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//===- PredicateTree.cpp - Predicate tree merging -------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "PredicateTree.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/PDL.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/PDLTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDLInterp/IR/PDLInterp.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/InferTypeOpInterface.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::pdl_to_pdl_interp;
// Predicate List Building
/// Compares the depths of two positions.
static bool comparePosDepth(Position *lhs, Position *rhs) {
return lhs->getIndex().size() < rhs->getIndex().size();
/// Collect the tree predicates anchored at the given value.
static void getTreePredicates(std::vector<PositionalPredicate> &predList,
Value val, PredicateBuilder &builder,
DenseMap<Value, Position *> &inputs,
Position *pos) {
// Make sure this input value is accessible to the rewrite.
auto it = inputs.try_emplace(val, pos);
// If this is an input value that has been visited in the tree, add a
// constraint to ensure that both instances refer to the same value.
if (!it.second &&
isa<pdl::AttributeOp, pdl::InputOp, pdl::TypeOp>(val.getDefiningOp())) {
auto minMaxPositions = std::minmax(pos, it.first->second, comparePosDepth);
// Check for a per-position predicate to apply.
switch (pos->getKind()) {
case Predicates::AttributePos: {
assert(val.getType().isa<pdl::AttributeType>() &&
"expected attribute type");
pdl::AttributeOp attr = cast<pdl::AttributeOp>(val.getDefiningOp());
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getIsNotNull());
// If the attribute has a type, add a type constraint.
if (Value type = attr.type()) {
getTreePredicates(predList, type, builder, inputs, builder.getType(pos));
// Check for a constant value of the attribute.
} else if (Optional<Attribute> value = attr.value()) {
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getAttributeConstraint(*value));
case Predicates::OperandPos: {
assert(val.getType().isa<pdl::ValueType>() && "expected value type");
// Prevent traversal into a null value.
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getIsNotNull());
// If this is a typed input, add a type constraint.
if (auto in = val.getDefiningOp<pdl::InputOp>()) {
if (Value type = in.type()) {
getTreePredicates(predList, type, builder, inputs,
// Otherwise, recurse into the parent node.
} else if (auto parentOp = val.getDefiningOp<pdl::OperationOp>()) {
getTreePredicates(predList, parentOp.op(), builder, inputs,
case Predicates::OperationPos: {
assert(val.getType().isa<pdl::OperationType>() && "expected operation");
pdl::OperationOp op = cast<pdl::OperationOp>(val.getDefiningOp());
OperationPosition *opPos = cast<OperationPosition>(pos);
// Ensure getDefiningOp returns a non-null operation.
if (!opPos->isRoot())
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getIsNotNull());
// Check that this is the correct root operation.
if (Optional<StringRef> opName =
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getOperationName(*opName));
// Check that the operation has the proper number of operands and results.
OperandRange operands = op.operands();
ResultRange results = op.results();
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getOperandCount(operands.size()));
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getResultCount(results.size()));
// Recurse into any attributes, operands, or results.
for (auto it : llvm::zip(op.attributeNames(), op.attributes())) {
predList, std::get<1>(it), builder, inputs,
for (auto operandIt : llvm::enumerate(operands))
getTreePredicates(predList, operandIt.value(), builder, inputs,
builder.getOperand(opPos, operandIt.index()));
// Only recurse into results that are not referenced in the source tree.
for (auto resultIt : llvm::enumerate(results)) {
getTreePredicates(predList, resultIt.value(), builder, inputs,
builder.getResult(opPos, resultIt.index()));
case Predicates::ResultPos: {
assert(val.getType().isa<pdl::ValueType>() && "expected value type");
pdl::OperationOp parentOp = cast<pdl::OperationOp>(val.getDefiningOp());
// Prevent traversing a null value.
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getIsNotNull());
// Traverse the type constraint.
unsigned resultNo = cast<ResultPosition>(pos)->getResultNumber();
getTreePredicates(predList, parentOp.types()[resultNo], builder, inputs,
case Predicates::TypePos: {
assert(val.getType().isa<pdl::TypeType>() && "expected value type");
pdl::TypeOp typeOp = cast<pdl::TypeOp>(val.getDefiningOp());
// Check for a constraint on a constant type.
if (Optional<Type> type = typeOp.type())
predList.emplace_back(pos, builder.getTypeConstraint(*type));
llvm_unreachable("unknown position kind");
/// Collect all of the predicates related to constraints within the given
/// pattern operation.
static void collectConstraintPredicates(
pdl::PatternOp pattern, std::vector<PositionalPredicate> &predList,
PredicateBuilder &builder, DenseMap<Value, Position *> &inputs) {
for (auto op : pattern.body().getOps<pdl::ApplyConstraintOp>()) {
OperandRange arguments = op.args();
ArrayAttr parameters = op.constParamsAttr();
std::vector<Position *> allPositions;
for (Value arg : arguments)
// Push the constraint to the furthest position.
