You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

241 lines
9.7 KiB

from fontTools.misc.py23 import tobytes
from fontTools.feaLib.error import FeatureLibError, IncludedFeaNotFound
from fontTools.feaLib.lexer import IncludingLexer, Lexer
from io import StringIO
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
def lex(s):
return [(typ, tok) for (typ, tok, _) in Lexer(s, "test.fea")]
class LexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, methodName):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
# Python 3 renamed assertRaisesRegexp to assertRaisesRegex,
# and fires deprecation warnings if a program uses the old name.
if not hasattr(self, "assertRaisesRegex"):
self.assertRaisesRegex = self.assertRaisesRegexp
def test_empty(self):
self.assertEqual(lex(""), [])
self.assertEqual(lex(" \t "), [])
def test_name(self):
self.assertEqual(lex("a17"), [(Lexer.NAME, "a17")])
self.assertEqual(lex(".notdef"), [(Lexer.NAME, ".notdef")])
self.assertEqual(lex("two.oldstyle"), [(Lexer.NAME, "two.oldstyle")])
self.assertEqual(lex("_"), [(Lexer.NAME, "_")])
self.assertEqual(lex("\\table"), [(Lexer.NAME, "\\table")])
self.assertEqual(lex("a+*:^~!"), [(Lexer.NAME, "a+*:^~!")])
self.assertEqual(lex("with-dash"), [(Lexer.NAME, "with-dash")])
def test_cid(self):
self.assertEqual(lex("\\0 \\987"), [(Lexer.CID, 0), (Lexer.CID, 987)])
def test_glyphclass(self):
self.assertEqual(lex(""), [(Lexer.GLYPHCLASS, "")])
self.assertEqual(lex("@Vowel-sc"), [(Lexer.GLYPHCLASS, "Vowel-sc")])
"Expected glyph class", lex, "@(a)")
"Expected glyph class", lex, "@ A")
"not be longer than 63 characters",
lex, "@" + ("A" * 64))
"Glyph class names must consist of",
lex, "@Ab:c")
def test_include(self):
self.assertEqual(lex("include (~/foo/bar baz.fea);"), [
(Lexer.NAME, "include"),
(Lexer.FILENAME, "~/foo/bar baz.fea"),
(Lexer.SYMBOL, ";")
self.assertEqual(lex("include # Comment\n (foo) \n;"), [
(Lexer.NAME, "include"),
(Lexer.COMMENT, "# Comment"),
(Lexer.FILENAME, "foo"),
(Lexer.SYMBOL, ";")
self.assertRaises(FeatureLibError, lex, "include blah")
self.assertRaises(FeatureLibError, lex, "include (blah")
def test_number(self):
self.assertEqual(lex("123 -456"),
[(Lexer.NUMBER, 123), (Lexer.NUMBER, -456)])
self.assertEqual(lex("0xCAFED00D"), [(Lexer.HEXADECIMAL, 0xCAFED00D)])
self.assertEqual(lex("0xcafed00d"), [(Lexer.HEXADECIMAL, 0xCAFED00D)])
self.assertEqual(lex("010"), [(Lexer.OCTAL, 0o10)])
def test_float(self):
self.assertEqual(lex("1.23 -4.5"),
[(Lexer.FLOAT, 1.23), (Lexer.FLOAT, -4.5)])
def test_symbol(self):
self.assertEqual(lex("a'"), [(Lexer.NAME, "a"), (Lexer.SYMBOL, "'")])
[(Lexer.SYMBOL, "-"), (Lexer.NAME, "A-B")])
lex("foo - -2"),
[(Lexer.NAME, "foo"), (Lexer.SYMBOL, "-"), (Lexer.NUMBER, -2)])
def test_comment(self):
self.assertEqual(lex("# Comment\n#"),
[(Lexer.COMMENT, "# Comment"), (Lexer.COMMENT, "#")])
def test_string(self):
self.assertEqual(lex('"foo" "bar"'),
[(Lexer.STRING, "foo"), (Lexer.STRING, "bar")])
self.assertEqual(lex('"foo \nbar\r baz \r\nqux\n\n "'),
[(Lexer.STRING, "foo bar baz qux ")])
