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595 lines
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595 lines
18 KiB
use criterion;
use serde_json;
use criterion::{
criterion_group, criterion_main, profiler::Profiler, BatchSize, Benchmark, BenchmarkId,
Criterion, Fun, ParameterizedBenchmark, SamplingMode, Throughput,
use serde_json::value::Value;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::cmp::max;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir};
use walkdir::WalkDir;
* Please note that these tests are not complete examples of how to use
* See the benches folder for actual examples.
fn temp_dir() -> TempDir {
// Configure a Criterion struct to perform really fast benchmarks. This is not
// recommended for real benchmarking, only for testing.
fn short_benchmark(dir: &TempDir) -> Criterion {
struct Counter {
counter: Rc<RefCell<usize>>,
impl Counter {
fn count(&self) {
*(*self.counter).borrow_mut() += 1;
fn read(&self) -> usize {
impl Default for Counter {
fn default() -> Counter {
Counter {
counter: Rc::new(RefCell::new(0)),
fn verify_file(dir: &PathBuf, path: &str) -> PathBuf {
let full_path = dir.join(path);
"File {:?} does not exist or is not a file",
let metadata = full_path.metadata().unwrap();
assert!(metadata.len() > 0);
fn verify_json(dir: &PathBuf, path: &str) {
let full_path = verify_file(dir, path);
let f = File::open(full_path).unwrap();
serde_json::from_reader::<File, Value>(f).unwrap();
fn verify_svg(dir: &PathBuf, path: &str) {
verify_file(dir, path);
fn verify_html(dir: &PathBuf, path: &str) {
verify_file(dir, path);
fn verify_stats(dir: &PathBuf, baseline: &str) {
verify_json(&dir, &format!("{}/estimates.json", baseline));
verify_json(&dir, &format!("{}/sample.json", baseline));
verify_json(&dir, &format!("{}/tukey.json", baseline));
verify_json(&dir, &format!("{}/benchmark.json", baseline));
verify_file(&dir, &format!("{}/raw.csv", baseline));
fn verify_not_exists(dir: &PathBuf, path: &str) {
fn latest_modified(dir: &PathBuf) -> SystemTime {
let mut newest_update: Option<SystemTime> = None;
for entry in WalkDir::new(dir) {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
let modified = entry.metadata().unwrap().modified().unwrap();
newest_update = match newest_update {
Some(latest) => Some(max(latest, modified)),
None => Some(modified),
newest_update.expect("failed to find a single time in directory")
fn test_creates_directory() {
let dir = temp_dir();
short_benchmark(&dir).bench_function("test_creates_directory", |b| b.iter(|| 10));
fn test_without_plots() {
let dir = temp_dir();
.bench_function("test_without_plots", |b| b.iter(|| 10));
for entry in WalkDir::new(dir.path().join("test_without_plots")) {
let entry = entry.ok();
let is_svg = entry
.and_then(|entry| entry.path().extension())
.and_then(|ext| ext.to_str())
.map(|ext| ext == "svg")
"Found SVG file ({:?}) in output directory with plots disabled",
fn test_save_baseline() {
let dir = temp_dir();
println!("tmp directory is {:?}", dir.path());
.bench_function("test_save_baseline", |b| b.iter(|| 10));
let dir = dir.path().join("test_save_baseline");
verify_stats(&dir, "some-baseline");
verify_not_exists(&dir, "base");
fn test_retain_baseline() {
// Initial benchmark to populate
let dir = temp_dir();
.bench_function("test_retain_baseline", |b| b.iter(|| 10));
let pre_modified = latest_modified(&dir.path().join("test_retain_baseline/some-baseline"));
.bench_function("test_retain_baseline", |b| b.iter(|| 10));
let post_modified = latest_modified(&dir.path().join("test_retain_baseline/some-baseline"));
assert_eq!(pre_modified, post_modified, "baseline modified by retain");
#[should_panic(expected = "Baseline 'some-baseline' must exist before comparison is allowed")]
fn test_compare_baseline() {
// Initial benchmark to populate
let dir = temp_dir();
.bench_function("test_compare_baseline", |b| b.iter(|| 10));
fn test_sample_size() {
let dir = temp_dir();
let counter = Counter::default();
let clone = counter.clone();
.bench_function("test_sample_size", move |b| {
b.iter(|| 10)
// This function will be called more than sample_size times because of the
// warmup.
