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* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <composer-vts/2.1/ComposerVts.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace graphics {
namespace composer {
namespace V2_1 {
namespace vts {
Composer::Composer(const sp<IComposer>& composer) : mComposer(composer) {
// ASSERT_* can only be used in functions returning void.
[this] {
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, mComposer.get()) << "failed to get composer service";
std::vector<IComposer::Capability> capabilities = getCapabilities();
mCapabilities.insert(capabilities.begin(), capabilities.end());
sp<IComposer> Composer::getRaw() const {
return mComposer;
bool Composer::hasCapability(IComposer::Capability capability) const {
return mCapabilities.count(capability) > 0;
std::vector<IComposer::Capability> Composer::getCapabilities() {
std::vector<IComposer::Capability> capabilities;
[&](const auto& tmpCapabilities) { capabilities = tmpCapabilities; });
return capabilities;
std::string Composer::dumpDebugInfo() {
std::string debugInfo;
mComposer->dumpDebugInfo([&](const auto& tmpDebugInfo) { debugInfo = tmpDebugInfo.c_str(); });
return debugInfo;
std::unique_ptr<ComposerClient> Composer::createClient() {
std::unique_ptr<ComposerClient> client;
mComposer->createClient([&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpClient) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to create client";
client = std::make_unique<ComposerClient>(tmpClient);
return client;
ComposerClient::ComposerClient(const sp<IComposerClient>& client) : mClient(client) {}
ComposerClient::~ComposerClient() {
for (const auto& it : mDisplayResources) {
Display display = it.first;
const DisplayResource& resource = it.second;
for (auto layer : resource.layers) {
EXPECT_EQ(Error::NONE, mClient->destroyLayer(display, layer))
<< "failed to destroy layer " << layer;
if (resource.isVirtual) {
EXPECT_EQ(Error::NONE, mClient->destroyVirtualDisplay(display))
<< "failed to destroy virtual display " << display;
sp<IComposerClient> ComposerClient::getRaw() const {
return mClient;
void ComposerClient::registerCallback(const sp<IComposerCallback>& callback) {
uint32_t ComposerClient::getMaxVirtualDisplayCount() {
return mClient->getMaxVirtualDisplayCount();
Display ComposerClient::createVirtualDisplay(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
PixelFormat formatHint, uint32_t outputBufferSlotCount,
PixelFormat* outFormat) {
Display display = 0;
width, height, formatHint, outputBufferSlotCount,
[&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpDisplay, const auto& tmpFormat) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to create virtual display";
display = tmpDisplay;
*outFormat = tmpFormat;
ASSERT_TRUE(mDisplayResources.insert({display, DisplayResource(true)}).second)
<< "duplicated virtual display id " << display;
return display;
void ComposerClient::destroyVirtualDisplay(Display display) {
Error error = mClient->destroyVirtualDisplay(display);
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, error) << "failed to destroy virtual display " << display;
Layer ComposerClient::createLayer(Display display, uint32_t bufferSlotCount) {
Layer layer = 0;
mClient->createLayer(display, bufferSlotCount, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpLayer) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to create layer";
layer = tmpLayer;
auto resourceIt = mDisplayResources.find(display);
if (resourceIt == mDisplayResources.end()) {
resourceIt = mDisplayResources.insert({display, DisplayResource(false)}).first;
<< "duplicated layer id " << layer;
return layer;
void ComposerClient::destroyLayer(Display display, Layer layer) {
Error error = mClient->destroyLayer(display, layer);
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, error) << "failed to destroy layer " << layer;
auto resourceIt = mDisplayResources.find(display);
ASSERT_NE(mDisplayResources.end(), resourceIt);
Config ComposerClient::getActiveConfig(Display display) {
Config config = 0;
mClient->getActiveConfig(display, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpConfig) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to get active config";
config = tmpConfig;
return config;
bool ComposerClient::getClientTargetSupport(Display display, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
PixelFormat format, Dataspace dataspace) {
Error error = mClient->getClientTargetSupport(display, width, height, format, dataspace);
return error == Error::NONE;
std::vector<ColorMode> ComposerClient::getColorModes(Display display) {
std::vector<ColorMode> modes;
mClient->getColorModes(display, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpMode) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to get color mode";
modes = tmpMode;
return modes;
int32_t ComposerClient::getDisplayAttribute(Display display, Config config,
IComposerClient::Attribute attribute) {
int32_t value = 0;
display, config, attribute, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpValue) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to get display attribute";
value = tmpValue;
return value;
std::vector<Config> ComposerClient::getDisplayConfigs(Display display) {
std::vector<Config> configs;
mClient->getDisplayConfigs(display, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpConfigs) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to get display configs";
configs = tmpConfigs;
return configs;
std::string ComposerClient::getDisplayName(Display display) {
std::string name;
mClient->getDisplayName(display, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpName) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to get display name";
name = tmpName.c_str();
return name;
IComposerClient::DisplayType ComposerClient::getDisplayType(Display display) {
IComposerClient::DisplayType type = IComposerClient::DisplayType::INVALID;
mClient->getDisplayType(display, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpType) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to get display type";
type = tmpType;
return type;
bool ComposerClient::getDozeSupport(Display display) {
bool support = false;
