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* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "VtsRemotelyProvisionableComponentTests"
#include <AndroidRemotelyProvisionedComponentDevice.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/security/keymint/IRemotelyProvisionedComponent.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/security/keymint/SecurityLevel.h>
#include <android/binder_manager.h>
#include <cppbor_parse.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <keymaster/cppcose/cppcose.h>
#include <keymaster/keymaster_configuration.h>
#include <keymint_support/authorization_set.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/ec_key.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <remote_prov/remote_prov_utils.h>
#include <vector>
#include "KeyMintAidlTestBase.h"
namespace aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::test {
using ::std::string;
using ::std::vector;
namespace {
PerInstance, name, \
testing::ValuesIn(VtsRemotelyProvisionedComponentTests::build_params()), \
using bytevec = std::vector<uint8_t>;
using testing::MatchesRegex;
using namespace remote_prov;
using namespace keymaster;
bytevec string_to_bytevec(const char* s) {
const uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(s);
return bytevec(p, p + strlen(s));
ErrMsgOr<MacedPublicKey> corrupt_maced_key(const MacedPublicKey& macedPubKey) {
auto [coseMac0, _, mac0ParseErr] = cppbor::parse(macedPubKey.macedKey);
if (!coseMac0 || coseMac0->asArray()->size() != kCoseMac0EntryCount) {
return "COSE Mac0 parse failed";
auto protParams = coseMac0->asArray()->get(kCoseMac0ProtectedParams)->asBstr();
auto unprotParams = coseMac0->asArray()->get(kCoseMac0UnprotectedParams)->asMap();
auto payload = coseMac0->asArray()->get(kCoseMac0Payload)->asBstr();
auto tag = coseMac0->asArray()->get(kCoseMac0Tag)->asBstr();
if (!protParams || !unprotParams || !payload || !tag) {
return "Invalid COSE_Sign1: missing content";
auto corruptMac0 = cppbor::Array();
vector<uint8_t> tagData = tag->value();
tagData[0] ^= 0x08;
tagData[tagData.size() - 1] ^= 0x80;
return MacedPublicKey{corruptMac0.encode()};
ErrMsgOr<cppbor::Array> corrupt_sig(const cppbor::Array* coseSign1) {
if (coseSign1->size() != kCoseSign1EntryCount) {
return "Invalid COSE_Sign1, wrong entry count";
const cppbor::Bstr* protectedParams = coseSign1->get(kCoseSign1ProtectedParams)->asBstr();
const cppbor::Map* unprotectedParams = coseSign1->get(kCoseSign1UnprotectedParams)->asMap();
const cppbor::Bstr* payload = coseSign1->get(kCoseSign1Payload)->asBstr();
const cppbor::Bstr* signature = coseSign1->get(kCoseSign1Signature)->asBstr();
if (!protectedParams || !unprotectedParams || !payload || !signature) {
return "Invalid COSE_Sign1: missing content";
auto corruptSig = cppbor::Array();
vector<uint8_t> sigData = signature->value();
sigData[0] ^= 0x08;
return std::move(corruptSig);
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> corrupt_sig_chain(const bytevec& encodedEekChain, int which) {
auto [chain, _, parseErr] = cppbor::parse(encodedEekChain);
if (!chain || !chain->asArray()) {
return "EekChain parse failed";
cppbor::Array* eekChain = chain->asArray();
if (which >= eekChain->size()) {
return "selected sig out of range";
auto corruptChain = cppbor::Array();
for (int ii = 0; ii < eekChain->size(); ++ii) {
if (ii == which) {
auto sig = corrupt_sig(eekChain->get(which)->asArray());
if (!sig) {
return "Failed to build corrupted signature" + sig.moveMessage();
} else {
return corruptChain.encode();
string device_suffix(const string& name) {
size_t pos = name.find('/');
if (pos == string::npos) {
return name;
return name.substr(pos + 1);
bool matching_keymint_device(const string& rp_name, std::shared_ptr<IKeyMintDevice>* keyMint) {
string rp_suffix = device_suffix(rp_name);
vector<string> km_names = ::android::getAidlHalInstanceNames(IKeyMintDevice::descriptor);
for (const string& km_name : km_names) {
// If the suffix of the KeyMint instance equals the suffix of the
// RemotelyProvisionedComponent instance, assume they match.
