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* Copyright 2021 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/bluetooth/enums.pb.h>
#include <frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/bluetooth/hci/enums.pb.h>
#include "hci/address.h"
namespace bluetooth {
namespace os {
* Unknown connection handle for metrics purpose
static const uint32_t kUnknownConnectionHandle = 0xFFFF;
* Log link layer connection event
* @param address Stack wide consistent Bluetooth address of this event,
* nullptr if unknown
* @param connection_handle connection handle of this event,
* {@link kUnknownConnectionHandle} if unknown
* @param direction direction of this connection
* @param link_type type of the link
* @param hci_cmd HCI command opecode associated with this event, if any
* @param hci_event HCI event code associated with this event, if any
* @param hci_ble_event HCI BLE event code associated with this event, if any
* @param cmd_status Command status associated with this event, if any
* @param reason_code Reason code associated with this event, if any
void LogMetricLinkLayerConnectionEvent(
const hci::Address* address,
uint32_t connection_handle,
android::bluetooth::DirectionEnum direction,
uint16_t link_type,
uint32_t hci_cmd,
uint16_t hci_event,
uint16_t hci_ble_event,
uint16_t cmd_status,
uint16_t reason_code);
* Logs when Bluetooth controller failed to reply with command status within
* a timeout period after receiving an HCI command from the host
* @param hci_cmd opcode of HCI command that caused this timeout
void LogMetricHciTimeoutEvent(uint32_t hci_cmd);
* Logs when we receive Bluetooth Read Remote Version Information Complete
* Event from the remote device, as documented by the Bluetooth Core HCI
* specification
* Reference: 5.0 Core Specification, Vol 2, Part E, Page 1118
* @param handle handle of associated ACL connection
* @param status HCI command status of this event
* @param version version code from read remote version complete event
* @param manufacturer_name manufacturer code from read remote version complete
* event
* @param subversion subversion code from read remote version complete event
void LogMetricRemoteVersionInfo(
uint16_t handle, uint8_t status, uint8_t version, uint16_t manufacturer_name, uint16_t subversion);
* Log A2DP audio buffer underrun event
* @param address A2DP device associated with this event
* @param encoding_interval_millis encoding interval in milliseconds
* @param num_missing_pcm_bytes number of PCM bytes that cannot be read from
* the source
void LogMetricA2dpAudioUnderrunEvent(
const hci::Address& address, uint64_t encoding_interval_millis, int num_missing_pcm_bytes);
* Log A2DP audio buffer overrun event
* @param address A2DP device associated with this event
* @param encoding_interval_millis encoding interval in milliseconds
* @param num_dropped_buffers number of encoded buffers dropped from Tx queue
* @param num_dropped_encoded_frames number of encoded frames dropped from Tx
* queue
* @param num_dropped_encoded_bytes number of encoded bytes dropped from Tx
* queue
void LogMetricA2dpAudioOverrunEvent(
const hci::Address& address,
uint64_t encoding_interval_millis,
int num_dropped_buffers,
int num_dropped_encoded_frames,
int num_dropped_encoded_bytes);
* Log A2DP audio playback state changed event
* @param address A2DP device associated with this event
* @param playback_state A2DP audio playback state, on/off
* @param audio_coding_mode A2DP audio codec encoding mode, hw/sw
void LogMetricA2dpPlaybackEvent(const hci::Address& address, int playback_state, int audio_coding_mode);
* Log read RSSI result
* @param address device associated with this event
* @param handle connection handle of this event,
* {@link kUnknownConnectionHandle} if unknown
* @param cmd_status command status from read RSSI command
* @param rssi rssi value in dBm
void LogMetricReadRssiResult(const hci::Address& address, uint16_t handle, uint32_t cmd_status, int8_t rssi);
* Log failed contact counter report
* @param address device associated with this event
* @param handle connection handle of this event,
* {@link kUnknownConnectionHandle} if unknown
* @param cmd_status command status from read failed contact counter command
* @param failed_contact_counter Number of consecutive failed contacts for a
* connection corresponding to the Handle
