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// Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_opcodes.h#2 $ */
/* $DateTime: 2012/08/02 06:09:06 $ */
/* $Change: 841096 $ */
/* $Author: erichan $ */
/** \file
* Base class and common data structures for opcodes (introduced in DNG 1.3).
#ifndef __dng_opcodes__
#define __dng_opcodes__
#include "dng_auto_ptr.h"
#include "dng_classes.h"
#include "dng_rect.h"
#include "dng_types.h"
/// \brief List of supported opcodes (by ID).
enum dng_opcode_id
// Internal use only opcode. Never written to DNGs.
dngOpcode_Private = 0,
// Warp image to correct distortion and lateral chromatic aberration for
// rectilinear lenses.
dngOpcode_WarpRectilinear = 1,
// Warp image to correction distortion for fisheye lenses (i.e., map the
// fisheye projection to a perspective projection).
dngOpcode_WarpFisheye = 2,
// Radial vignette correction.
dngOpcode_FixVignetteRadial = 3,
// Patch bad Bayer pixels which are marked with a special value in the image.
dngOpcode_FixBadPixelsConstant = 4,
// Patch bad Bayer pixels/rectangles at a list of specified coordinates.
dngOpcode_FixBadPixelsList = 5,
// Trim image to specified bounds.
dngOpcode_TrimBounds = 6,
// Map an area through a 16-bit LUT.
dngOpcode_MapTable = 7,
// Map an area using a polynomial function.
dngOpcode_MapPolynomial = 8,
// Apply a gain map to an area.
dngOpcode_GainMap = 9,
// Apply a per-row delta to an area.
dngOpcode_DeltaPerRow = 10,
// Apply a per-column delta to an area.
dngOpcode_DeltaPerColumn = 11,
// Apply a per-row scale to an area.
dngOpcode_ScalePerRow = 12,
// Apply a per-column scale to an area.
dngOpcode_ScalePerColumn = 13
/// \brief Virtual base class for opcode.
class dng_opcode
/// Opcode flags.
kFlag_None = 0, //!< No flag.
kFlag_Optional = 1, //!< This opcode is optional.
kFlag_SkipIfPreview = 2 //!< May skip opcode for preview images.
uint32 fOpcodeID;
uint32 fMinVersion;
uint32 fFlags;
bool fWasReadFromStream;
uint32 fStage;
dng_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
uint32 minVersion,
uint32 flags);
dng_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
dng_stream &stream,
const char *name);
virtual ~dng_opcode ();
/// The ID of this opcode.
uint32 OpcodeID () const
return fOpcodeID;
/// The first DNG version that supports this opcode.
uint32 MinVersion () const
return fMinVersion;
/// The flags for this opcode.
uint32 Flags () const
return fFlags;
/// Is this opcode optional?
bool Optional () const
return (Flags () & kFlag_Optional) != 0;
/// Should the opcode be skipped when rendering preview images?
bool SkipIfPreview () const
return (Flags () & kFlag_SkipIfPreview) != 0;
/// Was this opcode read from a data stream?
bool WasReadFromStream () const
return fWasReadFromStream;
/// Which image processing stage (1, 2, 3) is associated with this
/// opcode?
uint32 Stage () const
return fStage;
/// Set the image processing stage (1, 2, 3) for this opcode. Stage 1 is
/// the original image data, including masked areas. Stage 2 is
/// linearized image data and trimmed to the active area. Stage 3 is
/// demosaiced and trimmed to the active area.
void SetStage (uint32 stage)
fStage = stage;
/// Is the opcode a NOP (i.e., does nothing)? An opcode could be a NOP
/// for some specific parameters.
virtual bool IsNOP () const
return false;
/// Is this opcode valid for the specified negative?
virtual bool IsValidForNegative (const dng_negative & /* negative */) const
return true;
/// Write opcode to a stream.
/// \param stream The stream to which to write the opcode data.
virtual void PutData (dng_stream &stream) const;
/// Perform error checking prior to applying this opcode to the
/// specified negative. Returns true if this opcode should be applied to
/// the negative, false otherwise.
bool AboutToApply (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative);
/// Apply this opcode to the specified image with associated negative.
virtual void Apply (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative,
AutoPtr<dng_image> &image) = 0;
/// \brief Class to represent unknown opcodes (e.g, opcodes defined in future
/// DNG versions).
class dng_opcode_Unknown: public dng_opcode
AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> fData;
dng_opcode_Unknown (dng_host &host,
uint32 opcodeID,
dng_stream &stream);
virtual void PutData (dng_stream &stream) const;
virtual void Apply (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative,
AutoPtr<dng_image> &image);
/// \brief Class to represent a filter opcode, such as a convolution.
class dng_filter_opcode: public dng_opcode
dng_filter_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
uint32 minVersion,
uint32 flags);
dng_filter_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
dng_stream &stream,
const char *name);
/// The pixel data type of this opcode.
virtual uint32 BufferPixelType (uint32 imagePixelType)
return imagePixelType;
/// The adjusted bounds (processing area) of this opcode. It is limited to
/// the intersection of the specified image area and the GainMap area.
virtual dng_rect ModifiedBounds (const dng_rect &imageBounds)
return imageBounds;
/// Returns the width and height (in pixels) of the repeating mosaic pattern.
virtual dng_point SrcRepeat ()
return dng_point (1, 1);
/// Returns the source pixel area needed to process a destination pixel area
/// that lies within the specified bounds.