if (device_suffix(km_name) == rp_suffix && AServiceManager_isDeclared(km_name.c_str())) {
::ndk::SpAIBinder binder(AServiceManager_waitForService(km_name.c_str()));
*keyMint = IKeyMintDevice::fromBinder(binder);
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
class VtsRemotelyProvisionedComponentTests : public testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {
virtual void SetUp() override {
if (AServiceManager_isDeclared(GetParam().c_str())) {
::ndk::SpAIBinder binder(AServiceManager_waitForService(GetParam().c_str()));
provisionable_ = IRemotelyProvisionedComponent::fromBinder(binder);
ASSERT_NE(provisionable_, nullptr);
static vector<string> build_params() {
auto params = ::android::getAidlHalInstanceNames(IRemotelyProvisionedComponent::descriptor);
return params;
std::shared_ptr<IRemotelyProvisionedComponent> provisionable_;
using GenerateKeyTests = VtsRemotelyProvisionedComponentTests;
* Generate and validate a production-mode key. MAC tag can't be verified, but
* the private key blob should be usable in KeyMint operations.
TEST_P(GenerateKeyTests, generateEcdsaP256Key_prodMode) {
MacedPublicKey macedPubKey;
bytevec privateKeyBlob;
bool testMode = false;
auto status = provisionable_->generateEcdsaP256KeyPair(testMode, &macedPubKey, &privateKeyBlob);
vector<uint8_t> coseKeyData;
check_maced_pubkey(macedPubKey, testMode, &coseKeyData);
* Generate and validate a production-mode key, then use it as a KeyMint attestation key.
TEST_P(GenerateKeyTests, generateAndUseEcdsaP256Key_prodMode) {
// See if there is a matching IKeyMintDevice for this IRemotelyProvisionedComponent.
std::shared_ptr<IKeyMintDevice> keyMint;
if (!matching_keymint_device(GetParam(), &keyMint)) {
// No matching IKeyMintDevice.
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping key use test as no matching KeyMint device found";
KeyMintHardwareInfo info;
MacedPublicKey macedPubKey;
bytevec privateKeyBlob;
bool testMode = false;
auto status = provisionable_->generateEcdsaP256KeyPair(testMode, &macedPubKey, &privateKeyBlob);
vector<uint8_t> coseKeyData;
check_maced_pubkey(macedPubKey, testMode, &coseKeyData);
AttestationKey attestKey;
attestKey.keyBlob = std::move(privateKeyBlob);
attestKey.issuerSubjectName = make_name_from_str("Android Keystore Key");
// Generate an ECDSA key that is attested by the generated P256 keypair.
AuthorizationSet keyDesc = AuthorizationSetBuilder()
KeyCreationResult creationResult;
auto result = keyMint->generateKey(keyDesc.vector_data(), attestKey, &creationResult);
vector<uint8_t> attested_key_blob = std::move(creationResult.keyBlob);
vector<KeyCharacteristics> attested_key_characteristics =
vector<Certificate> attested_key_cert_chain = std::move(creationResult.certificateChain);
EXPECT_EQ(attested_key_cert_chain.size(), 1);
AuthorizationSet hw_enforced = HwEnforcedAuthorizations(attested_key_characteristics);
AuthorizationSet sw_enforced = SwEnforcedAuthorizations(attested_key_characteristics);
EXPECT_TRUE(verify_attestation_record("foo", "bar", sw_enforced, hw_enforced,
// Attestation by itself is not valid (last entry is not self-signed).
