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442 lines
15 KiB

(export (version D)
(source /usr/local/google/home/kamrik/src/walt/hardware/kicad/WALTsm.sch)
(date "Mon 27 Feb 2017 07:09:15 PM EST")
(tool "Eeschema 4.0.4+e1-6308~48~ubuntu14.04.1-stable")
(sheet (number 1) (name /) (tstamps /)
(title "WALT Latency Timer")
(source WALTsm.sch)
(comment (number 1) (value ""))
(comment (number 2) (value ""))
(comment (number 3) (value ""))
(comment (number 4) (value "")))))
(comp (ref U1)
(value TeensyLC_with_headers)
(footprint Housings_DIP:DIP-28_W15.24mm)
(libsource (lib teensy) (part TeensyLC_with_headers))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 576468C7))
(comp (ref D1)
(value Photodiode)
(footprint walt_footprints:BPW34_DIP2)
(libsource (lib walt_misc) (part Photodiode))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57646A24))
(comp (ref R1)
(value 330)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part R))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57646BD5))
(comp (ref R2)
(value 330)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part R))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57646C37))
(comp (ref D3)
(value LED)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part LED))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57646CD9))
(comp (ref D4)
(value LED)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part LED))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57646D13))
(comp (ref U2)
(value ADXL335)
(footprint Housings_DFN_QFN:QFN-16-1EP_4x4mm_Pitch0.65mm)
(libsource (lib walt_misc) (part ADXL335))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57647D5A))
(comp (ref U3)
(value LM321MFX)
(footprint TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:SOT-23-5)
(libsource (lib walt_misc) (part LM321MFX))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 576483C4))
(comp (ref R3)
(value 510k)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part R))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57648608))
(comp (ref D2)
(value Photodiode)
(footprint walt_footprints:BPW34_DIP2)
(libsource (lib walt_misc) (part Photodiode))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 576487CA))
(comp (ref J1)
(value JACK_TRRS)
(footprint walt_footprints:TRRS_SJ_43514)
(libsource (lib walt_misc) (part JACK_TRRS))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 5764949B))
(comp (ref R7)
(value 100)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part R))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57649565))
(comp (ref C1)
(value 0.1uF)
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805)
(libsource (lib device) (part C))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 5764985B))
(comp (ref R4)
(value 3,3k)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part R))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 576498AB))
(comp (ref R5)
(value 100)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part R))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 576498E4))
(comp (ref R6)
(value 3.3k)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part R))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 5764991F))
(comp (ref P1)
(value CONN_01X06)
(footprint walt_footprints:Pin_Header_Straight_1x06)
(libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_01X06))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 5765C52E))
(comp (ref C2)
(value 0.1uF)
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805)
(libsource (lib device) (part C))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 5766D3A4))
(comp (ref P2)
(value CONN_01X06)
(footprint walt_footprints:Pin_Header_Straight_1x06)
(libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_01X06))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 57681A8E))
(comp (ref R8)
(value 100)
(footprint walt_footprints:R_0603_pad07mm_long)
(libsource (lib device) (part R))
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
(tstamp 58B4C350)))
(libpart (lib walt_misc) (part ADXL335)
(fp QFN-16*))
(field (name Reference) U)
(field (name Value) ADXL335))
(pin (num 1) (name NC) (type passive))
(pin (num 2) (name ST) (type passive))
(pin (num 3) (name COM) (type passive))
(pin (num 4) (name NC) (type passive))
(pin (num 5) (name COM) (type passive))
(pin (num 6) (name COM) (type passive))
(pin (num 7) (name COM) (type passive))
(pin (num 8) (name Zout) (type output))
(pin (num 9) (name NC) (type passive))
(pin (num 10) (name Yout) (type output))
(pin (num 11) (name NC) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 12) (name Xout) (type output))
(pin (num 13) (name NC) (type passive))
(pin (num 14) (name VCC) (type power_in))
(pin (num 15) (name VCC) (type power_in))
(pin (num 16) (name NC) (type passive))
(pin (num 17) (name EP) (type passive))))
(libpart (lib device) (part C)
(description "Unpolarized capacitor")
(fp C?)
(fp C_????_*)
(fp C_????)
