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206 lines
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206 lines
11 KiB
// <auto-generated>
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
// </auto-generated>
namespace MyGame
using global::System;
using global::System.Collections.Generic;
using global::FlatBuffers;
public struct MonsterExtra : IFlatbufferObject
private Table __p;
public ByteBuffer ByteBuffer { get { return; } }
public static void ValidateVersion() { FlatBufferConstants.FLATBUFFERS_1_12_0(); }
public static MonsterExtra GetRootAsMonsterExtra(ByteBuffer _bb) { return GetRootAsMonsterExtra(_bb, new MonsterExtra()); }
public static MonsterExtra GetRootAsMonsterExtra(ByteBuffer _bb, MonsterExtra obj) { return (obj.__assign(_bb.GetInt(_bb.Position) + _bb.Position, _bb)); }
public static bool MonsterExtraBufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer _bb) { return Table.__has_identifier(_bb, "MONE"); }
public void __init(int _i, ByteBuffer _bb) { __p = new Table(_i, _bb); }
public MonsterExtra __assign(int _i, ByteBuffer _bb) { __init(_i, _bb); return this; }
public double D0 { get { int o = __p.__offset(4); return o != 0 ? + __p.bb_pos) : (double)Double.NaN; } }
public bool MutateD0(double d0) { int o = __p.__offset(4); if (o != 0) { + __p.bb_pos, d0); return true; } else { return false; } }
public double D1 { get { int o = __p.__offset(6); return o != 0 ? + __p.bb_pos) : (double)Double.NaN; } }
public bool MutateD1(double d1) { int o = __p.__offset(6); if (o != 0) { + __p.bb_pos, d1); return true; } else { return false; } }
public double D2 { get { int o = __p.__offset(8); return o != 0 ? + __p.bb_pos) : (double)Double.PositiveInfinity; } }
public bool MutateD2(double d2) { int o = __p.__offset(8); if (o != 0) { + __p.bb_pos, d2); return true; } else { return false; } }
public double D3 { get { int o = __p.__offset(10); return o != 0 ? + __p.bb_pos) : (double)Double.NegativeInfinity; } }
public bool MutateD3(double d3) { int o = __p.__offset(10); if (o != 0) { + __p.bb_pos, d3); return true; } else { return false; } }
public float F0 { get { int o = __p.__offset(12); return o != 0 ? + __p.bb_pos) : (float)Single.NaN; } }
public bool MutateF0(float f0) { int o = __p.__offset(12); if (o != 0) { + __p.bb_pos, f0); return true; } else { return false; } }
public float F1 { get { int o = __p.__offset(14); return o != 0 ? + __p.bb_pos) : (float)Single.NaN; } }
public bool MutateF1(float f1) { int o = __p.__offset(14); if (o != 0) { + __p.bb_pos, f1); return true; } else { return false; } }
public float F2 { get { int o = __p.__offset(16); return o != 0 ? + __p.bb_pos) : (float)Single.PositiveInfinity; } }
public bool MutateF2(float f2) { int o = __p.__offset(16); if (o != 0) { + __p.bb_pos, f2); return true; } else { return false; } }
public float F3 { get { int o = __p.__offset(18); return o != 0 ? + __p.bb_pos) : (float)Single.NegativeInfinity; } }
public bool MutateF3(float f3) { int o = __p.__offset(18); if (o != 0) { + __p.bb_pos, f3); return true; } else { return false; } }
public double Dvec(int j) { int o = __p.__offset(20); return o != 0 ? + j * 8) : (double)0; }
public int DvecLength { get { int o = __p.__offset(20); return o != 0 ? __p.__vector_len(o) : 0; } }
public Span<double> GetDvecBytes() { return __p.__vector_as_span<double>(20, 8); }
public ArraySegment<byte>? GetDvecBytes() { return __p.__vector_as_arraysegment(20); }
public double[] GetDvecArray() { return __p.__vector_as_array<double>(20); }
public bool MutateDvec(int j, double dvec) { int o = __p.__offset(20); if (o != 0) { + j * 8, dvec); return true; } else { return false; } }
public float Fvec(int j) { int o = __p.__offset(22); return o != 0 ? + j * 4) : (float)0; }
public int FvecLength { get { int o = __p.__offset(22); return o != 0 ? __p.__vector_len(o) : 0; } }
public Span<float> GetFvecBytes() { return __p.__vector_as_span<float>(22, 4); }
public ArraySegment<byte>? GetFvecBytes() { return __p.__vector_as_arraysegment(22); }
public float[] GetFvecArray() { return __p.__vector_as_array<float>(22); }
public bool MutateFvec(int j, float fvec) { int o = __p.__offset(22); if (o != 0) { + j * 4, fvec); return true; } else { return false; } }
public static Offset<MyGame.MonsterExtra> CreateMonsterExtra(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
double d0 = Double.NaN,
double d1 = Double.NaN,
double d2 = Double.PositiveInfinity,
double d3 = Double.NegativeInfinity,
float f0 = Single.NaN,
float f1 = Single.NaN,
float f2 = Single.PositiveInfinity,
float f3 = Single.NegativeInfinity,
VectorOffset dvecOffset = default(VectorOffset),
VectorOffset fvecOffset = default(VectorOffset)) {
MonsterExtra.AddD3(builder, d3);
MonsterExtra.AddD2(builder, d2);
MonsterExtra.AddD1(builder, d1);
MonsterExtra.AddD0(builder, d0);
MonsterExtra.AddFvec(builder, fvecOffset);
MonsterExtra.AddDvec(builder, dvecOffset);
MonsterExtra.AddF3(builder, f3);
MonsterExtra.AddF2(builder, f2);
MonsterExtra.AddF1(builder, f1);
MonsterExtra.AddF0(builder, f0);
return MonsterExtra.EndMonsterExtra(builder);
public static void StartMonsterExtra(FlatBufferBuilder builder) { builder.StartTable(11); }