Position *pos = *std::max_element(allPositions.begin(), allPositions.end(),
PredicateBuilder::Predicate pred =
builder.getConstraint(, std::move(allPositions), parameters);
predList.emplace_back(pos, pred);
/// Given a pattern operation, build the set of matcher predicates necessary to
/// match this pattern.
static void buildPredicateList(pdl::PatternOp pattern,
PredicateBuilder &builder,
std::vector<PositionalPredicate> &predList,
DenseMap<Value, Position *> &valueToPosition) {
getTreePredicates(predList, pattern.getRewriter().root(), builder,
valueToPosition, builder.getRoot());
collectConstraintPredicates(pattern, predList, builder, valueToPosition);
// Pattern Predicate Tree Merging
namespace {
/// This class represents a specific predicate applied to a position, and
/// provides hashing and ordering operators. This class allows for computing a
/// frequence sum and ordering predicates based on a cost model.
struct OrderedPredicate {
OrderedPredicate(const std::pair<Position *, Qualifier *> &ip)
: position(ip.first), question(ip.second) {}
OrderedPredicate(const PositionalPredicate &ip)
: position(ip.position), question(ip.question) {}
/// The position this predicate is applied to.
Position *position;
/// The question that is applied by this predicate onto the position.
Qualifier *question;
/// The first and second order benefit sums.
/// The primary sum is the number of occurrences of this predicate among all
/// of the patterns.
unsigned primary = 0;
/// The secondary sum is a squared summation of the primary sum of all of the
/// predicates within each pattern that contains this predicate. This allows
/// for favoring predicates that are more commonly shared within a pattern, as
/// opposed to those shared across patterns.
unsigned secondary = 0;
/// A map between a pattern operation and the answer to the predicate question
/// within that pattern.
DenseMap<Operation *, Qualifier *> patternToAnswer;
/// Returns true if this predicate is ordered before `other`, based on the
/// cost model.
bool operator<(const OrderedPredicate &other) const {
// Sort by:
// * first and secondary order sums
// * lower depth
// * position dependency
// * predicate dependency.
auto *otherPos = other.position;
return std::make_tuple(other.primary, other.secondary,
otherPos->getIndex().size(), otherPos->getKind(),
other.question->getKind()) >
std::make_tuple(primary, secondary, position->getIndex().size(),
position->getKind(), question->getKind());
/// A DenseMapInfo for OrderedPredicate based solely on the position and
/// question.
struct OrderedPredicateDenseInfo {
using Base = DenseMapInfo<std::pair<Position *, Qualifier *>>;
static OrderedPredicate getEmptyKey() { return Base::getEmptyKey(); }
static OrderedPredicate getTombstoneKey() { return Base::getTombstoneKey(); }
static bool isEqual(const OrderedPredicate &lhs,
const OrderedPredicate &rhs) {
return lhs.position == rhs.position && lhs.question == rhs.question;
static unsigned getHashValue(const OrderedPredicate &p) {
return llvm::hash_combine(p.position, p.question);
/// This class wraps a set of ordered predicates that are used within a specific
/// pattern operation.
struct OrderedPredicateList {
OrderedPredicateList(pdl::PatternOp pattern) : pattern(pattern) {}
pdl::PatternOp pattern;
DenseSet<OrderedPredicate *> predicates;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Returns true if the given matcher refers to the same predicate as the given
/// ordered predicate. This means that the position and questions of the two
/// match.
static bool isSamePredicate(MatcherNode *node, OrderedPredicate *predicate) {
return node->getPosition() == predicate->position &&
node->getQuestion() == predicate->question;
/// Get or insert a child matcher for the given parent switch node, given a
/// predicate and parent pattern.
std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> &getOrCreateChild(SwitchNode *node,
OrderedPredicate *predicate,
pdl::PatternOp pattern) {
assert(isSamePredicate(node, predicate) &&
"expected matcher to equal the given predicate");
auto it = predicate->patternToAnswer.find(pattern);
assert(it != predicate->patternToAnswer.end() &&
"expected pattern to exist in predicate");
return node->getChildren().insert({it->second, nullptr}).first->second;
/// Build the matcher CFG by "pushing" patterns through by sorted predicate
/// order. A pattern will traverse as far as possible using common predicates
/// and then either diverge from the CFG or reach the end of a branch and start
/// creating new nodes.
static void propagatePattern(std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> &node,
OrderedPredicateList &list,
std::vector<OrderedPredicate *>::iterator current,
std::vector<OrderedPredicate *>::iterator end) {
if (current == end) {
// We've hit the end of a pattern, so create a successful result node.
node = std::make_unique<SuccessNode>(list.pattern, std::move(node));
// If the pattern doesn't contain this predicate, ignore it.
} else if (list.predicates.find(*current) == list.predicates.end()) {
propagatePattern(node, list, std::next(current), end);
// If the current matcher node is invalid, create a new one for this
// position and continue propagation.
