20 lines
750 B
20 lines
750 B
License: OFL 1.1
License File: LICENSE_OFL
License: Unicode
Noto Color Emoji Compat font is generated using Noto Color Emoji font using createfont.py. The
compat font is under font/ directory.
While generating the compat font, Noto Color Emoji font and data files from Unicode are used.
data/emoji-metadata.txt is updated using the Noto Color Emoji font and data files from
supported-emojis/emojis.txt file contains list of emojis that are supported by the font. Main
purpose is testing. It is generated using the Unicode files.
Noto Color Emoji font is under the <android_source>/external/noto-fonts/emoji/ directory. Unicode
files are under the <android_source>/external/unicode/ directory. |