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*Copyright (C) 2019-2030, Altobeam
*File name: ATBM253Api.h
*Description: Headerfile of ATBM253Api.c,APIs of ATBM253 SDK .
#ifndef __ATBM253API_H__
#define __ATBM253API_H__
#include "ATBM253Definition.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/*ATBM253 error code */
#define ATBM253_NO_ERROR (0x00) /*no error*/
#define ATBM253_ERROR_BAD_PARAM (0x01) /*invalid parameter*/
#define ATBM253_ERROR_NOT_INIT (0x02) /*SDK is not initialized*/
#define ATBM253_ERROR_I2C_FAILED (0x04) /*I2C R/W failed*/
#define ATBM253_ERROR_CFO_NOT_READY (0x08) /*CFO Evaluation not ready*/
#define ATBM253_ERROR_NO_DEVICE (0x10) /*Chip not exist*/
#define ATBM253_ERROR_UNKNOWN (0x80000000) /*other error*/
typedef ATBM_U32 ATBM253_ERROR_e; /*Error type*/
/*RF Signal mode*/
typedef enum
/*IF output voltage level*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_IF_OUT_LEVEL1 = 0, /* 600 mV */
ATBM253_IF_OUT_LEVEL2, /* 800 mV */
ATBM253_IF_OUT_LEVEL3, /* 1150 mV */
ATBM253_IF_OUT_LEVEL4, /* 1500 mV */
/*IF Out Setting */
typedef struct
ATBM_U32 IFOutFreqHz; /*IF out frequency in Hz*/
ATBM253_IF_OUT_LEVEL_e IFOutLevel; /*IF out level*/
/*IF spectrum*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_SPECTRUM_NORMAL = 0, /*normal spectrum output */
ATBM253_SPECTRUM_INVERT, /*inverted spectrum output */
/*Clock out control*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_DISABLE = 0, /*Clock out disable*/
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_ENABLE, /*Clock out enable*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_AMP_L1 = 0, /*440mV*/
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_AMP_L2, /*600mV*/
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_AMP_L3, /*660mV*/
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_AMP_L4, /*840mV*/
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_AMP_L5, /*970mV*/
typedef struct
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_e ClkOutEnable; /*clock out enable control*/
ATBM253_CLK_OUT_AMP_e ClkOutAmp; /*clock out amplitude, valid only if ClkOutEnable is ATBM253_CLK_OUT_ENABLE*/
typedef enum
{/*Name of PIN*/
ATBM253_PIN_NAME_GPO1 = 0, /*GPO1*/
typedef enum
{/*State of GPO*/
/*Pin config parameter*/
typedef struct
ATBM253_PIN_NAME_e PinName; /*Pin name*/
ATBM253_GPO_STATE_e PinState; /*GPO State, Low/High*/
/*OSC calibration*/
typedef struct
ATBM_U8 CalibValue; /*OSC PPM calibration, from 0x00 to 0x0F. */
/*RF Loopthrough output*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_RF_LTA_OUT_DISABLE = 0, /*Close RF loopthrough output*/
ATBM253_RF_LTA_OUT_ENABLE, /*Open RF loopthrough output*/
/*FEF Mode*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_FEF_INTERNAL = 0, /*FEF is detected by ATBM253 itself*/
ATBM253_FEF_EXTERNAL_GPO1, /*FEF is detected by Demodulator and passed in from GPO1*/
ATBM253_FEF_EXTERNAL_GPO2, /*FEF is detected by Demodulator and passed in from GPO2*/
ATBM253_FEF_IGNORE, /*Ignore FEF*/