} else if (!node) {
// Create a new node at this position and continue
node = std::make_unique<SwitchNode>((*current)->position,
getOrCreateChild(cast<SwitchNode>(&*node), *current, list.pattern),
list, std::next(current), end);
// If the matcher has already been created, and it is for this predicate we
// continue propagation to the child.
} else if (isSamePredicate(node.get(), *current)) {
getOrCreateChild(cast<SwitchNode>(&*node), *current, list.pattern),
list, std::next(current), end);
// If the matcher doesn't match the current predicate, insert a branch as
// the common set of matchers has diverged.
} else {
propagatePattern(node->getFailureNode(), list, current, end);
/// Fold any switch nodes nested under `node` to boolean nodes when possible.
/// `node` is updated in-place if it is a switch.
static void foldSwitchToBool(std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> &node) {
if (!node)
if (SwitchNode *switchNode = dyn_cast<SwitchNode>(&*node)) {
SwitchNode::ChildMapT &children = switchNode->getChildren();
for (auto &it : children)
// If the node only contains one child, collapse it into a boolean predicate
// node.
if (children.size() == 1) {
auto childIt = children.begin();
node = std::make_unique<BoolNode>(
node->getPosition(), node->getQuestion(), childIt->first,
std::move(childIt->second), std::move(node->getFailureNode()));
} else if (BoolNode *boolNode = dyn_cast<BoolNode>(&*node)) {
/// Insert an exit node at the end of the failure path of the `root`.
static void insertExitNode(std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> *root) {
while (*root)
root = &(*root)->getFailureNode();
*root = std::make_unique<ExitNode>();
/// Given a module containing PDL pattern operations, generate a matcher tree
/// using the patterns within the given module and return the root matcher node.
MatcherNode::generateMatcherTree(ModuleOp module, PredicateBuilder &builder,
DenseMap<Value, Position *> &valueToPosition) {
// Collect the set of predicates contained within the pattern operations of
// the module.
SmallVector<std::pair<pdl::PatternOp, std::vector<PositionalPredicate>>, 16>
for (pdl::PatternOp pattern : module.getOps<pdl::PatternOp>()) {
std::vector<PositionalPredicate> predicateList;
buildPredicateList(pattern, builder, predicateList, valueToPosition);
patternsAndPredicates.emplace_back(pattern, std::move(predicateList));
// Associate a pattern result with each unique predicate.
DenseSet<OrderedPredicate, OrderedPredicateDenseInfo> uniqued;
for (auto &patternAndPredList : patternsAndPredicates) {
for (auto &predicate : patternAndPredList.second) {
auto it = uniqued.insert(predicate);
// Associate each pattern to a set of its ordered predicates for later lookup.
std::vector<OrderedPredicateList> lists;
for (auto &patternAndPredList : patternsAndPredicates) {
OrderedPredicateList list(patternAndPredList.first);
for (auto &predicate : patternAndPredList.second) {
OrderedPredicate *orderedPredicate = &*uniqued.find(predicate);
// Increment the primary sum for each reference to a particular predicate.
// For a particular pattern, get the total primary sum and add it to the
// secondary sum of each predicate. Square the primary sums to emphasize
// shared predicates within rather than across patterns.
for (auto &list : lists) {
unsigned total = 0;
for (auto *predicate : list.predicates)
total += predicate->primary * predicate->primary;
for (auto *predicate : list.predicates)
predicate->secondary += total;
// Sort the set of predicates now that the cost primary and secondary sums
// have been computed.
std::vector<OrderedPredicate *> ordered;
for (auto &ip : uniqued)
ordered.begin(), ordered.end(),
[](OrderedPredicate *lhs, OrderedPredicate *rhs) { return *lhs < *rhs; });
// Build the matchers for each of the pattern predicate lists.
std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> root;
for (OrderedPredicateList &list : lists)
propagatePattern(root, list, ordered.begin(), ordered.end());
// Collapse the graph and insert the exit node.
return root;
// MatcherNode
MatcherNode::MatcherNode(TypeID matcherTypeID, Position *p, Qualifier *q,
std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> failureNode)
: position(p), question(q), failureNode(std::move(failureNode)),
matcherTypeID(matcherTypeID) {}
// BoolNode
BoolNode::BoolNode(Position *position, Qualifier *question, Qualifier *answer,
std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> successNode,
std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> failureNode)
: MatcherNode(TypeID::get<BoolNode>(), position, question,
answer(answer), successNode(std::move(successNode)) {}
// SuccessNode
SuccessNode::SuccessNode(pdl::PatternOp pattern,
std::unique_ptr<MatcherNode> failureNode)
: MatcherNode(TypeID::get<SuccessNode>(), /*position=*/nullptr,
/*question=*/nullptr, std::move(failureNode)),
pattern(pattern) {}
// SwitchNode
SwitchNode::SwitchNode(Position *position, Qualifier *question)
: MatcherNode(TypeID::get<SwitchNode>(), position, question) {}