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git diff-index --quiet HEAD --
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Working tree must be empty before bumping the version"
sed -i '' "s/ versionName \".*\"/ versionName \"$1\"/" lottie/build.gradle
sed -i '' "s/ versionName \".*\"/ versionName \"$1\"/" LottieSample/build.gradle
versionCode=$((`cat LottieSample/build.gradle | grep versionCode | awk '{print $2}'` + 1))
sed -i '' "s/ versionCode .*/ versionCode $versionCode/" LottieSample/build.gradle
sed -i '' "s/VERSION_NAME=.*/VERSION_NAME=$1/"
git add -A
git commit -m "v$1"
git tag "v$1"
git push --follow-tags
git push origin v$1