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import httplib2
import mock
import os
import pickle
import pytest
import socket
import sys
import tests
import time
from six.moves import urllib
sys.version_info <= (3,),
"TODO: httplib2._convert_byte_str was defined only in python3 code " "version"
def test_convert_byte_str():
with tests.assert_raises(TypeError):
assert httplib2._convert_byte_str(b"Hello") == "Hello"
assert httplib2._convert_byte_str("World") == "World"
def test_reflect():
http = httplib2.Http()
with tests.server_reflect() as uri:
response, content = http.request(uri + "?query", "METHOD")
assert response.status == 200
host = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri).netloc
assert content.startswith(
METHOD /?query HTTP/1.1\r\n\
Host: {host}\r\n""".format(
), content
def test_pickle_http():
http = httplib2.Http(cache=tests.get_cache_path())
new_http = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(http))
assert tuple(sorted(new_http.__dict__)) == tuple(sorted(http.__dict__))
assert new_http.credentials.credentials == http.credentials.credentials
assert new_http.certificates.credentials == http.certificates.credentials
assert new_http.cache.cache == http.cache.cache
for key in new_http.__dict__:
if key not in ("cache", "certificates", "credentials"):
assert getattr(new_http, key) == getattr(http, key)
def test_pickle_http_with_connection():
http = httplib2.Http()
http.request("http://random-domain:81/", connection_type=tests.MockHTTPConnection)
new_http = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(http))
assert tuple(http.connections) == ("http:random-domain:81",)
assert new_http.connections == {}
def test_pickle_custom_request_http():
http = httplib2.Http()
http.request = lambda: None
http.request.dummy_attr = "dummy_value"
new_http = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(http))
assert getattr(new_http.request, "dummy_attr", None) is None
sys.version_info >= (3,),
"FIXME: for unknown reason global timeout test fails in Python3 "
"with response 200"
def test_timeout_global():
def handler(request):
return tests.http_response_bytes()
except Exception:
pytest.skip("cannot set global socket timeout")
http = httplib2.Http()
http.force_exception_to_status_code = True
with tests.server_request(handler) as uri:
response, content = http.request(uri)
assert response.status == 408
assert response.reason.startswith("Request Timeout")
def test_timeout_individual():
def handler(request):
return tests.http_response_bytes()
http = httplib2.Http(timeout=0.1)
http.force_exception_to_status_code = True
with tests.server_request(handler) as uri:
response, content = http.request(uri)
assert response.status == 408
assert response.reason.startswith("Request Timeout")
def test_timeout_subsequent():
class Handler(object):
number = 0
def handle(cls, request):
# request.number is always 1 because of
# the new socket connection each time
cls.number += 1
if cls.number % 2 != 0:
return tests.http_response_bytes(status=500)
return tests.http_response_bytes(status=200)
http = httplib2.Http(timeout=0.5)
http.force_exception_to_status_code = True
with tests.server_request(Handler.handle, request_count=2) as uri:
response, _ = http.request(uri)
assert response.status == 408
assert response.reason.startswith("Request Timeout")
response, _ = http.request(uri)
assert response.status == 200
def test_timeout_https():
c = httplib2.HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout("localhost", 80, timeout=47)
assert 47 == c.timeout
# @pytest.mark.xfail(
# sys.version_info >= (3,),
# reason='[py3] last request should open new connection, but client does not realize socket was closed by server',
# )
def test_connection_close():
http = httplib2.Http()
g = []
def handler(request):
return tests.http_response_bytes(proto="HTTP/1.1")
with tests.server_request(handler, request_count=3) as uri:
http.request(uri, "GET") # conn1 req1
for c in http.connections.values():
assert c.sock is not None
http.request(uri, "GET", headers={"connection": "close"})
http.request(uri, "GET") # conn2 req1
assert g == [1, 2, 1]
def test_get_end2end_headers():
# one end to end header
response = {"content-type": "application/atom+xml", "te": "deflate"}
end2end = httplib2._get_end2end_headers(response)
assert "content-type" in end2end
assert "te" not in end2end
assert "connection" not in end2end
# one end to end header that gets eliminated
response = {
"connection": "content-type",
"content-type": "application/atom+xml",
"te": "deflate",
end2end = httplib2._get_end2end_headers(response)
assert "content-type" not in end2end
assert "te" not in end2end
assert "connection" not in end2end
# Degenerate case of no headers
response = {}
end2end = httplib2._get_end2end_headers(response)
assert len(end2end) == 0
# Degenerate case of connection referrring to a header not passed in
response = {"connection": "content-type"}
end2end = httplib2._get_end2end_headers(response)
assert len(end2end) == 0
os.environ.get("TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION") in ("2.7", "pypy"),
reason="FIXME: fail on Travis py27 and pypy, works elsewhere",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("scheme", ("http", "https"))
def test_ipv6(scheme):
# Even if IPv6 isn't installed on a machine it should just raise socket.error
uri = "{scheme}://[::1]:1/".format(scheme=scheme)
except socket.gaierror:
assert False, "should get the address family right for IPv6"
except socket.error:
(httplib2.HTTPConnectionWithTimeout, httplib2.HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout),
def test_connection_proxy_info_attribute_error(conn_type):
# HTTPConnectionWithTimeout did not initialize its .proxy_info attribute
# Thanks to Joseph Ryan
conn = conn_type("no-such-hostname.", 80)
# TODO: replace mock with dummy local server
with tests.assert_raises(socket.gaierror):
with mock.patch("socket.socket.connect", side_effect=socket.gaierror):
conn.request("GET", "/")
def test_http_443_forced_https():
http = httplib2.Http()
http.force_exception_to_status_code = True
uri = "http://localhost:443/"
# sorry, using internal structure of Http to check chosen scheme
with mock.patch("httplib2.Http._request") as m:
assert len(m.call_args) > 0, "expected Http._request() call"
conn = m.call_args[0][0]
assert isinstance(conn, httplib2.HTTPConnectionWithTimeout)
def test_close():
http = httplib2.Http()
assert len(http.connections) == 0
with tests.server_const_http() as uri:
assert len(http.connections) == 1
assert len(http.connections) == 0
def test_connect_exception_type():
# This autoformatting PR actually changed the behavior of error handling:
# potentially changing the type of the error raised by connect()
http = httplib2.Http()
with mock.patch("httplib2.socket.socket.connect", side_effect=socket.timeout("foo")):
with tests.assert_raises(socket.timeout):