(fp SMD*_c)
(fp Capacitor*))
(field (name Reference) C)
(field (name Value) C))
(pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
(pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
(libpart (lib conn) (part CONN_01X06)
(description "Connector 01x06")
(fp Pin_Header_Straight_1X06)
(fp Pin_Header_Angled_1X06)
(fp Socket_Strip_Straight_1X06)
(fp Socket_Strip_Angled_1X06))
(field (name Reference) P)
(field (name Value) CONN_01X06))
(pin (num 1) (name P1) (type passive))
(pin (num 2) (name P2) (type passive))
(pin (num 3) (name P3) (type passive))
(pin (num 4) (name P4) (type passive))
(pin (num 5) (name P5) (type passive))
(pin (num 6) (name P6) (type passive))))
(libpart (lib walt_misc) (part JACK_TRRS)
(field (name Reference) J)
(field (name Value) JACK_TRRS))
(pin (num 1) (name S) (type passive))
(pin (num 2) (name T) (type passive))
(pin (num 3) (name R) (type passive))
(pin (num 4) (name R) (type passive))))
(libpart (lib device) (part LED)
(fp LED-3MM)
(fp LED-5MM)
(fp LED-10MM)
(fp LED-0603)
(fp LED-0805)
(fp LED-1206)
(fp LEDV))
(field (name Reference) D)
(field (name Value) LED))
(pin (num 1) (name K) (type passive))
(pin (num 2) (name A) (type passive))))
(libpart (lib walt_misc) (part LM321MFX)
(fp SOT-23*)
(fp SC-70-5*))
(field (name Reference) U)
(field (name Value) LM321MFX)
(field (name Footprint) SC70-5))
(pin (num 1) (name +) (type input))
(pin (num 2) (name V-) (type input))
(pin (num 3) (name -) (type input))
(pin (num 4) (name ~) (type output))
(pin (num 5) (name V+) (type input))))
(libpart (lib walt_misc) (part Photodiode)
(fp LED-3MM)
(fp LED-5MM)
(fp LED-10MM)
(fp LED-0603)
(fp LED-0805)
(fp LED-1206)
(fp LEDV))
(field (name Reference) D)
(field (name Value) Photodiode))
(pin (num 1) (name K) (type passive))
(pin (num 2) (name A) (type passive))))
(libpart (lib device) (part R)
(description Resistor)
(fp R_*)
(fp Resistor_*))
(field (name Reference) R)
(field (name Value) R))
(pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
(pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
(libpart (lib teensy) (part TeensyLC_with_headers)
(fp Housings_DIP:DIP-28_W15.24mm_LongPads)
(fp Housings_DIP:DIP-28_W15.24mm))
(field (name Reference) U)
(field (name Value) TeensyLC_with_headers)
(field (name Footprint) Housings_DIP:DIP-28_W15.24mm_LongPads)
(field (name Datasheet)
(pin (num 1) (name GND) (type passive))
(pin (num 2) (name D0) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 3) (name D1) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 4) (name D2) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 5) (name D3) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 6) (name D4) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 7) (name D5) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 8) (name D6) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 9) (name D7) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 10) (name D8) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 11) (name D9) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 12) (name D10) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 13) (name D11) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 14) (name D12) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 15) (name D13_LED) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 16) (name D14_A0) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 17) (name D15_A1) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 18) (name D16_A2) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 19) (name D17_A3) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 20) (name D18_A4) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 21) (name D19_A5) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 22) (name D20_A6) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 23) (name D21_A7) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 24) (name D22_A8) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 25) (name D23_A9) (type BiDi))
(pin (num 26) (name 3V3) (type power_in))
(pin (num 27) (name GND) (type passive))
(pin (num 28) (name VCC) (type passive)))))
(library (logical device)
(uri /usr/share/kicad/library/device.lib))
(library (logical conn)
(uri /usr/share/kicad/library/conn.lib))
(library (logical walt_misc)
(uri /usr/local/google/home/kamrik/src/walt/hardware/kicad/walt_misc.lib))
(library (logical teensy)
(uri /usr/local/google/home/kamrik/src/walt/hardware/kicad/teensy.lib)))