// The signature over the attested key should correspond to the P256 public key.
X509_Ptr key_cert(parse_cert_blob(attested_key_cert_chain[0].encodedCertificate));
EVP_PKEY_Ptr signing_pubkey;
p256_pub_key(coseKeyData, &signing_pubkey);
ASSERT_TRUE(X509_verify(key_cert.get(), signing_pubkey.get()))
<< "Verification of attested certificate failed "
<< "OpenSSL error string: " << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL);
* Generate and validate a test-mode key.
TEST_P(GenerateKeyTests, generateEcdsaP256Key_testMode) {
MacedPublicKey macedPubKey;
bytevec privateKeyBlob;
bool testMode = true;
auto status = provisionable_->generateEcdsaP256KeyPair(testMode, &macedPubKey, &privateKeyBlob);
check_maced_pubkey(macedPubKey, testMode, nullptr);
class CertificateRequestTest : public VtsRemotelyProvisionedComponentTests {
CertificateRequestTest() : eekId_(string_to_bytevec("eekid")), challenge_(randomBytes(32)) {
void generateTestEekChain(size_t eekLength) {
auto chain = generateEekChain(eekLength, eekId_);
EXPECT_TRUE(chain) << chain.message();
if (chain) testEekChain_ = chain.moveValue();
testEekLength_ = eekLength;
void generateKeys(bool testMode, size_t numKeys) {
keysToSign_ = std::vector<MacedPublicKey>(numKeys);
cborKeysToSign_ = cppbor::Array();
for (auto& key : keysToSign_) {
bytevec privateKeyBlob;
auto status = provisionable_->generateEcdsaP256KeyPair(testMode, &key, &privateKeyBlob);
ASSERT_TRUE(status.isOk()) << status.getMessage();
vector<uint8_t> payload_value;
check_maced_pubkey(key, testMode, &payload_value);
void checkProtectedData(const DeviceInfo& deviceInfo, const cppbor::Array& keysToSign,
const bytevec& keysToSignMac, const ProtectedData& protectedData,
std::vector<BccEntryData>* bccOutput = nullptr) {
auto [parsedProtectedData, _, protDataErrMsg] = cppbor::parse(protectedData.protectedData);
ASSERT_TRUE(parsedProtectedData) << protDataErrMsg;
ASSERT_EQ(parsedProtectedData->asArray()->size(), kCoseEncryptEntryCount);
auto senderPubkey = getSenderPubKeyFromCoseEncrypt(parsedProtectedData);
ASSERT_TRUE(senderPubkey) << senderPubkey.message();
EXPECT_EQ(senderPubkey->second, eekId_);
auto sessionKey =
x25519_HKDF_DeriveKey(testEekChain_.last_pubkey, testEekChain_.last_privkey,
senderPubkey->first, false /* senderIsA */);
ASSERT_TRUE(sessionKey) << sessionKey.message();
auto protectedDataPayload =
decryptCoseEncrypt(*sessionKey, parsedProtectedData.get(), bytevec{} /* aad */);
ASSERT_TRUE(protectedDataPayload) << protectedDataPayload.message();
auto [parsedPayload, __, payloadErrMsg] = cppbor::parse(*protectedDataPayload);
ASSERT_TRUE(parsedPayload) << "Failed to parse payload: " << payloadErrMsg;
EXPECT_EQ(parsedPayload->asArray()->size(), 2U);
auto& signedMac = parsedPayload->asArray()->get(0);
auto& bcc = parsedPayload->asArray()->get(1);
ASSERT_TRUE(signedMac && signedMac->asArray());
ASSERT_TRUE(bcc && bcc->asArray());
// BCC is [ pubkey, + BccEntry]
auto bccContents = validateBcc(bcc->asArray());
ASSERT_TRUE(bccContents) << "\n" << bccContents.message() << "\n" << prettyPrint(bcc.get());
ASSERT_GT(bccContents->size(), 0U);
auto [deviceInfoMap, __2, deviceInfoErrMsg] = cppbor::parse(deviceInfo.deviceInfo);
ASSERT_TRUE(deviceInfoMap) << "Failed to parse deviceInfo: " << deviceInfoErrMsg;
auto& signingKey = bccContents->back().pubKey;
auto macKey = verifyAndParseCoseSign1(signedMac->asArray(), signingKey,
cppbor::Array() // SignedMacAad
ASSERT_TRUE(macKey) << macKey.message();
auto coseMac0 = cppbor::Array()
.add(cppbor::Map() // protected
.add(cppbor::Map()) // unprotected
.add(keysToSign.encode()) // payload (keysToSign)
.add(keysToSignMac); // tag
auto macPayload = verifyAndParseCoseMac0(&coseMac0, *macKey);
ASSERT_TRUE(macPayload) << macPayload.message();
if (bccOutput) {
