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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <brillo/streams/tls_stream.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <brillo/streams/openssl_stream_bio.h>
#include <brillo/streams/stream_utils.h>
#include <brillo/strings/string_utils.h>
namespace {
// SSL info callback which is called by OpenSSL when we enable logging level of
// at least 3. This logs the information about the internal TLS handshake.
void TlsInfoCallback(const SSL* /* ssl */, int where, int ret) {
std::string reason;
std::vector<std::string> info;
if (where & SSL_CB_LOOP)
if (where & SSL_CB_EXIT)
if (where & SSL_CB_READ)
if (where & SSL_CB_WRITE)
if (where & SSL_CB_ALERT) {
reason = ", reason: ";
reason += SSL_alert_type_string_long(ret);
reason += "/";
reason += SSL_alert_desc_string_long(ret);
VLOG(3) << "TLS progress info: " << brillo::string_utils::Join(",", info)
<< ", with status: " << ret << reason;
// Static variable to store the index of TlsStream private data in SSL context
// used to store custom data for OnCertVerifyResults().
int ssl_ctx_private_data_index = -1;
// Default trusted certificate store location.
const char kCACertificatePath[] =
#ifdef __ANDROID__
} // anonymous namespace
namespace brillo {
// TODO( Remove once support for OpenSSL <1.1 is dropped.
#define TLS_client_method() TLSv1_2_client_method()
// Helper implementation of TLS stream used to hide most of OpenSSL inner
// workings from the users of brillo::TlsStream.
class TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl {
bool Init(StreamPtr socket,
const std::string& host,
const base::Closure& success_callback,
const Stream::ErrorCallback& error_callback,
ErrorPtr* error);
bool ReadNonBlocking(void* buffer,
size_t size_to_read,
size_t* size_read,
bool* end_of_stream,
ErrorPtr* error);
bool WriteNonBlocking(const void* buffer,
size_t size_to_write,
size_t* size_written,
ErrorPtr* error);
bool Flush(ErrorPtr* error);
bool Close(ErrorPtr* error);
bool WaitForData(AccessMode mode,
const base::Callback<void(AccessMode)>& callback,
ErrorPtr* error);
bool WaitForDataBlocking(AccessMode in_mode,
base::TimeDelta timeout,
AccessMode* out_mode,
ErrorPtr* error);
void CancelPendingAsyncOperations();
bool ReportError(ErrorPtr* error,
const base::Location& location,
const std::string& message);
void DoHandshake(const base::Closure& success_callback,
const Stream::ErrorCallback& error_callback);
void RetryHandshake(const base::Closure& success_callback,
const Stream::ErrorCallback& error_callback,
Stream::AccessMode mode);
int OnCertVerifyResults(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx);
static int OnCertVerifyResultsStatic(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx);
StreamPtr socket_;
std::unique_ptr<SSL_CTX, decltype(&SSL_CTX_free)> ctx_{nullptr, SSL_CTX_free};
std::unique_ptr<SSL, decltype(&SSL_free)> ssl_{nullptr, SSL_free};
BIO* stream_bio_{nullptr};
bool need_more_read_{false};
bool need_more_write_{false};
base::WeakPtrFactory<TlsStreamImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::TlsStreamImpl() {
if (ssl_ctx_private_data_index < 0) {
ssl_ctx_private_data_index =
SSL_CTX_get_ex_new_index(0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::~TlsStreamImpl() {
bool TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::ReadNonBlocking(void* buffer,
size_t size_to_read,
size_t* size_read,
bool* end_of_stream,
ErrorPtr* error) {
const size_t max_int = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int size_int = static_cast<int>(std::min(size_to_read, max_int));
int ret = SSL_read(ssl_.get(), buffer, size_int);
if (ret > 0) {
*size_read = static_cast<size_t>(ret);
if (end_of_stream)
*end_of_stream = false;
return true;
int err = SSL_get_error(ssl_.get(), ret);
*size_read = 0;
if (end_of_stream)
*end_of_stream = true;
return true;
if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
need_more_read_ = true;
} else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
// Writes might be required for SSL_read() because of possible TLS
// re-negotiations which can happen at any time.
need_more_write_ = true;
} else {
return ReportError(error, FROM_HERE, "Error reading from TLS socket");
*size_read = 0;
if (end_of_stream)
*end_of_stream = false;
return true;
bool TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::WriteNonBlocking(const void* buffer,
size_t size_to_write,
size_t* size_written,
ErrorPtr* error) {
const size_t max_int = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int size_int = static_cast<int>(std::min(size_to_write, max_int));
int ret = SSL_write(ssl_.get(), buffer, size_int);
if (ret > 0) {
*size_written = static_cast<size_t>(ret);
return true;
int err = SSL_get_error(ssl_.get(), ret);
if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
// Reads might be required for SSL_write() because of possible TLS
// re-negotiations which can happen at any time.
need_more_read_ = true;
} else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
need_more_write_ = true;
} else {
return ReportError(error, FROM_HERE, "Error writing to TLS socket");
*size_written = 0;
return true;
bool TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::Flush(ErrorPtr* error) {
return socket_->FlushBlocking(error);
bool TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::Close(ErrorPtr* error) {
// 2 seconds should be plenty here.
const base::TimeDelta kTimeout = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2);
// The retry count of 4 below is just arbitrary, to ensure we don't get stuck
// here forever. We should rarely need to repeat SSL_shutdown anyway.
for (int retry_count = 0; retry_count < 4; retry_count++) {
int ret = SSL_shutdown(ssl_.get());
// We really don't care for bi-directional shutdown here.
