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#version 450 core
out gl_PerVertex {
float gl_CullDistance[3];
void main()
gl_CullDistance[2] = 4.5;
out bool outb; // ERROR
out sampler2D outo; // ERROR
out float outa[4];
out float outaa[4][2];
struct S { float f; };
out S outs;
out S[4] outasa;
out S outsa[4];
struct SA { float f[4]; };
out SA outSA;
struct SS { float f; S s; };
out SS outSS;
layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint aui;
uint ui;
void foo()
atomicCounterAdd(aui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
atomicCounterSubtract(aui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
atomicCounterMin(aui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
atomicCounterMax(aui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
atomicCounterAnd(aui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
atomicCounterOr(aui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
atomicCounterXor(aui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
atomicCounterExchange(aui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
atomicCounterCompSwap(aui, ui, ui); // ERROR, need 4.6
int a = gl_BaseVertex + gl_BaseInstance + gl_DrawID; // ERROR, need 4.6
bool b1;
anyInvocation(b1); // ERROR, need 4.6
allInvocations(b1); // ERROR, need 4.6
allInvocationsEqual(b1); // ERROR, need 4.6
; // ERROR: no extraneous semicolons
layout(location = 0) uniform locBlock { // ERROR, no location uniform block
int a;
layout(location = 0) buffer locBuffBlock { // ERROR, no location on buffer block
int b;