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import pykms
import random
import time
import sys
import select
import argparse
import selectors
black = pykms.RGB(0, 0, 0)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--flipmode', choices=['single', 'separate'], default='single', required=False,
help="""Page flip method to use:
single: Page flip on all displays with one request (default)
separate: Separate page flip on the displays""")
args = parser.parse_args()
card = pykms.Card()
if not card.has_atomic:
print('Atomic mode settings is not supported :(')
if args.flipmode == 'single':
print('Page flip on all displays with one request')
elif args.flipmode == 'separate':
print('Page flip on all displays with separate requests')
res = pykms.ResourceManager(card)
conn_list = []
crtc_list = []
mode_list = []
plane_list = []
big_fb_list = []
for conn in card.connectors:
if conn.connected() == 1:
print('Have {} connected connectors:'.format(len(conn_list)))
for conn in conn_list:
crtc = res.reserve_crtc(conn)
mode = conn.get_default_mode()
print(' {}: {} ({}x{})'.format(conn.idx, conn.fullname,
mode.hdisplay, mode.vdisplay))
fbX = sum(mode.hdisplay for mode in mode_list)
fbY = max(mode.vdisplay for mode in mode_list)
print('FB Resolution: {}x{}\n'.format(fbX, fbY))
# Create the (big)framebuffer(s)
for x in range(2):
fb_tmp = pykms.DumbFramebuffer(card, fbX, fbY, 'XR24');
fb = big_fb_list[0]
screen_offset = 0
for i in range(0, len(conn_list)):
conn = conn_list[i]
crtc = crtc_list[i]
mode = mode_list[i]
plane = res.reserve_generic_plane(crtc)
modeb = mode.to_blob(card)
req = pykms.AtomicReq(card)
req.add(conn, 'CRTC_ID',
req.add(crtc, {'ACTIVE': 1,
req.add(plane, {'FB_ID':,
'SRC_X': screen_offset << 16,
'SRC_Y': 0 << 16,
'SRC_W': mode.hdisplay << 16,
'SRC_H': mode.vdisplay << 16,
'CRTC_X': 0,
'CRTC_Y': 0,
'CRTC_W': mode.hdisplay,
'CRTC_H': mode.vdisplay,
'zpos': 0})
req.commit_sync(allow_modeset = True)
screen_offset += mode.hdisplay
# Double buffering, page flipping
class bigFB_db:
def __init__(self, fb1, fb2):
self.speed_y = random.randrange(1, 10, 1)
self.dir_y = random.randrange(-1, 3, 2)
self.first_run = True
self.fbs = [fb1,fb2]
self.draw_buf = 0
self.fbX = fb1.width
self.fbY = fb1.height
self.pos_y = self.fbY // 2
self.old_pos_y = -1
# 5 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 5 = 45
self.bar_size = 45
self.flips = 0
self.frames = 0
self.time = 0
self.flip_count = 100
def new_color(self):
r = random.randrange(255)
g = random.randrange(255)
b = random.randrange(255)
self.color = pykms.RGB(r, g, b)
self.color2 = pykms.RGB(r // 2, g // 2, b // 2)
self.color3 = pykms.RGB(r // 3, g // 3, b // 3)
def move_stripe(self):
if self.first_run:
self.first_run = False
fb = self.fbs[self.draw_buf]
old_box_y = self.old_pos_y
self.old_pos_y = self.pos_y
change_speed = 0
self.pos_y = int(self.pos_y + (self.dir_y * self.speed_y))
if self.pos_y < 0:
self.pos_y = 0
change_speed = 1
self.dir_y = 1
elif self.pos_y > (self.fbY - self.bar_size):
self.pos_y = self.fbY - self.bar_size
change_speed = 1
self.dir_y = -1
if change_speed == 1:
self.speed_y = random.randrange(1, 10, 1)
# Erease the old box
if old_box_y >= 0:
pykms.draw_rect(fb, 0, old_box_y, self.fbX, self.bar_size, black)
pos_y = self.pos_y
pykms.draw_rect(fb, 0, pos_y, self.fbX, 5, self.color3)
pos_y += 5
pykms.draw_rect(fb, 0, pos_y, self.fbX, 10, self.color2)
pos_y += 10
pykms.draw_rect(fb, 0, pos_y, self.fbX, 15, self.color)
pos_y += 15
pykms.draw_rect(fb, 0, pos_y, self.fbX, 10, self.color2)
pos_y += 10
pykms.draw_rect(fb, 0, pos_y, self.fbX, 5, self.color3)
def handle_page_flip_single(self):
self.draw_buf ^= 1
# one atomic request to flip on all displays/crtcs
fb = self.fbs[self.draw_buf]
screen_offset = 0
req = pykms.AtomicReq(card)
for i in range(0, len(conn_list)):
crtc = crtc_list[i]
mode = mode_list[i]
plane = plane_list[i]
req.add(plane, {'FB_ID':,
'SRC_X': screen_offset << 16,
'SRC_Y': 0 << 16,
'SRC_W': mode.hdisplay << 16,
'SRC_H': mode.vdisplay << 16,
'CRTC_X': 0,
'CRTC_Y': 0,
'CRTC_W': mode.hdisplay,
'CRTC_H': mode.vdisplay,
'zpos': 0})
screen_offset += mode.hdisplay
def handle_page_flip_separate(self):
self.draw_buf ^= 1
# ask to flip the first screen
fb = self.fbs[self.draw_buf]
screen_offset = 0
# add separate atomic request for each display (crtc)
for i in range(0, len(conn_list)):
req = pykms.AtomicReq(card)
crtc = crtc_list[i]
mode = mode_list[i]
plane = plane_list[i]
req.add(plane, {'FB_ID':,
'SRC_X': screen_offset << 16,
'SRC_Y': 0 << 16,
'SRC_W': mode.hdisplay << 16,
'SRC_H': mode.vdisplay << 16,
'CRTC_X': 0,
'CRTC_Y': 0,
'CRTC_W': mode.hdisplay,
'CRTC_H': mode.vdisplay,
'zpos': 0})
screen_offset += mode.hdisplay
def handle_page_flip_main(self, frame, time):
self.flip_count += 1
if self.flip_count < len(conn_list):
self.flip_count = 0
# statistics
self.flips += 1
if self.time == 0:
self.frames = frame
self.time = time
time_delta = time - self.time
if time_delta >= 5:
frame_delta = frame - self.frames
print('Frame rate: %f (%u/%u frames in %f s)' %
(frame_delta / time_delta, self.flips, frame_delta, time_delta))
self.flips = 0
self.frames = frame
self.time = time
if args.flipmode == 'single':
elif args.flipmode == 'separate':
print('Press ENTER to exit\n')
box_db = bigFB_db(big_fb_list[0], big_fb_list[1])
box_db.handle_page_flip_main(0, 0)
def readdrm(fileobj, mask):
for ev in card.read_events():
if ev.type == pykms.DrmEventType.FLIP_COMPLETE:
box_db.handle_page_flip_main(ev.seq, ev.time)
def readkey(fileobj, mask):
sel = selectors.DefaultSelector()
sel.register(card.fd, selectors.EVENT_READ, readdrm)
sel.register(sys.stdin, selectors.EVENT_READ, readkey)
while True:
events =
for key, mask in events:
callback =
callback(key.fileobj, mask)