mClient->getDozeSupport(display, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpSupport) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to get doze support";
support = tmpSupport;
return support;
std::vector<Hdr> ComposerClient::getHdrCapabilities(Display display, float* outMaxLuminance,
float* outMaxAverageLuminance,
float* outMinLuminance) {
std::vector<Hdr> types;
display, [&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpTypes, const auto& tmpMaxLuminance,
const auto& tmpMaxAverageLuminance, const auto& tmpMinLuminance) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError) << "failed to get HDR capabilities";
types = tmpTypes;
*outMaxLuminance = tmpMaxLuminance;
*outMaxAverageLuminance = tmpMaxAverageLuminance;
*outMinLuminance = tmpMinLuminance;
return types;
void ComposerClient::setClientTargetSlotCount(Display display, uint32_t clientTargetSlotCount) {
Error error = mClient->setClientTargetSlotCount(display, clientTargetSlotCount);
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, error) << "failed to set client target slot count";
void ComposerClient::setActiveConfig(Display display, Config config) {
Error error = mClient->setActiveConfig(display, config);
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, error) << "failed to set active config";
void ComposerClient::setColorMode(Display display, ColorMode mode) {
Error error = mClient->setColorMode(display, mode);
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, error) << "failed to set color mode";
void ComposerClient::setPowerMode(Display display, IComposerClient::PowerMode mode) {
Error error = mClient->setPowerMode(display, mode);
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, error) << "failed to set power mode";
void ComposerClient::setVsyncEnabled(Display display, bool enabled) {
IComposerClient::Vsync vsync =
(enabled) ? IComposerClient::Vsync::ENABLE : IComposerClient::Vsync::DISABLE;
Error error = mClient->setVsyncEnabled(display, vsync);
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, error) << "failed to set vsync mode";
// give the hwbinder thread some time to handle any pending vsync callback
if (!enabled) {
usleep(5 * 1000);
void ComposerClient::execute(TestCommandReader* reader, CommandWriterBase* writer) {
bool queueChanged = false;
uint32_t commandLength = 0;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> commandHandles;
ASSERT_TRUE(writer->writeQueue(&queueChanged, &commandLength, &commandHandles));
if (queueChanged) {
auto ret = mClient->setInputCommandQueue(*writer->getMQDescriptor());
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, static_cast<Error>(ret));
mClient->executeCommands(commandLength, commandHandles,
[&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpOutQueueChanged,
const auto& tmpOutLength, const auto& tmpOutHandles) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError);
if (tmpOutQueueChanged) {
[&](const auto& tmpError, const auto& tmpDescriptor) {
ASSERT_EQ(Error::NONE, tmpError);
ASSERT_TRUE(reader->readQueue(tmpOutLength, tmpOutHandles));
NativeHandleWrapper::~NativeHandleWrapper() {
if (mHandle) {
Gralloc::Gralloc() {
[this] {
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mGralloc4 = std::make_shared<Gralloc4>("default", "default",
if (mGralloc4->getAllocator() == nullptr || mGralloc4->getMapper() == nullptr) {
mGralloc4 = nullptr;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mGralloc3 = std::make_shared<Gralloc3>("default", "default",
if (mGralloc3->getAllocator() == nullptr || mGralloc3->getMapper() == nullptr) {
mGralloc3 = nullptr;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mGralloc2 = std::make_shared<Gralloc2>());
const NativeHandleWrapper Gralloc::allocate(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t layerCount,
PixelFormat format, uint64_t usage, bool import,
uint32_t* outStride) {
const native_handle_t* handle;
if (mGralloc4) {
IMapper4::BufferDescriptorInfo info{};
info.width = width;
info.height = height;
info.layerCount = layerCount;
info.format = static_cast<android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_2::PixelFormat>(format);
info.usage = usage;
handle = mGralloc4->allocate(info, import, outStride);
} else if (mGralloc3) {
IMapper3::BufferDescriptorInfo info{};
info.width = width;
info.height = height;
info.layerCount = layerCount;
info.format = static_cast<android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_2::PixelFormat>(format);
info.usage = usage;
handle = mGralloc3->allocate(info, import, outStride);
} else {
IMapper2::BufferDescriptorInfo info{};
info.width = width;
info.height = height;
info.layerCount = layerCount;
info.format = format;
info.usage = usage;
handle = mGralloc2->allocate(info, import, outStride);
return NativeHandleWrapper(*this, handle);
void* Gralloc::lock(const native_handle_t* bufferHandle, uint64_t cpuUsage,
const AccessRegion& accessRegionRect, int acquireFence) {
if (mGralloc4) {
IMapper4::Rect accessRegion;
accessRegion.left = accessRegionRect.left; =;
accessRegion.width = accessRegionRect.width;
accessRegion.height = accessRegionRect.height;
return mGralloc4->lock(bufferHandle, cpuUsage, accessRegion, acquireFence);
} else if (mGralloc3) {
IMapper3::Rect accessRegion;
accessRegion.left = accessRegionRect.left; =;
accessRegion.width = accessRegionRect.width;
accessRegion.height = accessRegionRect.height;
int32_t bytesPerPixel;
int32_t bytesPerStride;
return mGralloc3->lock(bufferHandle, cpuUsage, accessRegion, acquireFence, &bytesPerPixel,
} else {
IMapper2::Rect accessRegion;
accessRegion.left = accessRegionRect.left; =;
accessRegion.width = accessRegionRect.width;
accessRegion.height = accessRegionRect.height;
return mGralloc2->lock(bufferHandle, cpuUsage, accessRegion, acquireFence);
int Gralloc::unlock(const native_handle_t* bufferHandle) {
if (mGralloc4) {
return mGralloc4->unlock(bufferHandle);
} else if (mGralloc3) {
return mGralloc3->unlock(bufferHandle);
} else {
return mGralloc2->unlock(bufferHandle);
void Gralloc::freeBuffer(const native_handle_t* bufferHandle) {
if (mGralloc4) {
} else if (mGralloc3) {
} else {
} // namespace vts
} // namespace V2_1
} // namespace composer
} // namespace graphics
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android