public static void AddD0(FlatBufferBuilder builder, double d0) { builder.AddDouble(0, d0, Double.NaN); }
public static void AddD1(FlatBufferBuilder builder, double d1) { builder.AddDouble(1, d1, Double.NaN); }
public static void AddD2(FlatBufferBuilder builder, double d2) { builder.AddDouble(2, d2, Double.PositiveInfinity); }
public static void AddD3(FlatBufferBuilder builder, double d3) { builder.AddDouble(3, d3, Double.NegativeInfinity); }
public static void AddF0(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float f0) { builder.AddFloat(4, f0, Single.NaN); }
public static void AddF1(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float f1) { builder.AddFloat(5, f1, Single.NaN); }
public static void AddF2(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float f2) { builder.AddFloat(6, f2, Single.PositiveInfinity); }
public static void AddF3(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float f3) { builder.AddFloat(7, f3, Single.NegativeInfinity); }
public static void AddDvec(FlatBufferBuilder builder, VectorOffset dvecOffset) { builder.AddOffset(8, dvecOffset.Value, 0); }
public static VectorOffset CreateDvecVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, double[] data) { builder.StartVector(8, data.Length, 8); for (int i = data.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) builder.AddDouble(data[i]); return builder.EndVector(); }
public static VectorOffset CreateDvecVectorBlock(FlatBufferBuilder builder, double[] data) { builder.StartVector(8, data.Length, 8); builder.Add(data); return builder.EndVector(); }
public static void StartDvecVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int numElems) { builder.StartVector(8, numElems, 8); }
public static void AddFvec(FlatBufferBuilder builder, VectorOffset fvecOffset) { builder.AddOffset(9, fvecOffset.Value, 0); }
public static VectorOffset CreateFvecVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float[] data) { builder.StartVector(4, data.Length, 4); for (int i = data.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) builder.AddFloat(data[i]); return builder.EndVector(); }
public static VectorOffset CreateFvecVectorBlock(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float[] data) { builder.StartVector(4, data.Length, 4); builder.Add(data); return builder.EndVector(); }
public static void StartFvecVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int numElems) { builder.StartVector(4, numElems, 4); }
public static Offset<MyGame.MonsterExtra> EndMonsterExtra(FlatBufferBuilder builder) {
int o = builder.EndTable();
return new Offset<MyGame.MonsterExtra>(o);
public static void FinishMonsterExtraBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder, Offset<MyGame.MonsterExtra> offset) { builder.Finish(offset.Value, "MONE"); }
public static void FinishSizePrefixedMonsterExtraBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder, Offset<MyGame.MonsterExtra> offset) { builder.FinishSizePrefixed(offset.Value, "MONE"); }
public MonsterExtraT UnPack() {
var _o = new MonsterExtraT();
return _o;
public void UnPackTo(MonsterExtraT _o) {
_o.D0 = this.D0;
_o.D1 = this.D1;
_o.D2 = this.D2;
_o.D3 = this.D3;
_o.F0 = this.F0;
_o.F1 = this.F1;
_o.F2 = this.F2;
_o.F3 = this.F3;
_o.Dvec = new List<double>();
for (var _j = 0; _j < this.DvecLength; ++_j) {_o.Dvec.Add(this.Dvec(_j));}
_o.Fvec = new List<float>();
for (var _j = 0; _j < this.FvecLength; ++_j) {_o.Fvec.Add(this.Fvec(_j));}
public static Offset<MyGame.MonsterExtra> Pack(FlatBufferBuilder builder, MonsterExtraT _o) {
if (_o == null) return default(Offset<MyGame.MonsterExtra>);
var _dvec = default(VectorOffset);
if (_o.Dvec != null) {
var __dvec = _o.Dvec.ToArray();
_dvec = CreateDvecVector(builder, __dvec);
var _fvec = default(VectorOffset);
if (_o.Fvec != null) {
var __fvec = _o.Fvec.ToArray();
_fvec = CreateFvecVector(builder, __fvec);
return CreateMonsterExtra(
public class MonsterExtraT
public double D0 { get; set; }
public double D1 { get; set; }
public double D2 { get; set; }
public double D3 { get; set; }
public float F0 { get; set; }
public float F1 { get; set; }
public float F2 { get; set; }
public float F3 { get; set; }
public List<double> Dvec { get; set; }
public List<float> Fvec { get; set; }
public MonsterExtraT() {
this.D0 = Double.NaN;
this.D1 = Double.NaN;
this.D2 = Double.PositiveInfinity;
this.D3 = Double.NegativeInfinity;
this.F0 = Single.NaN;
this.F1 = Single.NaN;
this.F2 = Single.PositiveInfinity;
this.F3 = Single.NegativeInfinity;
this.Dvec = null;
this.Fvec = null;
public static MonsterExtraT DeserializeFromJson(string jsonText) {
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MonsterExtraT>(jsonText);
public string SerializeToJson() {
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented);
public static MonsterExtraT DeserializeFromBinary(byte[] fbBuffer) {
return MonsterExtra.GetRootAsMonsterExtra(new ByteBuffer(fbBuffer)).UnPack();
public byte[] SerializeToBinary() {
var fbb = new FlatBufferBuilder(0x10000);
fbb.Finish(MonsterExtra.Pack(fbb, this).Value);
return fbb.DataBuffer.ToSizedArray();