You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
4.2 KiB

# RUN: split-file %s %t
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64 %t/main.s -o %t.o
## Non-SHF_ALLOC sections are placed after all SHF_ALLOC sections. They will
## thus not be contained in a PT_LOAD segment. data2 has a PT_LOAD segment,
## even if it is preceded by a non-SHF_ALLOC section. Non-SHF_ALLOC orphan
## sections have zero addresses.
## NOTE: GNU ld assigns non-zero addresses to non-SHF_ALLOC non-orphan sections.
# RUN: ld.lld -T %t/ %t.o -o %ta
# RUN: llvm-readelf -S -l %ta | FileCheck %s
# CHECK: [Nr] Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 0] NULL 0000000000000000 000000 000000 00 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 1] .bss NOBITS 0000000000000000 001000 000001 00 WA 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 2] data1 PROGBITS 0000000000000001 001001 000001 00 WA 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 3] data3 PROGBITS 0000000000000002 001002 000001 00 WA 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 4] other1 PROGBITS 0000000000000000 001008 000001 00 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 5] other2 PROGBITS 0000000000000000 001010 000001 00 0
## Orphan placement places other3, .symtab, .shstrtab and .strtab after other2.
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 6] other3 PROGBITS 0000000000000000 001020 000001 00 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 7] .symtab SYMTAB 0000000000000000 001028 000030 18 9
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 8] .shstrtab STRTAB 0000000000000000 001058 00004d 00 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [ 9] .strtab STRTAB 0000000000000000 0010a5 000008 00 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [10] data2 PROGBITS 0000000000000003 001003 000001 00 WA 0
# CHECK-NEXT: [11] .text PROGBITS 0000000000000004 001004 000001 00 AX 0
# CHECK: Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align
# CHECK-NEXT: LOAD 0x001000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000004 0x000004 RW 0x1000
# CHECK-NEXT: LOAD 0x001004 0x0000000000000004 0x0000000000000004 0x000001 0x000001 R E 0x1000
# CHECK-NEXT: GNU_STACK 0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000000 0x000000 RW 0
# RUN: ld.lld -T %t/ %t.o -o %tb
# RUN: llvm-readelf -S -l %tb | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK1
# CHECK1: [Nr] Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 0] NULL 0000000000000000 000000 000000 00 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 1] .text PROGBITS 00000000000000b0 0000b0 000001 00 AX 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 2] .bss NOBITS 00000000000000b1 0000b1 000001 00 WA 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 3] data1 PROGBITS 00000000000000b2 0000b2 000001 00 WA 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 4] data3 PROGBITS 00000000000000b3 0000b3 000001 00 WA 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 5] other1 PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0000b8 000001 00 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 6] other2 PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0000c0 000001 00 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 7] other3 PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0000d0 000001 00 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 8] .symtab SYMTAB 0000000000000000 0000d8 000030 18 10
# CHECK1-NEXT: [ 9] .shstrtab STRTAB 0000000000000000 000108 00004d 00 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [10] .strtab STRTAB 0000000000000000 000155 000008 00 0
# CHECK1-NEXT: [11] data2 PROGBITS 00000000000000b4 0000b4 000001 00 WA 0
# CHECK1: Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align
# CHECK1-NEXT: LOAD 0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000b5 0x0000b5 RWE 0x1000
# CHECK1-NEXT: 0x60000000 0x0000b8 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000009 0x000001 0x8
.bss : { *(.bss) }
data1 : { *(data1) }
other1 : { *(other1) }
other2 : { *(other2) }
data2 : { *(data2) }
.text : { *(.text) }
/DISCARD/ : { *(.comment) }
foo 0x60000000 FLAGS (0);
.text : { *(.text) } : text
.bss : { *(.bss) } : text
data1 : { *(data1) } : text
other1 : { *(other1) } : foo
other2 : { *(other2) } : foo
data2 : { *(data1) } : text
/DISCARD/ : { *(.comment) }
#--- main.s
.globl _start
_start: nop
.section data1,"aw"; .byte 0
.section data2,"aw"; .byte 0
.section data3,"aw"; .byte 0
.bss; .byte 0
.section other1; .p2align 2; .byte 0
.section other2; .p2align 3; .byte 0
.section other3; .p2align 4; .byte 0