/*Clock Mode*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_CLK_MODE_CRYSTAL = 0, /*XTALO/I connected with crystal*/
ATBM253_CLK_MODE_EXT, /* XTALI connected with external clock */
/*Fast Tune Mode*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_FAST_TUNE_MODE_NORMAL = 0, /*normal tune*/
ATBM253_FAST_TUNE_MODE_FAST, /*fast tune*/
/*ATBM253 config setting command*/
typedef enum
ATBM253_CFG_CMD_DTV_IF_OUT_SETTING = 0, /*set DTV IF output parameter,refer to ATBM253IFOut_t*/
ATBM253_CFG_CMD_ATV_IF_OUT_SETTING, /*set ATV IF output parameter,refer to ATBM253IFOut_t*/
ATBM253_CFG_CMD_CLK_OUT, /*set clock output parameter,refer to ATBM253ClkOutCfg_t*/
ATBM253_CFG_CMD_PIN_SETTING, /*set PIN parameter,refer to ATBM253PinCfg_t*/
ATBM253_CFG_CMD_OSC_CAP_SET, /*set OSC PPM calibration value,refer to ATBM253OSCCalib_t*/
ATBM253_CFG_CMD_RF_LTA, /*set RF loop through output status, refer to ATBM253_RF_LTA_OUT_e*/
ATBM253_CFG_CMD_FAST_TUNE, /*set fast tune mode, refer to ATBM253_FAST_TUNE_MODE_e*/
/*ATBM253 config setting */
typedef struct
ATBM253_CFG_CMD_e CfgCmd; /*config setting command code*/
ATBM253ClkOutCfg_t ClkOut; /*'CfgCmd' is 'ATBM253_CFG_CMD_CLK_OUT'*/
ATBM253PinCfg_t PinCfg; /*'CfgCmd' is 'ATBM253_CFG_CMD_PIN_SETTING'*/
ATBM253OSCCalib_t OSCCap; /*'CfgCmd' is 'ATBM253_CFG_CMD_OSC_CAP_SET'*/
ATBM253_RF_LTA_OUT_e LTAOut; /*'CfgCmd' is 'ATBM253_CFG_CMD_RF_LTA'*/
ATBM253_FAST_TUNE_MODE_e FastTuneMD; /*'CfgCmd' is 'ATBM253_CFG_CMD_FAST_TUNE'*/
typedef struct
ATBM_U8 I2CSlaveAddr; /*I2C Slave Address, e.g. 0xC0*/
ATBM_U32 Param; /*Other parameter, e.g. I2C bus number*/
/*ATBM253 configuration parameters when SDK init.*/
typedef struct
ATBM_U32 MagicCode; /*Magic code. Fixed by 'ATBM253DefaultCfgGet', don't modify it!*/
ATBM253I2CAddr_t I2CParam; /*I2C parameter*/
ATBM253_CLK_MODE_e ClkMode; /*tuner clock mode*/
ATBM_U32 OSCFreqKHz; /*OSC Frequency in KHz, e.g. 24000KHz*/
ATBM253OSCCalib_t OSCCap; /*OSC PPM calibration*/
ATBM253_SIGNAL_MODE_e Mode; /*RF signal modulation*/
ATBM253IFOut_t DtvIFOut; /*parameters of DTV IF out*/
ATBM253IFOut_t AtvIFOut; /*parameters of ATV IF out*/
ATBM_U8 DacOutDriveUp; /*dac output drive up*/
ATBM253ClkOutCfg_t ClkOut; /*control of Clock out*/
ATBM253_FEF_MODE_e FEFMode; /*FEF Mode(AGC Freeze in DVBT2 mode)*/
ATBM253PinCfg_t PinsCfg[ATBM253_PIN_MAX]; /*Config parameters of PINs*/
ATBM253_RF_LTA_OUT_e LTAOut; /*RF Loopthrough output*/
ATBM_BOOL DtvBackgroundProcess; /*The background process option for DTV mode, ATBM_TRUE means 'ATBM253AGCLockingFreeze' will be called by SOC, otherwise not call it. */
ATBM_U32 DemodType; /*special edition parameter,typically not used; 0:Demod not specified; 1:Hisi Demod;*/
* Function: ATBM253Init
* Description: Do initialization for ATBM253 hardware .
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* pConfig -- Pointer to config data
* Output: N/A
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253Init(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM253InitConfig_t *pConfig);
* Function: ATBM253DefaultCfgGet
* Description: Get default config of ATBM253 .