assert!( > 50);
fn test_warmup_time() {
let dir = temp_dir();
let counter1 = Counter::default();
let clone = counter1.clone();
.bench_function("test_warmup_time_1", move |b| {
b.iter(|| 10)
let counter2 = Counter::default();
let clone = counter2.clone();
.bench_function("test_warmup_time_2", move |b| {
b.iter(|| 10)
assert!( <;
fn test_measurement_time() {
let dir = temp_dir();
let counter1 = Counter::default();
let clone = counter1.clone();
.bench_function("test_meas_time_1", move |b| b.iter(|| clone.count()));
let counter2 = Counter::default();
let clone = counter2.clone();
.bench_function("test_meas_time_2", move |b| b.iter(|| clone.count()));
assert!( <;
fn test_bench_function() {
let dir = temp_dir();
short_benchmark(&dir).bench_function("test_bench_function", move |b| b.iter(|| 10));
fn test_bench_functions() {
let dir = temp_dir();
let function_1 = Fun::new("times 10", |b, i| b.iter(|| *i * 10));
let function_2 = Fun::new("times 20", |b, i| b.iter(|| *i * 20));
let functions = vec![function_1, function_2];
short_benchmark(&dir).bench_functions("test_bench_functions", functions, 20);
fn test_bench_function_over_inputs() {
let dir = temp_dir();
|b, i| b.iter(|| *i * 10),
vec![100, 1000],
fn test_filtering() {
let dir = temp_dir();
let counter = Counter::default();
let clone = counter.clone();
.bench_function("test_filtering", move |b| b.iter(|| clone.count()));
assert_eq!(, 0);
fn test_timing_loops() {
let dir = temp_dir();
Benchmark::new("iter", |b| b.iter(|| 10))
.with_function("iter_with_setup", |b| {
b.iter_with_setup(|| vec![10], |v| v[0])
.with_function("iter_with_large_setup", |b| {
b.iter_with_large_setup(|| vec![10], |v| v[0])
.with_function("iter_with_large_drop", |b| {
b.iter_with_large_drop(|| vec![10; 100])
.with_function("iter_batched_small", |b| {
b.iter_batched(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::SmallInput)
.with_function("iter_batched_large", |b| {
b.iter_batched(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::LargeInput)
.with_function("iter_batched_per_iteration", |b| {
b.iter_batched(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::PerIteration)
.with_function("iter_batched_one_batch", |b| {
b.iter_batched(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::NumBatches(1))
.with_function("iter_batched_10_iterations", |b| {
b.iter_batched(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::NumIterations(10))
.with_function("iter_batched_ref_small", |b| {
b.iter_batched_ref(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::SmallInput)
.with_function("iter_batched_ref_large", |b| {
b.iter_batched_ref(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::LargeInput)
.with_function("iter_batched_ref_per_iteration", |b| {
b.iter_batched_ref(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::PerIteration)
.with_function("iter_batched_ref_one_batch", |b| {
b.iter_batched_ref(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::NumBatches(1))
.with_function("iter_batched_ref_10_iterations", |b| {
b.iter_batched_ref(|| vec![10], |v| v[0], BatchSize::NumIterations(10))
fn test_throughput() {
let dir = temp_dir();
Benchmark::new("strlen", |b| b.iter(|| "foo".len())).throughput(Throughput::Bytes(3)),
|b, v| b.iter(|| v.len()),
vec![vec![1], vec![1, 2, 3]],
.throughput(|v| Throughput::Elements(v.len() as u64)),
// Verify that all expected output files are present
fn test_output_files() {
let tempdir = temp_dir();
// Run benchmarks twice to produce comparisons
for _ in 0..2 {
Benchmark::new("output_1", |b| b.iter(|| 10))
.with_function("output_2", |b| b.iter(|| 20))
.with_function("output_\\/*\"?", |b| b.iter(|| 30))
// For each benchmark, assert that the expected files are present.