// Just make sure we only send the "close notify" alert to the remote peer.
if (ret >= 0)
int err = SSL_get_error(ssl_.get(), ret);
if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
if (!socket_->WaitForDataBlocking(AccessMode::READ, kTimeout, nullptr,
error)) {
} else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
if (!socket_->WaitForDataBlocking(AccessMode::WRITE, kTimeout, nullptr,
error)) {
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "SSL_shutdown returned error #" << err;
ReportError(error, FROM_HERE, "Failed to shut down TLS socket");
return socket_->CloseBlocking(error);
bool TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::WaitForData(
AccessMode mode,
const base::Callback<void(AccessMode)>& callback,
ErrorPtr* error) {
bool is_read = stream_utils::IsReadAccessMode(mode);
bool is_write = stream_utils::IsWriteAccessMode(mode);
is_read |= need_more_read_;
is_write |= need_more_write_;
need_more_read_ = false;
need_more_write_ = false;
if (is_read && SSL_pending(ssl_.get()) > 0) {
return true;
mode = stream_utils::MakeAccessMode(is_read, is_write);
return socket_->WaitForData(mode, callback, error);
bool TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::WaitForDataBlocking(AccessMode in_mode,
base::TimeDelta timeout,
AccessMode* out_mode,
ErrorPtr* error) {
bool is_read = stream_utils::IsReadAccessMode(in_mode);
bool is_write = stream_utils::IsWriteAccessMode(in_mode);
is_read |= need_more_read_;
is_write |= need_more_write_;
need_more_read_ = need_more_write_ = false;
if (is_read && SSL_pending(ssl_.get()) > 0) {
if (out_mode)
*out_mode = AccessMode::READ;
return true;
in_mode = stream_utils::MakeAccessMode(is_read, is_write);
return socket_->WaitForDataBlocking(in_mode, timeout, out_mode, error);
void TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::CancelPendingAsyncOperations() {
bool TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::ReportError(
ErrorPtr* error,
const base::Location& location,
const std::string& message) {
const char* file = nullptr;
int line = 0;
const char* data = 0;
int flags = 0;
while (auto errnum = ERR_get_error_line_data(&file, &line, &data, &flags)) {
char buf[256];
ERR_error_string_n(errnum, buf, sizeof(buf));
base::Location ssl_location{"Unknown", file, line, nullptr};
std::string ssl_message = buf;
if (flags & ERR_TXT_STRING) {
ssl_message += ": ";
ssl_message += data;
Error::AddTo(error, ssl_location, "openssl", std::to_string(errnum),
Error::AddTo(error, location, "tls_stream", "failed", message);
return false;
int TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::OnCertVerifyResults(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx) {
// OpenSSL already performs a comprehensive check of the certificate chain
// (using X509_verify_cert() function) and calls back with the result of its
// verification.
// |ok| is set to 1 if the verification passed and 0 if an error was detected.
// Here we can perform some additional checks if we need to, or simply log
// the issues found.
// For now, just log an error if it occurred.
if (!ok) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Server certificate validation failed: "
<< X509_verify_cert_error_string(X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx));
return ok;
int TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::OnCertVerifyResultsStatic(int ok,
X509_STORE_CTX* ctx) {
// Obtain the pointer to the instance of TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl from the
// SSL CTX object referenced by |ctx|.
SSL* ssl = static_cast<SSL*>(X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(
ctx, SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx()));
SSL_CTX* ssl_ctx = ssl ? SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl) : nullptr;
TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl* self = nullptr;
if (ssl_ctx) {
self = static_cast<TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl*>(SSL_CTX_get_ex_data(
ssl_ctx, ssl_ctx_private_data_index));
return self ? self->OnCertVerifyResults(ok, ctx) : ok;
bool TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::Init(StreamPtr socket,
const std::string& host,
const base::Closure& success_callback,
const Stream::ErrorCallback& error_callback,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!ctx_)
return ReportError(error, FROM_HERE, "Cannot create SSL_CTX");
// Top cipher suites supported by both Google GFEs and OpenSSL (in server
// preferred order).
int res = SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx_.get(),
if (res != 1)
return ReportError(error, FROM_HERE, "Cannot set the cipher list");
res = SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx_.get(), nullptr, kCACertificatePath);
if (res != 1) {
return ReportError(error, FROM_HERE,
"Failed to specify trusted certificate location");
// Store a pointer to "this" into SSL_CTX instance.
