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Compiles and signs an APPX package
Given the file listing, ensures all the contents are signed
and builds and signs the final package.
.Parameter mapfile
The location on disk of the text mapping file.
.Parameter msix
The path and name to store the APPX/MSIX.
.Parameter sign
When set, signs the APPX/MSIX. Packages to be published to
the store should not be signed.
.Parameter description
Description to embed in the signature (optional).
.Parameter certname
The name of the certificate to sign with (optional).
.Parameter certsha1
The SHA1 hash of the certificate to sign with (optional).
$tools = $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -parent;
Import-Module $tools\sdktools.psm1 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Force
Set-Alias makeappx (Find-Tool "makeappx.exe") -Scope Script
Set-Alias makepri (Find-Tool "makepri.exe") -Scope Script
$msixdir = Split-Path $msix -Parent
if ($msixdir) {
$msixdir = (mkdir -Force $msixdir).FullName
} else {
$msixdir = Get-Location
$msix = Join-Path $msixdir (Split-Path $msix -Leaf)
pushd $layout
try {
if (Test-Path resources.pri) {
del resources.pri
$name = ([xml](gc AppxManifest.xml)).Package.Identity.Name
makepri new /pr . /mn AppxManifest.xml /in $name /cf _resources.xml /of _resources.pri /mf appx /o
if (-not $? -or -not (Test-Path {
throw "makepri step failed"
$lines = gc
$lines | ?{ -not ($_ -match '"_resources[\w\.]+?"') } | Out-File -Encoding utf8
makeappx pack /f /m AppxManifest.xml /o /p $msix
if (-not $?) {
throw "makeappx step failed"
} finally {
if ($sign) {
Sign-File -certname $certname -certsha1 $certsha1 -certfile $certfile -description $description -files $msix
if (-not $?) {
throw "Package signing failed"