for x in 0..3 {
let dir = if x == 2 {
// Check that certain special characters are replaced with underscores
} else {
tempdir.path().join(format!("test_output/output_{}", x + 1))
verify_stats(&dir, "new");
verify_stats(&dir, "base");
verify_json(&dir, "change/estimates.json");
if short_benchmark(&tempdir).can_plot() {
verify_svg(&dir, "report/MAD.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/mean.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/median.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/pdf.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/regression.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/SD.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/slope.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/typical.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/both/pdf.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/both/regression.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/change/mean.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/change/median.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/change/t-test.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/pdf_small.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/regression_small.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/relative_pdf_small.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/relative_regression_small.svg");
verify_html(&dir, "report/index.html");
// Check for overall report files
if short_benchmark(&tempdir).can_plot() {
let dir = tempdir.path().join("test_output");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/violin.svg");
verify_html(&dir, "report/index.html");
// Run the final summary process and check for the report that produces
if short_benchmark(&tempdir).can_plot() {
let dir = tempdir.path().to_owned();
verify_html(&dir, "report/index.html");
fn test_output_files_flat_sampling() {
let tempdir = temp_dir();
// Run benchmark twice to produce comparisons
for _ in 0..2 {
Benchmark::new("output_flat", |b| b.iter(|| 10)).sampling_mode(SamplingMode::Flat),
let dir = tempdir.path().join("test_output/output_flat");
verify_stats(&dir, "new");
verify_stats(&dir, "base");
verify_json(&dir, "change/estimates.json");
if short_benchmark(&tempdir).can_plot() {
verify_svg(&dir, "report/MAD.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/mean.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/median.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/pdf.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/iteration_times.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/SD.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/typical.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/both/pdf.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/both/iteration_times.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/change/mean.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/change/median.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/change/t-test.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/pdf_small.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/iteration_times_small.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/relative_pdf_small.svg");
verify_svg(&dir, "report/relative_iteration_times_small.svg");
verify_html(&dir, "report/index.html");
#[should_panic(expected = "Benchmark function must call Bencher::iter or related method.")]
fn test_bench_with_no_iteration_panics() {
let dir = temp_dir();
short_benchmark(&dir).bench("test_no_iter", Benchmark::new("no_iter", |_b| {}));
fn test_benchmark_group_with_input() {
let dir = temp_dir();
let mut c = short_benchmark(&dir);
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Test Group");
for x in 0..2 {
group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new("Test 1", x), &x, |b, i| b.iter(|| i));
group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new("Test 2", x), &x, |b, i| b.iter(|| i));
fn test_benchmark_group_without_input() {
let dir = temp_dir();
let mut c = short_benchmark(&dir);
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Test Group 2");
group.bench_function("Test 1", |b| b.iter(|| 30));
group.bench_function("Test 2", |b| b.iter(|| 20));
fn test_criterion_doesnt_panic_if_measured_time_is_zero() {
let dir = temp_dir();
let mut c = short_benchmark(&dir);
c.bench_function("zero_time", |bencher| {
bencher.iter_custom(|_iters| Duration::new(0, 0))
mod macros {
use super::{criterion, criterion_group, criterion_main};
#[should_panic(expected = "group executed")]
fn criterion_main() {
fn group() {}
fn group2() {
panic!("group executed");
criterion_main!(group, group2);
fn criterion_main_trailing_comma() {
// make this a compile-only check
// as the second logger initialization causes panic
fn group() {}
fn group2() {}
criterion_main!(group, group2,);
// silence dead_code warning
if false {
#[should_panic(expected = "group executed")]
fn criterion_group() {
use self::criterion::Criterion;
fn group(_crit: &mut Criterion) {}
fn group2(_crit: &mut Criterion) {
panic!("group executed");
criterion_group!(test_group, group, group2);
#[should_panic(expected = "group executed")]
fn criterion_group_trailing_comma() {
use self::criterion::Criterion;
fn group(_crit: &mut Criterion) {}
fn group2(_crit: &mut Criterion) {
panic!("group executed");
criterion_group!(test_group, group, group2,);
struct TestProfiler {
started: Rc<Cell<u32>>,
stopped: Rc<Cell<u32>>,
impl Profiler for TestProfiler {
fn start_profiling(&mut self, benchmark_id: &str, _benchmark_path: &Path) {
self.started.set(self.started.get() + 1);
fn stop_profiling(&mut self, benchmark_id: &str, _benchmark_path: &Path) {
self.stopped.set(self.stopped.get() + 1);
// Verify that profilers are started and stopped as expected
fn test_profiler_called() {
let started = Rc::new(Cell::new(0u32));
let stopped = Rc::new(Cell::new(0u32));
let profiler = TestProfiler {
started: started.clone(),
stopped: stopped.clone(),
let dir = temp_dir();
let mut criterion = short_benchmark(&dir)
criterion.bench_function("profile_test", |b| b.iter(|| 10));
assert_eq!(1, started.get());
assert_eq!(1, stopped.get());