You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
1.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Can we extract this from HTML element itself? I couldn't.
namespaces = {
'ft': '',
'xlink': '',
def ns(s):
ns,s = s.split(':')
return '{%s}%s' % (namespaces[ns], s)
def unistr(s):
return ','.join('U+%04X' % ord(c) for c in s)
def glyphstr(glyphs):
out = []
for glyphname,x,y in glyphs:
if x or y:
out.append('%s@%d,%d' % (glyphname, x, y))
return '['+'|'.join(out)+']'
html = ET.fromstring(
found = False
for elt in html.findall(".//*[@class='expected'][@ft:id]", namespaces):
found = True
name = elt.get(ns('ft:id'))
text = elt.get(ns('ft:render'))
font = elt.get(ns('ft:font'))
variations = elt.get(ns('ft:var'), '').replace(':', '=').replace(';', ',')
glyphs = []
for use in elt.findall(".//use"):
x = int(use.get('x'))
y = int(use.get('y'))
href = use.get(ns('xlink:href'))
assert href[0] == '#'
glyphname = '.'.join(href[1:].split('/')[1].split('.')[1:])
glyphs.append((glyphname, x, y))
opts = '--font-size=1000 --ned --remove-default-ignorables --font-funcs=ft'
if variations:
opts = opts + ' --variations=%s' % variations
print ("../fonts/%s:%s:%s:%s" % (font, opts, unistr(text), glyphstr(glyphs)))
for elt in html.findall(".//*[@class='expected-no-crash'][@ft:id]", namespaces):
found = True
name = elt.get(ns('ft:id'))
text = elt.get(ns('ft:render'))
font = elt.get(ns('ft:font'))
variations = elt.get(ns('ft:var'), '').replace(':', '=').replace(';', ',')
opts = ''
if variations:
opts = '--variations=%s' % variations
print ("../fonts/%s:%s:%s:*" % (font, opts, unistr(text)))
sys.exit(0 if found else 1)