* Input: N/A
* Output: pConfig -- Pointer to config buffer
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253DefaultCfgGet(ATBM253InitConfig_t *pConfig);
* Function: ATBM253CfgSet
* Description: Change some config parameter to ATBM253 .
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* pCfgCmd -- Pointer to config command data
* Output: N/A
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253CfgSet(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM253CfgCMD_t *pCfgCmd);
* Function: ATBM253ChannelTune
* Description: Tune to a channel with input parameters.
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Mode -- RF signal mode, refer to ATBM253_SIGNAL_MODE_e
* FreqKHz -- RF center frequency in KHz
* BandWidthKHz -- Signal bandwidth in KHz
* SpectrumMode -- IF out with inversed spectrum or not
* Output: N/A
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253ChannelTune(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM253_SIGNAL_MODE_e Mode,ATBM_U32 FreqKHz,ATBM_U32 BandWidthKHz,ATBM253_SPECTRUM_MODE_e SpectrumMode);
* Function: ATBM253ATVFineTune
* Description: ATV fine tune.
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* DeltaFreqKHz -- delta frequency in KHz
* Output: N/A
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253ATVFineTune(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM_S32 DeltaFreqKHz);
* Function: ATBM253GetLockStatus
* Description: Get RF signal locking status .
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Output: pLockStatus -- Pointer to lock status
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253GetLockStatus(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM_BOOL *pLockStatus);
* Function: ATBM253GetIFFreq
* Description: Get IF Frequency(in Hz).
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Output: pIFFreqHz -- Pointer to IF frequency(in Hz)
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253GetIFFreq(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM_U32 *pIFFreqHz);
* Function: ATBM253GetAtvCfo
* Description: Get CFO(in KHz) for analog signal. (CFO = RF_signal - RF_ATBM253)
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Output: pCfoHz -- Pointer to CFO(in Hz)
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253GetAtvCfo(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM_S32 *pCfoKHz);
* Function: ATBM253GetRSSI
* Description: Get current RSSI(in dBm) .
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Output: pRSSIx16 -- Pointer to RSSI
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
* Function: ATBM253Standby
* Description: Make ATBM253 enter into standby state .
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Output: N/A
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253Standby(ATBM_U32 DevId);
* Function: ATBM253Wakeup
* Description: Make ATBM253 enter into wakeup state .
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Output: N/A
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253Wakeup(ATBM_U32 DevId);
* Function: ATBM253GetSDKVer
* Description: Get version of ATBM253 SDK .
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Output: pVersion -- Pointer to version number(e.g. 102 means v1.0.2)
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- no error; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253GetSDKVer(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM_U32 *pVersion);
* Function: ATBM253Process
* Input: DevId -- ID of ATBM253;
* Description: This API should be called constantly by user application, for example every 200ms one time.
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253Process(ATBM_U32 DevId);
* Function: ATBM253Detect
* Description: Check if ATBM253 exist or not.
* Input: pI2CInfo -- I2C paramters, including slave address and other user paramter;
* Output: N/A
* Retrun: ATBM253_ERROR_NO_ERROR -- ATBM253 exist; others refer to ATBM253_ERROR_e
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253Detect(ATBM253I2CAddr_t *pI2CInfo);
* Function: ATBM253SecamLLSpeicalDagcRefIFSet
* Description:Optional function for ATV SECAM LL signal DagcRef and IF setting.
* Sample:
ATBM_U32 IsSecamLL = 0;
if(SECAM LL signal)
IsSecamLL = 1;
IsSecamLL = 0;
ATBM253SecamLLSpeicalDagcRefIFSet(0, IsSecamLL);
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253SecamLLSpecialDagcRefIFSet(ATBM_U32 DevId, ATBM_U32 IsSecamLL);
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253AGCLockingFreeze(ATBM_U32 DevId, ATBM_U32 freeze_flag);
ATBM253_ERROR_e ATBM253ChipDebugStatusGet(ATBM_U32 DevId,ATBM_U8 *pStatus);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__ATBM253API_H__*/