You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
258 lines
14 KiB
258 lines
14 KiB
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Name of the phone dialer application [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<string name="phone_app_name">Phone</string>
<!-- Full-screen error text for when the phone can not be used because Bluetooth isn't connected [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]-->
<string name="no_hfp">
To complete your call, first connect your phone to your car via Bluetooth.
<!-- Error text shown on the dialer facet when bluetooth is not supported -->
<string name="bluetooth_unavailable">Bluetooth is not available.</string>
<!-- Error text shown on the dialer facet for when bluetooth is disabled -->
<string name="bluetooth_disabled">To make or receive calls, turn Bluetooth on.</string>
<!-- Error text shown on the dialer facet for when bluetooth is not paired -->
<string name="bluetooth_unpaired">To make or receive calls, pair your phone with the car.
<!-- Button text for connecting to Bluetooth [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="connect_bluetooth_button_text">Connect to Bluetooth</string>
<!-- Button text for making emergency call [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="emergency_button_text">Emergency</string>
<!-- Text indicating emergency call [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="emergency_call_description">Emergency call</string>
<!-- Message informing user that the contact has already been deleted [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
<string name="error_contact_deleted">This contact might have been deleted.</string>
<!-- Toast text when user has inputted an invalid phone number [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="error_invalid_phone_number">Can\'t dial this number. Check it and try again.
<!-- Toast text when telephony service is not ready [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="error_telephony_not_available">
Phone call is not available. Please try again later.
<!-- Decline an in coming call [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="decline_call">Decline</string>
<!-- Answer an in coming call [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="answer_call">Answer</string>
<!-- Call back a missed call [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="call_back">Call back</string>
<!-- Audio route -->
<!-- Label for routing phone audio to the vehicle using car speakers [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="audio_route_vehicle">Car speakers</string>
<!-- Label for routing phone audio to the phone speaker [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="audio_route_phone_speaker">Phone speaker</string>
<!-- Label for routing phone audio to the phone earpiece. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="audio_route_handset">Phone</string>
<!-- Button label to dial a manually entered phone number -->
<string name="dial_a_number">Dial a number</string>
<!-- Titles -->
<!-- Title for the call history [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_history_title">Recents</string>
<!-- Title for the contacts [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="contacts_title">Contacts</string>
<!-- Title for the favorites [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="favorites_title">Favorites</string>
<!-- Title for the dialpad [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="dialpad_title">Dialpad</string>
<!-- String constants for tabs -->
<!-- String constant for the call history -->
<string name="tab_config_call_history" translatable="false">CALL_HISTORY</string>
<!-- String constant for the contacts -->
<string name="tab_config_contacts" translatable="false">CONTACTS</string>
<!-- String constant for the favorites -->
<string name="tab_config_favorites" translatable="false">FAVORITE</string>
<!-- String constant for the dialpad -->
<string name="tab_config_dial_pad" translatable="false">DIAL_PAD</string>
<!-- Default value for start page list preference -->
<string name="tab_config_default_value">@string/tab_config_call_history</string>
<!-- Headers for call history -->
<!-- Header in call log to group calls from the current day. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_header_today">Today</string>
<!-- Header in call log to group calls from the previous day. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_header_yesterday">Yesterday</string>
<!-- Header in call log to group calls from before yesterday. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_header_older">Older</string>
<!-- Message shown when on the call history page without any call logs available [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="call_logs_empty">No recents</string>
<!-- Message shown when on the contact list page without any contacts available [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="contact_list_empty">No contacts</string>
<!-- Secondary message shown when the contact list page or call history page do not have any contents but will be available after syncing from phone [CHAR_LIMIT=200] -->
<string name="available_after_sync">Available after syncing. Make sure you have allowed sharing contacts on your phone.</string>
<!-- Error message shown when on the favorites page without any favorites added [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="favorites_empty">No favorites</string>
<!-- Secondary error message shown when on the favorites page without any favorites added [CHAR_LIMIT=80] -->
<string name="no_favorites_added">You haven\'t added any favorites yet</string>
<!-- Button to add start choosing a contact to add as a new favorite [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="add_favorite_button">Add a favorite</string>
<!-- Button to cancel the dialog where you pick a phone number to add as a favorite -->
<string name="cancel_add_favorites_dialog" translatable="false">@android:string/cancel</string>
<!-- Button to confirm the dialog where you pick a phone number to add as a favorite -->
<string name="confirm_add_favorites_dialog" translatable="false">@android:string/ok</string>
<!-- Keypad strings-->
<string name="one" translatable="false">1</string>
<string name="two" translatable="false">2</string>
<string name="three" translatable="false">3</string>
<string name="four" translatable="false">4</string>
<string name="five" translatable="false">5</string>
<string name="six" translatable="false">6</string>
<string name="seven" translatable="false">7</string>
<string name="eight" translatable="false">8</string>
<string name="nine" translatable="false">9</string>
<string name="zero" translatable="false">0</string>
<string name="star" translatable="false">*</string>
<string name="pound" translatable="false">#</string>
<string name="two_letters" translatable="false">ABC</string>
<string name="three_letters" translatable="false">DEF</string>
<string name="four_letters" translatable="false">GHI</string>