# The lexer should preserve escape sequences because they have
# different interpretations depending on context. For better
# or for worse, that is how the OpenType Feature File Syntax
# has been specified; see section 9.e (name table) for examples.
self.assertEqual(lex(r'"M\00fcller-Lanc\00e9"'), # 'nameid 9'
[(Lexer.STRING, r"M\00fcller-Lanc\00e9")])
self.assertEqual(lex(r'"M\9fller-Lanc\8e"'), # 'nameid 9 1'
[(Lexer.STRING, r"M\9fller-Lanc\8e")])
self.assertRaises(FeatureLibError, lex, '"foo\n bar')
def test_bad_character(self):
self.assertRaises(FeatureLibError, lambda: lex("123 \u0001"))
def test_newline(self):
def lines(s):
return [loc.line for (_, _, loc) in Lexer(s, "test.fea")]
self.assertEqual(lines("FOO\n\nBAR\nBAZ"), [1, 3, 4]) # Unix
self.assertEqual(lines("FOO\r\rBAR\rBAZ"), [1, 3, 4]) # Macintosh
self.assertEqual(lines("FOO\r\n\r\n BAR\r\nBAZ"), [1, 3, 4]) # Windows
self.assertEqual(lines("FOO\n\rBAR\r\nBAZ"), [1, 3, 4]) # mixed
def test_location(self):
def locs(s):
return [str(loc) for (_, _, loc) in Lexer(s, "test.fea")]
self.assertEqual(locs("a b # Comment\n12 @x"), [
"test.fea:1:1", "test.fea:1:3", "test.fea:1:5", "test.fea:2:1",
def test_scan_over_(self):
lexer = Lexer("abbacabba12", "test.fea")
self.assertEqual(lexer.pos_, 0)
self.assertEqual(lexer.pos_, 0)
self.assertEqual(lexer.pos_, 9)
self.assertEqual(lexer.pos_, 9)
self.assertEqual(lexer.pos_, 11)
def test_scan_until_(self):
lexer = Lexer("foo'bar", "test.fea")
self.assertEqual(lexer.pos_, 0)
self.assertEqual(lexer.pos_, 3)
self.assertEqual(lexer.pos_, 3)
class IncludingLexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def getpath(filename):
path, _ = os.path.split(__file__)
return os.path.join(path, "data", filename)
def test_include(self):
lexer = IncludingLexer(self.getpath("include/include4.fea"))
result = ['%s %s:%d' % (token, os.path.split(loc.file)[1], loc.line)
for _, token, loc in lexer]
self.assertEqual(result, [
"I4a include4.fea:1",
"I3a include3.fea:1",
"I2a include2.fea:1",
"I1a include1.fea:1",
"I0 include0.fea:1",
"I1b include1.fea:3",
"; include2.fea:2",
"I2b include2.fea:3",
"; include3.fea:2",
"I3b include3.fea:3",
"; include4.fea:2",
"I4b include4.fea:3"
def test_include_limit(self):
lexer = IncludingLexer(self.getpath("include/include6.fea"))
self.assertRaises(FeatureLibError, lambda: list(lexer))
def test_include_self(self):
lexer = IncludingLexer(self.getpath("include/includeself.fea"))
self.assertRaises(FeatureLibError, lambda: list(lexer))
def test_include_missing_file(self):
lexer = IncludingLexer(self.getpath("include/includemissingfile.fea"))
"includemissingfile.fea:1:8: The following feature file "
"should be included but cannot be found: "
lambda: list(lexer))
def test_featurefilepath_None(self):
lexer = IncludingLexer(StringIO("# foobar"))
files = set(loc.file for _, _, loc in lexer)
self.assertIn("<features>", files)
def test_include_absolute_path(self):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as included:
feature kern {
pos A B -40;
} kern;
""", encoding="utf-8"))
including = StringIO("include(%s);" %
lexer = IncludingLexer(including)
files = set(loc.file for _, _, loc in lexer)
self.assertIn(, files)
def test_include_relative_to_cwd(self):
# save current working directory, to be restored later
cwd = os.getcwd()
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# create new feature file in a temporary directory
with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "included.fea"), "w",
encoding="utf-8") as included:
feature kern {
pos A B -40;
} kern;
# change current folder to the temporary dir
# instantiate a new lexer that includes the above file
# using a relative path; the IncludingLexer does not
# itself have a path, because it was initialized from
# an in-memory stream, so it will use the current working
# directory to resolve relative include statements
lexer = IncludingLexer(StringIO("include(included.fea);"))
files = set(os.path.realpath(loc.file) for _, _, loc in lexer)
expected = os.path.realpath(
self.assertIn(expected, files)
# remove temporary folder and restore previous working directory
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys