_patterns +
raise Exception('platform name %s is not valid' % platform)
for pattern in warn_patterns:
pattern['members'] = []
# Each warning pattern has a 'projects' dictionary, that
# maps a project name to number of warnings in that project.
pattern['projects'] = {}
return warn_patterns
def get_project_list(platform):
"""Return project list for appropriate platform."""
if platform == 'chrome':
return chrome_project_list.project_list
if platform == 'android':
return android_project_list.project_list
raise Exception('platform name %s is not valid' % platform)
def parallel_classify_warnings(warning_data, args, project_names,
project_patterns, warn_patterns,
use_google3, create_launch_subprocs_fn,
"""Classify all warning lines with num_cpu parallel processes."""
# pylint:disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
num_cpu = args.processes
group_results = []
if num_cpu > 1:
# set up parallel processing for this...
warning_groups = [[] for _ in range(num_cpu)]
i = 0
for warning, link in warning_data.items():
warning_groups[i].append((warning, link))
i = (i + 1) % num_cpu
arg_groups = [[] for _ in range(num_cpu)]
for i, group in enumerate(warning_groups):
arg_groups[i] = [{
'group': group,
'project_patterns': project_patterns,
'warn_patterns': warn_patterns,
'num_processes': num_cpu
group_results = create_launch_subprocs_fn(num_cpu,
group_results = []
for warning, link in warning_data.items():
classify_one_warning(warning, link, group_results,
project_patterns, warn_patterns)
group_results = [group_results]
warning_messages = []
warning_links = []
warning_records = []
if use_google3:
group_results = [group_results]
for group_result in group_results:
for result in group_result:
for line, link, pattern_idx, project_idx in result:
pattern = warn_patterns[pattern_idx]
message_idx = len(warning_messages)
link_idx = len(warning_links)
warning_records.append([pattern_idx, project_idx, message_idx,
pname = '???' if project_idx < 0 else project_names[project_idx]
# Count warnings by project.
if pname in pattern['projects']:
pattern['projects'][pname] += 1
pattern['projects'][pname] = 1
return warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records
def process_log(logfile, flags, project_names, project_patterns, warn_patterns,
html_path, use_google3, create_launch_subprocs_fn,
classify_warnings_fn, logfile_object):
# pylint does not recognize g-doc-*
# pylint: disable=bad-option-value,g-doc-args
# pylint: disable=bad-option-value,g-doc-return-or-yield
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
"""Function that handles processing of a log.
This is isolated into its own function (rather than just taking place in main)
so that it can be used by both and the borg job, to
avoid duplication of code.
Note that if the arguments to this function change, must
be updated accordingly.
if logfile_object is None:
with, encoding='utf-8') as log:
warning_lines_and_links, header_str = parse_input_file(log, flags)
warning_lines_and_links, header_str = parse_input_file(
logfile_object, flags)
warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records = parallel_classify_warnings(
warning_lines_and_links, flags, project_names, project_patterns,
warn_patterns, use_google3, create_launch_subprocs_fn,
html_writer.write_html(flags, project_names, warn_patterns, html_path,
warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records,
return warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records, header_str
def common_main(use_google3, create_launch_subprocs_fn, classify_warnings_fn,
"""Shared main function for Google3 and non-Google3 versions of"""
flags = parse_args(use_google3)
warn_patterns = get_warn_patterns(flags.platform)
project_list = get_project_list(flags.platform)
project_names = get_project_names(project_list)
project_patterns = [re.compile(p[1]) for p in project_list]
# html_path=None because we output html below if not outputting CSV
warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records, header_str = process_log(
logfile=flags.log, flags=flags, project_names=project_names,
project_patterns=project_patterns, warn_patterns=warn_patterns,
html_path=None, use_google3=use_google3,
html_writer.write_out_csv(flags, warn_patterns, warning_messages,
warning_links, warning_records, header_str,
# Return these values, so that caller can use them, if desired.
return flags, warning_messages, warning_records, warn_patterns