<string name="five_letters" translatable="false">JKL</string>
<string name="six_letters" translatable="false">MNO</string>
<string name="seven_letters" translatable="false">PQRS</string>
<string name="eight_letters" translatable="false">TUV</string>
<string name="nine_letters" translatable="false">WXYZ</string>
<string name="zero_letters" translatable="false">+</string>
<!-- Using spaces here so that the positioning of the number is consistent. -->
<string name="one_letters" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="star_letters" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="pound_letters" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="search_title">Search contacts</string>
<string name="search_hint">Search contacts</string>
<string name="type_multiple">Multiple</string>
<!-- Title for choose a phone number dialog to make a call or send sms [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="select_number_dialog_title">Choose a phone number</string>
<!-- Button for choose a phone number dialog to select the number for just once [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="select_number_dialog_just_once_button">Just once</string>
<!-- Button for choose a phone number dialog to set the selected number as default [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="select_number_dialog_always_button">Always</string>
<!-- Description for the default phone number of the contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="primary_number_description">
<xliff:g id="label" example="Mobile">%1$s</xliff:g>
", default"
<!-- Description for the phone favorite number in the add-to-favorite flow [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="favorite_number_description">
"Favorite - "
<xliff:g id="label" example="Mobile">%1$s</xliff:g>
<!-- Description for the local favorite number in the add-to-favorite flow and the contact details page [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="local_favorite_number_description">
"Local favorite - "
<xliff:g id="label" example="Mobile">%1$s</xliff:g>
<!-- Header for phone favorite numbers [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="phone_favorites">Favorites</string>
<!-- Header for local favorite numbers [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="local_favorites">Local favorites</string>
<!-- Message in the add-to-favorite flow that no phone number available for this contact [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="no_phone_numbers">No phone numbers</string>
<!-- Heads Up Notification -->
<!-- Name of incoming call notification channel in app info [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="in_call_notification_channel_name">Incoming call notification</string>
<!-- Text for incoming call notification [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
<string name="notification_incoming_call">Incoming call</string>
<!-- Name of missed call notification channel in app info [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="missed_call_notification_channel_name">Missed call notification</string>
<!-- Title for missed call notification [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
<plurals name="notification_missed_call">
<item quantity="one">Missed call</item>
<item quantity="other">Missed calls(<xliff:g id="number" example="2">%1$d</xliff:g>)
<!-- Onhold User Profile Info -->
<!-- Text to show the call is onhold [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
<string name="onhold_call_separator">•</string>
<string name="swap_call_label">Switch calls</string>
<!-- Contact list headers -->
<!-- Contact list label for contact names starting with special characters -->
<string name="header_for_type_other" translatable="false">…</string>
<!-- Dialer Setting -->
<!-- Title of the settings page [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<string name="setting_title">Settings</string>
<!-- Title of the settings to change the start page [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
<string name="pref_start_page_title">Start screen</string>
<string name="pref_start_page_key" translatable="false">set_start_page</string>
<!-- Title of the settings to sort contact order [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
<string name="sort_order_title">Contact order</string>
<string name="sort_order_key" translatable="false">contact_order</string>
<!-- Title of connected phone setting -->
<string name="pref_connected_phone_title">Connected Phone </string>
<string name="pref_connected_phone_key" translatable="false">connected_phone</string>
<!-- Title of no incoming call heads-up notification(HUN) setting -->
<string name="pref_no_incoming_call_hun_title">Privacy</string>
<string name="pref_no_incoming_call_hun_key" translatable="false">no_incoming_call_hun</string>
<!-- Summary of no incoming call heads-up notification(HUN) setting -->
<string name="pref_no_incoming_call_hun_summary">Only show call alerts in cluster</string>
<!-- Title of showing full screen active call UI when answered UI setting-->
<string name="pref_show_fullscreen_active_call_ui_title">Active Call</string>
<string name="pref_show_fullscreen_active_call_ui_key" translatable="false">show_fullscreen_active_call_ui</string>
<!-- Summary of showing full screen active call UI when answered UI setting -->
<string name="pref_show_fullscreen_active_call_ui_summary">Show active call view when answering call</string>
<!-- Keys and titles of the settings for sorting Contacts in different orders -->
<!-- Key of given name -->
<string name="given_name_first_key" translatable="false">given_name</string>
<!-- Key of family name -->
<string name="family_name_first_key" translatable="false">family_name</string>
<!-- Title of given name [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
<string name="given_name_first_title">First name</string>
<!-- Title of family name [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
<string name="family_name_first_title">Last name</string>
<!-- Default value for sort order list preference -->
<string name="sort_order_default_value">@string/given_name_first_key</string>
<!-- Audio route selection dialog. Placeholder resources for overriding -->
<string name="audio_route_dialog_title">Output call audio to:</string>
<string name="audio_route_dialog_subtitle"></string>
<!-- Ongoing Conference Call -->
<!-- Title of conference page -->
<string name="ongoing_conf_title">Conference</string>
<string name="ongoing_conf_title_format">%1$s (%2$d) -\u0020</string>
<!-- Dialing disabled warning [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="dialing_disabled_warning">Dialing disabled</string>
<!-- Restricted dialing mode description -->
<string name="restricted_dialing_mode_label">Dialpad usage is restricted while driving</string>
<!-- Delimiter to join two unrelated strings together, a comma followed by a whitespace. Use case: join phone number label and phone call timestamp in Recents page, "Mobile, 4 days ago" for example. -->
<string name="comma_delimiter">,\u0020</string>