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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <atomic>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utils/List.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera2/BnCameraDeviceCallbacks.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera2/ICameraDeviceUser.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALooper.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AHandler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h>
#include <camera/CaptureResult.h>
#include <camera/camera2/OutputConfiguration.h>
#include <camera/camera2/SessionConfiguration.h>
#include <camera/camera2/CaptureRequest.h>
#include <camera/NdkCameraManager.h>
#include <camera/NdkCameraCaptureSession.h>
#include "ACameraMetadata.h"
namespace android {
namespace acam {
// Wrap ACameraCaptureFailure so it can be ref-counted
struct CameraCaptureFailure : public RefBase, public ACameraCaptureFailure {};
// Wrap PhysicalCaptureResultInfo so that it can be ref-counted
struct ACameraPhysicalCaptureResultInfo: public RefBase {
ACameraPhysicalCaptureResultInfo(const std::vector<PhysicalCaptureResultInfo>& info,
int64_t frameNumber) :
mPhysicalResultInfo(info), mFrameNumber(frameNumber) {}
std::vector<PhysicalCaptureResultInfo> mPhysicalResultInfo;
int64_t mFrameNumber;
class CameraDevice final : public RefBase {
CameraDevice(const char* id, ACameraDevice_StateCallbacks* cb,
sp<ACameraMetadata> chars,
ACameraDevice* wrapper);
inline const char* getId() const { return mCameraId.string(); }
camera_status_t createCaptureRequest(
ACameraDevice_request_template templateId,
const ACameraIdList* physicalIdList,
ACaptureRequest** request) const;
camera_status_t createCaptureSession(
const ACaptureSessionOutputContainer* outputs,
const ACaptureRequest* sessionParameters,
const ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks* callbacks,
/*out*/ACameraCaptureSession** session);
camera_status_t isSessionConfigurationSupported(
const ACaptureSessionOutputContainer* sessionOutputContainer) const;
// Callbacks from camera service
class ServiceCallback : public hardware::camera2::BnCameraDeviceCallbacks {
explicit ServiceCallback(CameraDevice* device) : mDevice(device) {}
binder::Status onDeviceError(int32_t errorCode,
const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras) override;
binder::Status onDeviceIdle() override;
binder::Status onCaptureStarted(const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras,
int64_t timestamp) override;
binder::Status onResultReceived(const CameraMetadata& metadata,
const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras,
const std::vector<PhysicalCaptureResultInfo>& physicalResultInfos) override;
binder::Status onPrepared(int streamId) override;
binder::Status onRequestQueueEmpty() override;
binder::Status onRepeatingRequestError(int64_t lastFrameNumber,
int32_t stoppedSequenceId) override;
const wp<CameraDevice> mDevice;
inline sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceCallbacks> getServiceCallback() {
return mServiceCallback;
// Camera device is only functional after remote being set
void setRemoteDevice(sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceUser> remote);
inline ACameraDevice* getWrapper() const { return mWrapper; };
// Stop the looper thread and unregister the handler
void stopLooperAndDisconnect();
friend ACameraCaptureSession;
camera_status_t checkCameraClosedOrErrorLocked() const;
// device goes into fatal error state after this
void setCameraDeviceErrorLocked(camera_status_t error);
void disconnectLocked(sp<ACameraCaptureSession>& session); // disconnect from camera service
camera_status_t stopRepeatingLocked();
camera_status_t flushLocked(ACameraCaptureSession*);
camera_status_t waitUntilIdleLocked();
template<class T>
camera_status_t captureLocked(sp<ACameraCaptureSession> session,
/*optional*/T* cbs,
int numRequests, ACaptureRequest** requests,
/*optional*/int* captureSequenceId);
template<class T>
camera_status_t setRepeatingRequestsLocked(sp<ACameraCaptureSession> session,
/*optional*/T* cbs,
int numRequests, ACaptureRequest** requests,
/*optional*/int* captureSequenceId);
template<class T>
camera_status_t submitRequestsLocked(
sp<ACameraCaptureSession> session,
/*optional*/T* cbs,
int numRequests, ACaptureRequest** requests,
/*out*/int* captureSequenceId,
bool isRepeating);
camera_status_t updateOutputConfigurationLocked(ACaptureSessionOutput *output);
camera_status_t allocateCaptureRequest(
const ACaptureRequest* request, sp<CaptureRequest>& outReq);
static ACaptureRequest* allocateACaptureRequest(sp<CaptureRequest>& req,
const std::string& deviceId);
static void freeACaptureRequest(ACaptureRequest*);
// only For session to hold device lock
// Always grab device lock before grabbing session lock
void lockDeviceForSessionOps() const { mDeviceLock.lock(); };
void unlockDevice() const { mDeviceLock.unlock(); };
// For capture session to notify its end of life
void notifySessionEndOfLifeLocked(ACameraCaptureSession* session);
camera_status_t configureStreamsLocked(const ACaptureSessionOutputContainer* outputs,
const ACaptureRequest* sessionParameters, nsecs_t startTimeNs);
// Input message will be posted and cleared after this returns
void postSessionMsgAndCleanup(sp<AMessage>& msg);
static camera_status_t getIGBPfromAnw(
ANativeWindow* anw, sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& out);
static camera_status_t getSurfaceFromANativeWindow(
ANativeWindow* anw, sp<Surface>& out);
mutable Mutex mDeviceLock;
const String8 mCameraId; // Camera ID
const ACameraDevice_StateCallbacks mAppCallbacks; // Callback to app
const sp<ACameraMetadata> mChars; // Camera characteristics
const sp<ServiceCallback> mServiceCallback;
ACameraDevice* mWrapper;
// stream id -> pair of (ANW* from application, OutputConfiguration used for camera service)
std::map<int, std::pair<ANativeWindow*, OutputConfiguration>> mConfiguredOutputs;
// TODO: maybe a bool will suffice for synchronous implementation?
