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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "Test.h"
#include "GrContext.h"
#include "GrColor.h"
#include "GrGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "GrGpuCommandBuffer.h"
#include "GrMemoryPool.h"
#include "GrOpFlushState.h"
#include "GrRenderTargetContext.h"
#include "GrRenderTargetContextPriv.h"
#include "GrResourceProvider.h"
#include "SkMakeUnique.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLVertexGeoBuilder.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h"
* This is a GPU-backend specific test for dynamic pipeline state. It draws boxes using dynamic
* scissor rectangles then reads back the result to verify a successful test.
static constexpr int kScreenSize = 6;
static constexpr int kNumMeshes = 4;
static constexpr int kScreenSplitX = kScreenSize/2;
static constexpr int kScreenSplitY = kScreenSize/2;
static const SkIRect kDynamicScissors[kNumMeshes] = {
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(0, 0, kScreenSplitX, kScreenSplitY),
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(0, kScreenSplitY, kScreenSplitX, kScreenSize),
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(kScreenSplitX, 0, kScreenSize, kScreenSplitY),
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(kScreenSplitX, kScreenSplitY, kScreenSize, kScreenSize),
static const GrColor kMeshColors[kNumMeshes] {
GrColorPackRGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
GrColorPackRGBA(0, 255, 0, 255),
GrColorPackRGBA(0, 0, 255, 255),
GrColorPackRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255)
struct Vertex {
float fX;
float fY;
GrColor fColor;
class GrPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor : public GrGeometryProcessor {
: INHERITED(kGrPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor_ClassID) {
this->setVertexAttributes(kAttributes, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kAttributes));
const char* name() const override { return "GrPipelineDynamicStateTest Processor"; }
void getGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps&, GrProcessorKeyBuilder*) const final {}
GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor* createGLSLInstance(const GrShaderCaps&) const final;
const Attribute& inVertex() const { return kAttributes[0]; }
const Attribute& inColor() const { return kAttributes[1]; }
static constexpr Attribute kAttributes[] = {
{"vertex", kFloat2_GrVertexAttribType, kHalf2_GrSLType},
{"color", kUByte4_norm_GrVertexAttribType, kHalf4_GrSLType},
friend class GLSLPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor;
typedef GrGeometryProcessor INHERITED;
constexpr GrPrimitiveProcessor::Attribute GrPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor::kAttributes[];
class GLSLPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor : public GrGLSLGeometryProcessor {
void setData(const GrGLSLProgramDataManager& pdman, const GrPrimitiveProcessor&,
FPCoordTransformIter&& transformIter) final {}
void onEmitCode(EmitArgs& args, GrGPArgs* gpArgs) final {
const GrPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor& mp =
GrGLSLVaryingHandler* varyingHandler = args.fVaryingHandler;
varyingHandler->addPassThroughAttribute(mp.inColor(), args.fOutputColor);
GrGLSLVertexBuilder* v = args.fVertBuilder;
v->codeAppendf("float2 vertex = %s;", mp.inVertex().name());
gpArgs->fPositionVar.set(kFloat2_GrSLType, "vertex");
GrGLSLFPFragmentBuilder* f = args.fFragBuilder;
f->codeAppendf("%s = half4(1);", args.fOutputCoverage);
GrPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor::createGLSLInstance(const GrShaderCaps&) const {
return new GLSLPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor;
class GrPipelineDynamicStateTestOp : public GrDrawOp {
