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107 lines
2.7 KiB

#version 400
void main()
int o00 = 00;
int o000 = 000;
int o0000 = 0000;
int o5 = 05;
int o05 = 005;
int o006 = 0006;
int o7 = 07;
int o58 = 072;
int omax = 037777777777;
int o8 = 08; // ERROR
int o08 = 008; // ERROR
int o009 = 0009; // ERROR
int obig = 07324327323472347234; // ERROR
int omax1 = 040000000000; // ERROR
uint uo5 = 05u;
uint uo6 = 06u;
uint uo7 = 07u;
uint uo8 = 08u; // ERROR
uint uo9 = 09u; // ERROR
int h0 = 0x0;
int h00 = 0x00;
int h000 = 0x000;
int h1 = 0x1;
int h2 = 0x00000002;
int h300 = 0x000300;
int hABCDEF = 0xAbCdEF;
int h12345678 = 0xBC614E;
int hToBeOrNotToBe = 0x2b | ~0x2B;
uint uh0 = 0x0u;
uint uhg = (0xcu);
uint uh000 = 0x000u;
uint uh1 = 0x1u;
uint uh2 = 0x00000002u;
uint uh300 = 0x000300u;
uint uhABCDEF = 0xAbCdEFu;
uint uh12345678 = 0xBC614Eu;
uint uhToBeOrNotToBe = 0x2bu | ~0x2BU;
//int he1 = 0xG; // ERROR
int he2 = 0x; // ERROR
int hbig = 0xFFFFFFFF1; // ERROR
float f1 = 1.0;
float f2 = 2.;
float f3 = 3e0;
float f4 = 40e-1;
float f5 = 05.;
float f6 = 006.;
float f7 = .7e1;
float f8 = 08e0;
float f9 = .9e+1;
float f10 = 10.0;
float f11 = .011e+3;
float f12 = .0012e4;
float f543 = 000000543.;
float f6789 = 00006789.;
float f88 = 0000088.;
float g1 = 5.3876e4;
float g2 = 4000000000e-11;
float g3 = 1e+5;
float g4 = 7.321E-3;
float g5 = 3.2E+4;
float g6 = 0.5e-5;
float g7 = 0.45;
float g8 = 6.e10;
double gf1 = 1.0lf;
double gf2 = 2.Lf;
double gf3 = .3e1lF;
double gf4 = .4e1LF;
float gf5 = 5.f;
float gf6 = 6.F;
//float e1 = 1..; // ERROR
//float e2 = 2.l; // ERROR
//float e3 = ..3; // ERROR
//float e4 = 4ee1; // ERROR
float e5 = 5f; // ERROR
layout (location = 2) out vec4 c2;
layout (location = 3u) out vec4 c3;
layout (location = 04) out vec4 c4;
layout (location = 005u) out vec4 c5;
layout (location = 0x6) out vec4 c6;
layout (location = 0x7u) out vec4 c7;
uint g1 = 4294967296u; // ERROR, too big
uint g2 = 4294967295u;
uint g3 = 4294967294u;
int g4 = 4294967296; // ERROR, too big
int g5 = 4294967295;
int g6 = 4294967294;
float inf1 = -1.#INF;
float inf2 = 1.#INF;
float inf3 = +1.#INF;