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! RUN: %S/ %s %t %f18
!DEF: /s1 (Subroutine) Subprogram
subroutine s1
!DEF: /s1/a ObjectEntity REAL(4)
!DEF: /s1/b ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real a(10), b(10)
!DEF: /s1/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
integer(kind=8) i
!DEF: /s1/Forall1/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
!REF: /s1/a
!REF: /s1/Forall1/i
!REF: /s1/b
a(i) = b(i)
end forall
!DEF: /s1/Forall2/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
!REF: /s1/a
!REF: /s1/b
forall(i=1:10)a(i) = b(i)
end subroutine
!DEF: /s2 (Subroutine) Subprogram
subroutine s2
!DEF: /s2/a ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real a(10)
!DEF: /s2/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
integer i
!DEF: /s2/Block1/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
do concurrent(i=1:10)
!REF: /s2/a
!REF: /s2/Block1/i
a(i) = i
end do
!REF: /s2/i
do i=1,10
!REF: /s2/a
!REF: /s2/i
a(i) = i
end do
end subroutine
!DEF: /s3 (Subroutine) Subprogram
subroutine s3
!DEF: /s3/n PARAMETER ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
integer, parameter :: n = 4
!DEF: /s3/n2 PARAMETER ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!REF: /s3/n
integer, parameter :: n2 = n*n
!REF: /s3/n
!DEF: /s3/x (InDataStmt) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real, dimension(n,n) :: x
!REF: /s3/x
!DEF: /s3/ImpliedDos1/k (Implicit) ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!DEF: /s3/ImpliedDos1/j ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
!REF: /s3/n
!REF: /s3/n2
data ((x(k,j),integer(kind=8)::j=1,n),k=1,n)/n2*3.0/
end subroutine
!DEF: /s4 (Subroutine) Subprogram
subroutine s4
!DEF: /s4/t DerivedType
!DEF: /s4/t/k TypeParam INTEGER(4)
type :: t(k)
!REF: /s4/t/k
integer, kind :: k
!DEF: /s4/t/a ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
integer :: a
end type t
!REF: /s4/t
!DEF: /s4/x (InDataStmt) ObjectEntity TYPE(t(k=1_4))
type(t(1)) :: x
!REF: /s4/x
!REF: /s4/t
data x/t(1)(2)/
!REF: /s4/x
!REF: /s4/t
x = t(1)(2)
end subroutine
!DEF: /s5 (Subroutine) Subprogram
subroutine s5
!DEF: /s5/t DerivedType
!DEF: /s5/t/l TypeParam INTEGER(4)
type :: t(l)
!REF: /s5/t/l
integer, len :: l
end type t
!REF: /s5/t
!DEF: /s5/x ALLOCATABLE ObjectEntity TYPE(t(l=:))
type(t(:)), allocatable :: x
!DEF: /s5/y ALLOCATABLE ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real, allocatable :: y
!REF: /s5/t
!REF: /s5/x
!REF: /s5/y
end subroutine
!DEF: /s6 (Subroutine) Subprogram
subroutine s6
!DEF: /s6/j ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
integer(kind=8) j
!DEF: /s6/a ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
integer :: a(5) = 1
!DEF: /s6/Block1/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!DEF: /s6/Block1/j (LocalityLocal) HostAssoc INTEGER(8)
!DEF: /s6/Block1/k (Implicit, LocalityLocalInit) HostAssoc INTEGER(4)
!DEF: /s6/Block1/a (LocalityShared) HostAssoc INTEGER(4)
do concurrent(integer::i=1:5)local(j)local_init(k)shared(a)
!REF: /s6/Block1/a
!REF: /s6/Block1/i
!REF: /s6/Block1/j
a(i) = j+1
end do
end subroutine
!DEF: /s7 (Subroutine) Subprogram
subroutine s7
!DEF: /s7/one PARAMETER ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real, parameter :: one = 1.0
!DEF: /s7/z ObjectEntity COMPLEX(4)
!REF: /s7/one
complex :: z = (one, -one)
end subroutine
!DEF: /s8 (Subroutine) Subprogram
subroutine s8
!DEF: /s8/one PARAMETER ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real, parameter :: one = 1.0
!DEF: /s8/y (InDataStmt) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
!DEF: /s8/z (InDataStmt) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real y(10), z(10)
!REF: /s8/y
!DEF: /s8/ImpliedDos1/i (Implicit) ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!REF: /s8/z
!DEF: /s8/ImpliedDos2/i (Implicit) ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!DEF: /s8/x (Implicit, InDataStmt) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
!REF: /s8/one
data (y(i),i=1,10),(z(i),i=1,10),x/21*one/
end subroutine