static std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> Make(GrContext* context,
GrScissorTest scissorTest,
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> vbuff) {
GrOpMemoryPool* pool = context->contextPriv().opMemoryPool();
return pool->allocate<GrPipelineDynamicStateTestOp>(scissorTest, std::move(vbuff));
friend class GrOpMemoryPool;
GrPipelineDynamicStateTestOp(GrScissorTest scissorTest, sk_sp<const GrBuffer> vbuff)
, fScissorTest(scissorTest)
, fVertexBuffer(std::move(vbuff)) {
this->setBounds(SkRect::MakeIWH(kScreenSize, kScreenSize),
HasAABloat::kNo, IsZeroArea::kNo);
const char* name() const override { return "GrPipelineDynamicStateTestOp"; }
FixedFunctionFlags fixedFunctionFlags() const override { return FixedFunctionFlags::kNone; }
GrProcessorSet::Analysis finalize(const GrCaps&, const GrAppliedClip*) override {
return GrProcessorSet::EmptySetAnalysis();
void onPrepare(GrOpFlushState*) override {}
void onExecute(GrOpFlushState* state, const SkRect& chainBounds) override {
GrPipeline pipeline(fScissorTest, SkBlendMode::kSrc);
SkSTArray<kNumMeshes, GrMesh> meshes;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumMeshes; ++i) {
GrMesh& mesh = meshes.emplace_back(GrPrimitiveType::kTriangleStrip);
mesh.setVertexData(fVertexBuffer, 4 * i);
GrPipeline::DynamicStateArrays dynamicState;
dynamicState.fScissorRects = kDynamicScissors;
state->rtCommandBuffer()->draw(GrPipelineDynamicStateTestProcessor(), pipeline, nullptr,
&dynamicState, meshes.begin(), 4,
SkRect::MakeIWH(kScreenSize, kScreenSize));
GrScissorTest fScissorTest;
const sk_sp<const GrBuffer> fVertexBuffer;
typedef GrDrawOp INHERITED;
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrPipelineDynamicStateTest, reporter, ctxInfo) {
GrContext* context = ctxInfo.grContext();
GrResourceProvider* rp = context->contextPriv().resourceProvider();
const GrBackendFormat format =
sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext> rtc(context->contextPriv().makeDeferredRenderTargetContext(
format, SkBackingFit::kExact, kScreenSize,
kScreenSize, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, nullptr));
if (!rtc) {
ERRORF(reporter, "could not create render target context.");
constexpr float d = (float) kScreenSize;
Vertex vdata[kNumMeshes * 4] = {
{0, 0, kMeshColors[0]},
{0, d, kMeshColors[0]},
{d, 0, kMeshColors[0]},
{d, d, kMeshColors[0]},
{0, 0, kMeshColors[1]},
{0, d, kMeshColors[1]},
{d, 0, kMeshColors[1]},
{d, d, kMeshColors[1]},
{0, 0, kMeshColors[2]},
{0, d, kMeshColors[2]},
{d, 0, kMeshColors[2]},
{d, d, kMeshColors[2]},
{0, 0, kMeshColors[3]},
{0, d, kMeshColors[3]},
{d, 0, kMeshColors[3]},
{d, d, kMeshColors[3]}
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> vbuff(rp->createBuffer(sizeof(vdata), kVertex_GrBufferType,
if (!vbuff) {
ERRORF(reporter, "vbuff is null.");
uint32_t resultPx[kScreenSize * kScreenSize];
for (GrScissorTest scissorTest : {GrScissorTest::kEnabled, GrScissorTest::kDisabled}) {
rtc->clear(nullptr, SkPMColor4f::FromBytes_RGBA(0xbaaaaaad),
GrPipelineDynamicStateTestOp::Make(context, scissorTest, vbuff));
rtc->readPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(kScreenSize, kScreenSize,
kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType),
resultPx, 4 * kScreenSize, 0, 0, 0);
for (int y = 0; y < kScreenSize; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < kScreenSize; ++x) {
int expectedColorIdx;
if (GrScissorTest::kEnabled == scissorTest) {
expectedColorIdx = (x < kScreenSplitX ? 0 : 2) + (y < kScreenSplitY ? 0 : 1);
} else {
expectedColorIdx = kNumMeshes - 1;
uint32_t expected = kMeshColors[expectedColorIdx];
uint32_t actual = resultPx[y * kScreenSize + x];
if (expected != actual) {
ERRORF(reporter, "[scissor=%s] pixel (%i,%i): got 0x%x expected 0x%x",
GrScissorTest::kEnabled == scissorTest ? "enabled" : "disabled", x, y,
actual, expected);