void LogMetricReadFailedContactCounterResult(
const hci::Address& address, uint16_t handle, uint32_t cmd_status, int32_t failed_contact_counter);
* Log transmit power level for a particular device after read
* @param address device associated with this event
* @param handle connection handle of this event,
* {@link kUnknownConnectionHandle} if unknown
* @param cmd_status command status from read failed contact counter command
* @param transmit_power_level transmit power level for connection to this
* device
void LogMetricReadTxPowerLevelResult(
const hci::Address& address, uint16_t handle, uint32_t cmd_status, int32_t transmit_power_level);
* Logs when there is an event related to Bluetooth Security Manager Protocol
* @param address address of associated device
* @param smp_cmd SMP command code associated with this event
* @param direction direction of this SMP command
* @param smp_fail_reason SMP pairing failure reason code from SMP spec
void LogMetricSmpPairingEvent(
const hci::Address& address, uint8_t smp_cmd, android::bluetooth::DirectionEnum direction, uint8_t smp_fail_reason);
* Logs there is an event related Bluetooth classic pairing
* @param address address of associated device
* @param handle connection handle of this event,
* {@link kUnknownConnectionHandle} if unknown
* @param hci_cmd HCI command associated with this event
* @param hci_event HCI event associated with this event
* @param cmd_status Command status associated with this event
* @param reason_code Reason code associated with this event
* @param event_value A status value related to this specific event
void LogMetricClassicPairingEvent(
const hci::Address& address,
uint16_t handle,
uint32_t hci_cmd,
uint16_t hci_event,
uint16_t cmd_status,
uint16_t reason_code,
int64_t event_value);
* Logs when certain Bluetooth SDP attributes are discovered
* @param address address of associated device
* @param protocol_uuid 16 bit protocol UUID from Bluetooth Assigned Numbers
* @param attribute_id 16 bit attribute ID from Bluetooth Assigned Numbers
* @param attribute_size size of this attribute
* @param attribute_value pointer to the attribute data, must be larger than
* attribute_size
void LogMetricSdpAttribute(
const hci::Address& address,
uint16_t protocol_uuid,
uint16_t attribute_id,
size_t attribute_size,
const char* attribute_value);
* Logs when there is a change in Bluetooth socket connection state
* @param address address of associated device, empty if this is a server port
* @param port port of this socket connection
* @param type type of socket
* @param connection_state socket connection state
* @param tx_bytes number of bytes transmitted
* @param rx_bytes number of bytes received
* @param server_port server port of this socket, if any. When both
* |server_port| and |port| fields are populated, |port| must be spawned
* by |server_port|
* @param socket_role role of this socket, server or connection
* @param uid socket owner's uid
void LogMetricSocketConnectionState(
const hci::Address& address,
int port,
int type,
android::bluetooth::SocketConnectionstateEnum connection_state,
int64_t tx_bytes,
int64_t rx_bytes,
int uid,
int server_port,
android::bluetooth::SocketRoleEnum socket_role);
* Logs when a Bluetooth device's manufacturer information is learnt
* @param address address of associated device
* @param source_type where is this device info obtained from
* @param source_name name of the data source, internal or external
* @param manufacturer name of the manufacturer of this device
* @param model model of this device
* @param hardware_version hardware version of this device
* @param software_version software version of this device
void LogMetricManufacturerInfo(
const hci::Address& address,
android::bluetooth::DeviceInfoSrcEnum source_type,
const std::string& source_name,
const std::string& manufacturer,
const std::string& model,
const std::string& hardware_version,
const std::string& software_version);
* Logs when received Bluetooth HAL crash reason report.
* @param address current connected address.
* @param error_code the crash reason from bluetooth hal
* @param vendor_error_code the vendor crash reason from bluetooth firmware
void LogMetricBluetoothHalCrashReason(
const hci::Address& address,
uint32_t error_code,
uint32_t vendor_error_code);
} // namespace os
} // namespace bluetooth