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# Simplified Chinese Codecs Map Generator
# Original Author: Hye-Shik Chang <>
# Modified Author: Dong-hee Na <>
import os
import re
from genmap_support import *
GB2312_C1 = (0x21, 0x7e)
GB2312_C2 = (0x21, 0x7e)
GBKL1_C1 = (0x81, 0xa8)
GBKL1_C2 = (0x40, 0xfe)
GBKL2_C1 = (0xa9, 0xfe)
GBKL2_C2 = (0x40, 0xa0)
GB18030EXTP1_C1 = (0xa1, 0xa9)
GB18030EXTP1_C2 = (0x40, 0xfe)
GB18030EXTP2_C1 = (0xaa, 0xaf)
GB18030EXTP2_C2 = (0xa1, 0xfe)
GB18030EXTP3_C1 = (0xd7, 0xd7)
GB18030EXTP3_C2 = (0xfa, 0xfe)
GB18030EXTP4_C1 = (0xf8, 0xfd)
GB18030EXTP4_C2 = (0xa1, 0xfe)
GB18030EXTP5_C1 = (0xfe, 0xfe)
GB18030EXTP5_C2 = (0x50, 0xfe)
MAPPINGS_GB2312 = ''
MAPPINGS_GB18030 = ''
re_gb18030ass = re.compile('<a u="([A-F0-9]{4})" b="([0-9A-F ]+)"/>')
def parse_gb18030map(fo):
m, gbuni = {}, {}
for i in range(65536):
if i < 0xd800 or i > 0xdfff: # exclude unicode surrogate area
gbuni[i] = None
for uni, native in re_gb18030ass.findall(
uni = eval('0x'+uni)
native = [eval('0x'+u) for u in native.split()]
if len(native) <= 2:
del gbuni[uni]
if len(native) == 2: # we can decode algorithmically for 1 or 4 bytes
m.setdefault(native[0], {})
m[native[0]][native[1]] = uni
gbuni = [k for k in gbuni.keys()]
return m, gbuni
def main():
print("Loading Mapping File...")
gb2312map = open_mapping_file('python-mappings/GB2312.TXT', MAPPINGS_GB2312)
cp936map = open_mapping_file('python-mappings/CP936.TXT', MAPPINGS_CP936)
gb18030map = open_mapping_file('python-mappings/gb-18030-2000.xml', MAPPINGS_GB18030)
gb18030decmap, gb18030unilinear = parse_gb18030map(gb18030map)
gbkdecmap = loadmap(cp936map)
gb2312decmap = loadmap(gb2312map)
difmap = {}
for c1, m in gbkdecmap.items():
for c2, code in m.items():
del gb18030decmap[c1][c2]
if not gb18030decmap[c1]:
del gb18030decmap[c1]
for c1, m in gb2312decmap.items():
for c2, code in m.items():
gbkc1, gbkc2 = c1 | 0x80, c2 | 0x80
if gbkdecmap[gbkc1][gbkc2] == code:
del gbkdecmap[gbkc1][gbkc2]
if not gbkdecmap[gbkc1]:
del gbkdecmap[gbkc1]
gb2312_gbkencmap, gb18030encmap = {}, {}
for c1, m in gbkdecmap.items():
for c2, code in m.items():
gb2312_gbkencmap.setdefault(code >> 8, {})
gb2312_gbkencmap[code >> 8][code & 0xff] = c1 << 8 | c2 # MSB set
for c1, m in gb2312decmap.items():
for c2, code in m.items():
gb2312_gbkencmap.setdefault(code >> 8, {})
gb2312_gbkencmap[code >> 8][code & 0xff] = c1 << 8 | c2 # MSB unset
for c1, m in gb18030decmap.items():
for c2, code in m.items():
gb18030encmap.setdefault(code >> 8, {})
gb18030encmap[code >> 8][code & 0xff] = c1 << 8 | c2
with open('mappings_cn.h', 'w') as fp:
print_autogen(fp, os.path.basename(__file__))
print("Generating GB2312 decode map...")
writer = DecodeMapWriter(fp, "gb2312", gb2312decmap)
writer.update_decode_map(GB2312_C1, GB2312_C2)
print("Generating GBK decode map...")
writer = DecodeMapWriter(fp, "gbkext", gbkdecmap)
writer.update_decode_map(GBKL1_C1, GBKL1_C2)
writer.update_decode_map(GBKL2_C1, GBKL2_C2)
print("Generating GB2312 && GBK encode map...")
writer = EncodeMapWriter(fp, "gbcommon", gb2312_gbkencmap)
print("Generating GB18030 extension decode map...")
writer = DecodeMapWriter(fp, "gb18030ext", gb18030decmap)
for i in range(1, 6):
writer.update_decode_map(eval("GB18030EXTP%d_C1" % i), eval("GB18030EXTP%d_C2" % i))
print("Generating GB18030 extension encode map...")
writer = EncodeMapWriter(fp, "gb18030ext", gb18030encmap)
print("Generating GB18030 Unicode BMP Mapping Ranges...")
ranges = [[-1, -1, -1]]
gblinnum = 0
static const struct _gb18030_to_unibmp_ranges {
Py_UCS4 first, last;
DBCHAR base;
} gb18030_to_unibmp_ranges[] = {
for uni in gb18030unilinear:
if uni == ranges[-1][1] + 1:
ranges[-1][1] = uni
ranges.append([uni, uni, gblinnum])
gblinnum += 1
filler = BufferedFiller()
for first, last, base in ranges[1:]:
filler.write('{', str(first), ',', str(last), ',', str(base), '},')
filler.write('{', '0,', '0,', str(
ranges[-1][2] + ranges[-1][1] - ranges[-1][0] + 1), '}', '};')
if __name__ == '__main__':