SSL_CTX_set_ex_data(ctx_.get(), ssl_ctx_private_data_index, this);
// Ask OpenSSL to validate the server host from the certificate to match
// the expected host name we are given:
X509_VERIFY_PARAM* param = SSL_CTX_get0_param(ctx_.get());
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host(param, host.c_str(), host.size());
SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx_.get(), SSL_VERIFY_PEER,
socket_ = std::move(socket);
// Enable TLS progress callback if VLOG level is >=3.
if (VLOG_IS_ON(3))
SSL_set_info_callback(ssl_.get(), TlsInfoCallback);
stream_bio_ = BIO_new_stream(socket_.get());
SSL_set_bio(ssl_.get(), stream_bio_, stream_bio_);
// We might have no message loop (e.g. we are in unit tests).
if (MessageLoop::ThreadHasCurrent()) {
} else {
DoHandshake(success_callback, error_callback);
return true;
void TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::RetryHandshake(
const base::Closure& success_callback,
const Stream::ErrorCallback& error_callback,
Stream::AccessMode /* mode */) {
VLOG(1) << "Retrying TLS handshake";
DoHandshake(success_callback, error_callback);
void TlsStream::TlsStreamImpl::DoHandshake(
const base::Closure& success_callback,
const Stream::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
VLOG(1) << "Begin TLS handshake";
int res = SSL_do_handshake(ssl_.get());
if (res == 1) {
VLOG(1) << "Handshake successful";
ErrorPtr error;
int err = SSL_get_error(ssl_.get(), res);
if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
VLOG(1) << "Waiting for read data...";
bool ok = socket_->WaitForData(
success_callback, error_callback),
if (ok)
} else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
VLOG(1) << "Waiting for write data...";
bool ok = socket_->WaitForData(
success_callback, error_callback),
if (ok)
} else {
ReportError(&error, FROM_HERE, "TLS handshake failed.");
TlsStream::TlsStream(std::unique_ptr<TlsStreamImpl> impl)
: impl_{std::move(impl)} {}
TlsStream::~TlsStream() {
if (impl_) {
void TlsStream::Connect(StreamPtr socket,
const std::string& host,
const base::Callback<void(StreamPtr)>& success_callback,
const Stream::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
std::unique_ptr<TlsStreamImpl> impl{new TlsStreamImpl};
std::unique_ptr<TlsStream> stream{new TlsStream{std::move(impl)}};
TlsStreamImpl* pimpl = stream->impl_.get();
ErrorPtr error;
bool success = pimpl->Init(std::move(socket), host,
error_callback, &error);
if (!success)
bool TlsStream::IsOpen() const {
return impl_ ? true : false;
bool TlsStream::SetSizeBlocking(uint64_t /* size */, ErrorPtr* error) {
return stream_utils::ErrorOperationNotSupported(FROM_HERE, error);
bool TlsStream::Seek(int64_t /* offset */,
Whence /* whence */,
uint64_t* /* new_position*/,
ErrorPtr* error) {
return stream_utils::ErrorOperationNotSupported(FROM_HERE, error);
bool TlsStream::ReadNonBlocking(void* buffer,
size_t size_to_read,
size_t* size_read,
bool* end_of_stream,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!impl_)
return stream_utils::ErrorStreamClosed(FROM_HERE, error);
return impl_->ReadNonBlocking(buffer, size_to_read, size_read, end_of_stream,
bool TlsStream::WriteNonBlocking(const void* buffer,
size_t size_to_write,
size_t* size_written,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!impl_)
return stream_utils::ErrorStreamClosed(FROM_HERE, error);
return impl_->WriteNonBlocking(buffer, size_to_write, size_written, error);
bool TlsStream::FlushBlocking(ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!impl_)
return stream_utils::ErrorStreamClosed(FROM_HERE, error);
return impl_->Flush(error);
bool TlsStream::CloseBlocking(ErrorPtr* error) {
if (impl_ && !impl_->Close(error))
return false;
return true;
bool TlsStream::WaitForData(AccessMode mode,
const base::Callback<void(AccessMode)>& callback,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!impl_)
return stream_utils::ErrorStreamClosed(FROM_HERE, error);
return impl_->WaitForData(mode, callback, error);
bool TlsStream::WaitForDataBlocking(AccessMode in_mode,
base::TimeDelta timeout,
AccessMode* out_mode,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!impl_)
return stream_utils::ErrorStreamClosed(FROM_HERE, error);
return impl_->WaitForDataBlocking(in_mode, timeout, out_mode, error);
void TlsStream::CancelPendingAsyncOperations() {
if (impl_)
} // namespace brillo