std::atomic_bool mClosing;
inline bool isClosed() { return mClosing; }
bool mInError = false;
camera_status_t mError = ACAMERA_OK;
void onCaptureErrorLocked(
int32_t errorCode,
const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras);
bool mIdle = true;
// This will avoid a busy session being deleted before it's back to idle state
sp<ACameraCaptureSession> mBusySession;
sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceUser> mRemote;
// Looper thread to handle callback to app
sp<ALooper> mCbLooper;
// definition of handler and message
enum {
// Device state callbacks
kWhatOnDisconnected, // onDisconnected
kWhatOnError, // onError
// Session state callbacks
kWhatSessionStateCb, // onReady, onActive
// Capture callbacks
kWhatCaptureStart, // onCaptureStarted
kWhatCaptureResult, // onCaptureProgressed, onCaptureCompleted
kWhatLogicalCaptureResult, // onLogicalCameraCaptureCompleted
kWhatCaptureFail, // onCaptureFailed
kWhatLogicalCaptureFail, // onLogicalCameraCaptureFailed
kWhatCaptureSeqEnd, // onCaptureSequenceCompleted
kWhatCaptureSeqAbort, // onCaptureSequenceAborted
kWhatCaptureBufferLost,// onCaptureBufferLost
// Internal cleanup
kWhatCleanUpSessions // Cleanup cached sp<ACameraCaptureSession>
static const char* kContextKey;
static const char* kDeviceKey;
static const char* kErrorCodeKey;
static const char* kCallbackFpKey;
static const char* kSessionSpKey;
static const char* kCaptureRequestKey;
static const char* kTimeStampKey;
static const char* kCaptureResultKey;
static const char* kPhysicalCaptureResultKey;
static const char* kCaptureFailureKey;
static const char* kSequenceIdKey;
static const char* kFrameNumberKey;
static const char* kAnwKey;
static const char* kFailingPhysicalCameraId;
class CallbackHandler : public AHandler {
explicit CallbackHandler(const char* id);
void onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) override;
std::string mId;
// This handler will cache all capture session sp until kWhatCleanUpSessions
// is processed. This is used to guarantee the last session reference is always
// being removed in callback thread without holding camera device lock
Vector<sp<ACameraCaptureSession>> mCachedSessions;
sp<CallbackHandler> mHandler;
* Capture session related members *
// The current active session
wp<ACameraCaptureSession> mCurrentSession;
bool mFlushing = false;
int mNextSessionId = 0;
// TODO: might need another looper/handler to handle callbacks from service
static const int REQUEST_ID_NONE = -1;
int mRepeatingSequenceId = REQUEST_ID_NONE;
// sequence id -> last frame number holder map
struct RequestLastFrameNumberHolder {
int64_t lastFrameNumber;
// Whether the current sequence is completed (capture results are
// generated). May be set to true, but
// not removed from the map if not all inflight requests in the sequence
// have been completed.
bool isSequenceCompleted = false;
// Whether all inflight requests in the sequence are completed
// (capture results and buffers are generated). May be
// set to true, but not removed from the map yet if the capture results
// haven't been delivered to the app yet.