(net (code 1) (name "Net-(C1-Pad1)")
(node (ref C1) (pin 1))
(node (ref J1) (pin 1))
(node (ref R6) (pin 2)))
(net (code 2) (name "Net-(C1-Pad2)")
(node (ref C1) (pin 2))
(node (ref R5) (pin 2))
(node (ref R4) (pin 2)))
(net (code 3) (name "Net-(D2-Pad1)")
(node (ref U3) (pin 3))
(node (ref D2) (pin 1))
(node (ref R3) (pin 1)))
(net (code 4) (name "Net-(U1-Pad6)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 6)))
(net (code 5) (name /GPIO_A3)
(node (ref U1) (pin 19))
(node (ref P2) (pin 1)))
(net (code 6) (name /GPIO_A4)
(node (ref P2) (pin 2))
(node (ref U1) (pin 20)))
(net (code 7) (name /GPIO_A5)
(node (ref U1) (pin 21))
(node (ref P2) (pin 3)))
(net (code 8) (name "Net-(U1-Pad23)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 23)))
(net (code 9) (name /SERIAL_CTS)
(node (ref P1) (pin 1))
(node (ref U1) (pin 11)))
(net (code 10) (name /SERIAL_RTS)
(node (ref P1) (pin 5))
(node (ref U1) (pin 7)))
(net (code 11) (name "Net-(P1-Pad4)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 4)))
(net (code 12) (name "Net-(U2-Pad2)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 2)))
(net (code 13) (name +3V3)
(node (ref U3) (pin 5))
(node (ref P2) (pin 5))
(node (ref C2) (pin 1))
(node (ref U1) (pin 26))
(node (ref U2) (pin 14))
(node (ref U2) (pin 15)))
(net (code 14) (name /DEBUG_LED1)
(node (ref U1) (pin 13))
(node (ref R2) (pin 1)))
(net (code 15) (name /VUSB_5V)
(node (ref P2) (pin 6))
(node (ref U1) (pin 28)))
(net (code 16) (name GND)
(node (ref U2) (pin 6))
(node (ref D1) (pin 2))
(node (ref U2) (pin 5))
(node (ref U2) (pin 3))
(node (ref R7) (pin 1))
(node (ref D4) (pin 1))
(node (ref U2) (pin 7))
(node (ref D3) (pin 1))
(node (ref J1) (pin 4))
(node (ref U1) (pin 1))
(node (ref D2) (pin 2))
(node (ref R6) (pin 1))
(node (ref R5) (pin 1))
(node (ref U1) (pin 27))
(node (ref P1) (pin 6))
(node (ref U3) (pin 2))
(node (ref U3) (pin 1))
(node (ref U2) (pin 17))
(node (ref R8) (pin 2))
(node (ref C2) (pin 2))
(node (ref P2) (pin 4)))
(net (code 17) (name /DEBUG_LED2)
(node (ref R1) (pin 1))
(node (ref U1) (pin 14)))
(net (code 18) (name "Net-(D4-Pad2)")
(node (ref D4) (pin 2))
(node (ref R2) (pin 2)))
(net (code 19) (name "Net-(U1-Pad15)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 15)))
(net (code 20) (name "Net-(J1-Pad2)")
(node (ref J1) (pin 2))
(node (ref R8) (pin 1)))
(net (code 21) (name "Net-(U2-Pad12)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 12)))
(net (code 22) (name "Net-(D3-Pad2)")
(node (ref D3) (pin 2))
(node (ref R1) (pin 2)))
(net (code 23) (name "Net-(U1-Pad8)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 8)))
(net (code 24) (name "Net-(U1-Pad2)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 2)))
(net (code 25) (name "Net-(U1-Pad3)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 3)))
(net (code 26) (name "Net-(U1-Pad4)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 4)))
(net (code 27) (name "Net-(U1-Pad5)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 5)))
(net (code 28) (name "Net-(U1-Pad12)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 12)))
(net (code 29) (name /SERIAL_TX)
(node (ref P1) (pin 2))
(node (ref U1) (pin 10)))
(net (code 30) (name "Net-(D1-Pad1)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 16))
(node (ref D1) (pin 1)))
(net (code 31) (name /GXY_PIN)
(node (ref U1) (pin 17))
(node (ref U2) (pin 10)))
(net (code 32) (name /GZ_PIN)
(node (ref U1) (pin 18))
(node (ref U2) (pin 8)))
(net (code 33) (name /PD_SCREEN_PIN)
(node (ref U3) (pin 4))
(node (ref U1) (pin 22))
(node (ref R3) (pin 2)))
(net (code 34) (name "Net-(U2-Pad4)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 4)))
(net (code 35) (name "Net-(U2-Pad11)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 11)))
(net (code 36) (name "Net-(U2-Pad9)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 9)))
(net (code 37) (name /AUDIO_PIN)
(node (ref J1) (pin 3))
(node (ref U1) (pin 24))
(node (ref R7) (pin 2)))
(net (code 38) (name "Net-(U2-Pad1)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 1)))
(net (code 39) (name /MIC_PIN)
(node (ref U1) (pin 25))
(node (ref R4) (pin 1)))
(net (code 40) (name "Net-(U2-Pad13)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 13)))
(net (code 41) (name "Net-(U2-Pad16)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 16)))
(net (code 42) (name /SERIAL_RX)
(node (ref U1) (pin 9))
(node (ref P1) (pin 3)))))