*bccOutput = std::move(*bccContents);
bytevec eekId_;
size_t testEekLength_;
EekChain testEekChain_;
bytevec challenge_;
std::vector<MacedPublicKey> keysToSign_;
cppbor::Array cborKeysToSign_;
* Generate an empty certificate request in test mode, and decrypt and verify the structure and
* content.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, EmptyRequest_testMode) {
bool testMode = true;
for (size_t eekLength : {2, 3, 7}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "EEK of length " << eekLength);
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, {} /* keysToSign */, testEekChain_.chain, challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
ASSERT_TRUE(status.isOk()) << status.getMessage();
checkProtectedData(deviceInfo, cppbor::Array(), keysToSignMac, protectedData);
* Ensure that test mode outputs a unique BCC root key every time we request a
* certificate request. Else, it's possible that the test mode API could be used
* to fingerprint devices. Only the GEEK should be allowed to decrypt the same
* device public key multiple times.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, NewKeyPerCallInTestMode) {
constexpr bool testMode = true;
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, {} /* keysToSign */, testEekChain_.chain, challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
ASSERT_TRUE(status.isOk()) << status.getMessage();
std::vector<BccEntryData> firstBcc;
checkProtectedData(deviceInfo, /*keysToSign=*/cppbor::Array(), keysToSignMac, protectedData,
status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, {} /* keysToSign */, testEekChain_.chain, challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
ASSERT_TRUE(status.isOk()) << status.getMessage();
std::vector<BccEntryData> secondBcc;
checkProtectedData(deviceInfo, /*keysToSign=*/cppbor::Array(), keysToSignMac, protectedData,
// Verify that none of the keys in the first BCC are repeated in the second one.
for (const auto& i : firstBcc) {
for (auto& j : secondBcc) {
ASSERT_THAT(i.pubKey, testing::Not(testing::ElementsAreArray(j.pubKey)))
<< "Found a repeated pubkey in two generateCertificateRequest test mode calls";
* Generate an empty certificate request in prod mode. This test must be run explicitly, and
* is not run by default. Not all devices are GMS devices, and therefore they do not all
* trust the Google EEK root.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, DISABLED_EmptyRequest_prodMode) {
bool testMode = false;
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, {} /* keysToSign */, getProdEekChain(), challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
* Generate a non-empty certificate request in test mode. Decrypt, parse and validate the contents.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, NonEmptyRequest_testMode) {
bool testMode = true;
generateKeys(testMode, 4 /* numKeys */);
for (size_t eekLength : {2, 3, 7}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "EEK of length " << eekLength);
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, keysToSign_, testEekChain_.chain, challenge_, &deviceInfo, &protectedData,
ASSERT_TRUE(status.isOk()) << status.getMessage();
checkProtectedData(deviceInfo, cborKeysToSign_, keysToSignMac, protectedData);
* Generate a non-empty certificate request in prod mode. This test must be run explicitly, and
* is not run by default. Not all devices are GMS devices, and therefore they do not all
* trust the Google EEK root.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, DISABLED_NonEmptyRequest_prodMode) {
bool testMode = false;
generateKeys(testMode, 4 /* numKeys */);
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, keysToSign_, getProdEekChain(), challenge_, &deviceInfo, &protectedData,