/// \param dstArea The destination pixel area to be computed.
/// \param imageBounds The overall image area (dstArea will lie within these
/// bounds).
/// \retval The source pixel area needed to process the specified dstArea.
virtual dng_rect SrcArea (const dng_rect &dstArea,
const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */)
return dstArea;
/// Given a destination tile size, calculate input tile size. Simlar to
/// SrcArea, and should seldom be overridden.
/// \param dstTileSize The destination tile size that is targeted for output.
/// \param imageBounds The image bounds (the destination tile will
/// always lie within these bounds).
/// \retval The source tile size needed to compute a tile of the destination
/// size.
virtual dng_point SrcTileSize (const dng_point &dstTileSize,
const dng_rect &imageBounds)
return SrcArea (dng_rect (dstTileSize),
imageBounds).Size ();
/// Startup method called before any processing is performed on pixel areas.
/// It can be used to allocate (per-thread) memory and setup tasks.
/// \param negative The negative object to be processed.
/// \param threadCount The number of threads to be used to perform the
/// processing.
/// \param threadCount Total number of threads that will be used for
/// processing. Less than or equal to MaxThreads.
/// \param tileSize Size of source tiles which will be processed. (Not all
/// tiles will be this size due to edge conditions.)
/// \param imageBounds Total size of image to be processed.
/// \param imagePlanes Number of planes in the image. Less than or equal to
/// kMaxColorPlanes.
/// \param bufferPixelType Pixel type of image buffer (see dng_tag_types.h).
/// \param allocator dng_memory_allocator to use for allocating temporary
/// buffers, etc.
virtual void Prepare (dng_negative & /* negative */,
uint32 /* threadCount */,
const dng_point & /* tileSize */,
const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */,
uint32 /* imagePlanes */,
uint32 /* bufferPixelType */,
dng_memory_allocator & /* allocator */)
/// Implements filtering operation from one buffer to another. Source
/// and destination pixels are set up in member fields of this class.
/// Ideally, no allocation should be done in this routine.
/// \param negative The negative associated with the pixels to be
/// processed.
/// \param threadIndex The thread on which this routine is being called,
/// between 0 and threadCount - 1 for the threadCount passed to Prepare
/// method.
/// \param srcBuffer Input area and source pixels.
/// \param dstBuffer Destination pixels.
/// \param dstArea Destination pixel processing area.
/// \param imageBounds Total image area to be processed; dstArea will
/// always lie within these bounds.
virtual void ProcessArea (dng_negative &negative,
uint32 threadIndex,
dng_pixel_buffer &srcBuffer,
dng_pixel_buffer &dstBuffer,
const dng_rect &dstArea,
const dng_rect &imageBounds) = 0;
virtual void Apply (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative,
AutoPtr<dng_image> &image);
/// \brief Class to represent an in-place (i.e., pointwise, per-pixel) opcode,
/// such as a global tone curve.
class dng_inplace_opcode: public dng_opcode
dng_inplace_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
uint32 minVersion,
uint32 flags);
dng_inplace_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
dng_stream &stream,
const char *name);
/// The pixel data type of this opcode.
virtual uint32 BufferPixelType (uint32 imagePixelType)
return imagePixelType;
/// The adjusted bounds (processing area) of this opcode. It is limited to
/// the intersection of the specified image area and the GainMap area.
virtual dng_rect ModifiedBounds (const dng_rect &imageBounds)
return imageBounds;
/// Startup method called before any processing is performed on pixel areas.
/// It can be used to allocate (per-thread) memory and setup tasks.
/// \param negative The negative object to be processed.
/// \param threadCount The number of threads to be used to perform the
/// processing.
/// \param threadCount Total number of threads that will be used for
/// processing. Less than or equal to MaxThreads.
/// \param tileSize Size of source tiles which will be processed. (Not all
/// tiles will be this size due to edge conditions.)
/// \param imageBounds Total size of image to be processed.
/// \param imagePlanes Number of planes in the image. Less than or equal to
/// kMaxColorPlanes.
/// \param bufferPixelType Pixel type of image buffer (see dng_tag_types.h).
/// \param allocator dng_memory_allocator to use for allocating temporary
/// buffers, etc.
virtual void Prepare (dng_negative & /* negative */,
uint32 /* threadCount */,
const dng_point & /* tileSize */,
const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */,
uint32 /* imagePlanes */,
uint32 /* bufferPixelType */,
dng_memory_allocator & /* allocator */)
/// Implements image processing operation in a single buffer. The source
/// pixels are provided as input to the buffer, and this routine
/// calculates and writes the destination pixels to the same buffer.
/// Ideally, no allocation should be done in this routine.
/// \param negative The negative associated with the pixels to be
/// processed.
/// \param threadIndex The thread on which this routine is being called,
/// between 0 and threadCount - 1 for the threadCount passed to Prepare
/// method.
/// \param srcBuffer Input area and source pixels.
/// \param dstBuffer Destination pixels.
/// \param dstArea Destination pixel processing area.
/// \param imageBounds Total image area to be processed; dstArea will
/// always lie within these bounds.
virtual void ProcessArea (dng_negative &negative,
uint32 threadIndex,
dng_pixel_buffer &buffer,
const dng_rect &dstArea,
const dng_rect &imageBounds) = 0;
virtual void Apply (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative,
AutoPtr<dng_image> &image);