bool isInflightCompleted = false;
RequestLastFrameNumberHolder(int64_t lastFN) :
lastFrameNumber(lastFN) {}
std::map<int, RequestLastFrameNumberHolder> mSequenceLastFrameNumberMap;
struct CallbackHolder {
CallbackHolder(sp<ACameraCaptureSession> session,
const Vector<sp<CaptureRequest> >& requests,
bool isRepeating,
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks* cbs);
CallbackHolder(sp<ACameraCaptureSession> session,
const Vector<sp<CaptureRequest> >& requests,
bool isRepeating,
ACameraCaptureSession_logicalCamera_captureCallbacks* lcbs);
template <class T>
void initCaptureCallbacks(T* cbs) {
mContext = nullptr;
mOnCaptureStarted = nullptr;
mOnCaptureProgressed = nullptr;
mOnCaptureCompleted = nullptr;
mOnLogicalCameraCaptureCompleted = nullptr;
mOnLogicalCameraCaptureFailed = nullptr;
mOnCaptureFailed = nullptr;
mOnCaptureSequenceCompleted = nullptr;
mOnCaptureSequenceAborted = nullptr;
mOnCaptureBufferLost = nullptr;
if (cbs != nullptr) {
mContext = cbs->context;
mOnCaptureStarted = cbs->onCaptureStarted;
mOnCaptureProgressed = cbs->onCaptureProgressed;
mOnCaptureSequenceCompleted = cbs->onCaptureSequenceCompleted;
mOnCaptureSequenceAborted = cbs->onCaptureSequenceAborted;
mOnCaptureBufferLost = cbs->onCaptureBufferLost;
sp<ACameraCaptureSession> mSession;
Vector<sp<CaptureRequest> > mRequests;
const bool mIsRepeating;
const bool mIsLogicalCameraCallback;
void* mContext;
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_start mOnCaptureStarted;
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result mOnCaptureProgressed;
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result mOnCaptureCompleted;
ACameraCaptureSession_logicalCamera_captureCallback_result mOnLogicalCameraCaptureCompleted;
ACameraCaptureSession_logicalCamera_captureCallback_failed mOnLogicalCameraCaptureFailed;
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_failed mOnCaptureFailed;
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_sequenceEnd mOnCaptureSequenceCompleted;
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_sequenceAbort mOnCaptureSequenceAborted;
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_bufferLost mOnCaptureBufferLost;
// sequence id -> callbacks map
std::map<int, CallbackHolder> mSequenceCallbackMap;
static const int64_t NO_FRAMES_CAPTURED = -1;
class FrameNumberTracker {
// TODO: Called in onResultReceived and onCaptureErrorLocked
void updateTracker(int64_t frameNumber, bool isError);
inline int64_t getCompletedFrameNumber() { return mCompletedFrameNumber; }
void update();
void updateCompletedFrameNumber(int64_t frameNumber);
int64_t mCompletedFrameNumber = NO_FRAMES_CAPTURED;
List<int64_t> mSkippedFrameNumbers;
std::set<int64_t> mFutureErrorSet;
FrameNumberTracker mFrameNumberTracker;
void checkRepeatingSequenceCompleteLocked(const int sequenceId, const int64_t lastFrameNumber);
void checkAndFireSequenceCompleteLocked();
void removeCompletedCallbackHolderLocked(int64_t lastCompletedRegularFrameNumber);
void sendCaptureSequenceCompletedLocked(int sequenceId, int64_t lastFrameNumber);
// Misc variables
int32_t mShadingMapSize[2]; // const after constructor
int32_t mPartialResultCount; // const after constructor
std::vector<std::string> mPhysicalIds; // const after constructor
} // namespace acam;
} // namespace android;
* ACameraDevice opaque struct definition
* Leave outside of android namespace because it's NDK struct
struct ACameraDevice {
ACameraDevice(const char* id, ACameraDevice_StateCallbacks* cb,
sp<ACameraMetadata> chars) :
mDevice(new android::acam::CameraDevice(id, cb, chars, this)) {}
* NDK public APIs *
inline const char* getId() const { return mDevice->getId(); }
camera_status_t createCaptureRequest(
ACameraDevice_request_template templateId,
const ACameraIdList* physicalCameraIdList,
ACaptureRequest** request) const {
return mDevice->createCaptureRequest(templateId, physicalCameraIdList, request);
camera_status_t createCaptureSession(
const ACaptureSessionOutputContainer* outputs,
const ACaptureRequest* sessionParameters,
const ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks* callbacks,
/*out*/ACameraCaptureSession** session) {
return mDevice->createCaptureSession(outputs, sessionParameters, callbacks, session);
camera_status_t isSessionConfigurationSupported(
const ACaptureSessionOutputContainer* sessionOutputContainer) const {
return mDevice->isSessionConfigurationSupported(sessionOutputContainer);
* Device interal APIs *
inline android::sp<android::hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceCallbacks> getServiceCallback() {
return mDevice->getServiceCallback();
// Camera device is only functional after remote being set
inline void setRemoteDevice(android::sp<android::hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceUser> remote) {
android::sp<android::acam::CameraDevice> mDevice;