* Generate a non-empty certificate request in test mode, but with the MAC corrupted on the keypair.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, NonEmptyRequestCorruptMac_testMode) {
bool testMode = true;
generateKeys(testMode, 1 /* numKeys */);
MacedPublicKey keyWithCorruptMac = corrupt_maced_key(keysToSign_[0]).moveValue();
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, {keyWithCorruptMac}, testEekChain_.chain, challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
ASSERT_FALSE(status.isOk()) << status.getMessage();
EXPECT_EQ(status.getServiceSpecificError(), BnRemotelyProvisionedComponent::STATUS_INVALID_MAC);
* Generate a non-empty certificate request in prod mode, but with the MAC corrupted on the keypair.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, NonEmptyRequestCorruptMac_prodMode) {
bool testMode = false;
generateKeys(testMode, 1 /* numKeys */);
MacedPublicKey keyWithCorruptMac = corrupt_maced_key(keysToSign_[0]).moveValue();
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, {keyWithCorruptMac}, getProdEekChain(), challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
ASSERT_FALSE(status.isOk()) << status.getMessage();
EXPECT_EQ(status.getServiceSpecificError(), BnRemotelyProvisionedComponent::STATUS_INVALID_MAC);
* Generate a non-empty certificate request in prod mode that has a corrupt EEK chain.
* Confirm that the request is rejected.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, NonEmptyCorruptEekRequest_prodMode) {
bool testMode = false;
generateKeys(testMode, 4 /* numKeys */);
auto prodEekChain = getProdEekChain();
auto [parsedChain, _, parseErr] = cppbor::parse(prodEekChain);
ASSERT_NE(parsedChain, nullptr) << parseErr;
ASSERT_NE(parsedChain->asArray(), nullptr);
for (int ii = 0; ii < parsedChain->asArray()->size(); ++ii) {
auto chain = corrupt_sig_chain(prodEekChain, ii);
ASSERT_TRUE(chain) << chain.message();
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(testMode, keysToSign_, *chain,
challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
* Generate a non-empty certificate request in prod mode that has an incomplete EEK chain.
* Confirm that the request is rejected.
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, NonEmptyIncompleteEekRequest_prodMode) {
bool testMode = false;
generateKeys(testMode, 4 /* numKeys */);
// Build an EEK chain that omits the first self-signed cert.
auto truncatedChain = cppbor::Array();
auto [chain, _, parseErr] = cppbor::parse(getProdEekChain());
auto eekChain = chain->asArray();
ASSERT_NE(eekChain, nullptr);
for (size_t ii = 1; ii < eekChain->size(); ii++) {
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
testMode, keysToSign_, truncatedChain.encode(), challenge_, &deviceInfo, &protectedData,
ASSERT_EQ(status.getServiceSpecificError(), BnRemotelyProvisionedComponent::STATUS_INVALID_EEK);
* Generate a non-empty certificate request in test mode, with prod keys. Must fail with
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, NonEmptyRequest_prodKeyInTestCert) {
generateKeys(false /* testMode */, 2 /* numKeys */);
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
true /* testMode */, keysToSign_, testEekChain_.chain, challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
* Generate a non-empty certificate request in prod mode, with test keys. Must fail with
TEST_P(CertificateRequestTest, NonEmptyRequest_testKeyInProdCert) {
generateKeys(true /* testMode */, 2 /* numKeys */);
bytevec keysToSignMac;
DeviceInfo deviceInfo;
ProtectedData protectedData;
auto status = provisionable_->generateCertificateRequest(
false /* testMode */, keysToSign_, testEekChain_.chain, challenge_, &deviceInfo,
&protectedData, &keysToSignMac);
} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::test